josiah1221 53
Pyramid - Hideaki Kawashima/KCG
Pyramid puzzle box designed and crafted by Hideaki Kawashima of Karakuri Creation Group.(Click the link below for the original product page with more detailed info and pictures.) cost within the US: $15 (USPS Priority 2 Day Mail)Shipping cost outside the US: $30 (USPS First Class International Mail)
USD 350.00
7 bids
Louis 79
coin bank books
A coin bank with a coin slot that is barely hidden.The larger opening to remove the coins is hidden a bit better, but not difficult.This makes it a fun coin bank for children, or for someone who has a a bunch of 11 cm high books to hide it between.Not a difficult puzzle, but a nice one to get if you do not have a coin bank puzzle yet.
USD 27.00
5 bids
ahaber 66
Secret Byway 2 Karakuri Puzzle Box. Original Unopened
Secret Byway 2 Puzzle Box! A Karakuri Group Puzzle by Hiroshi IwaharaOriginally created in 2002, I have this Never opened, original Box, with Sealed Instructions.HTF, and rarely unopened.I have owned the last 19 years, and it has been stored Indoors, at 50% Humidity for that time.Enjoy a really neat Puzzle Box!Please ask any questions or pictures if needed.$9.95 US Priority Mail ShippingOverseas TBD.
USD 200.00
1 bid
asiegel 13
Marble Cake
Marble Cake from the Karakuri "cake series" puzzles. This is a small, beautifully made puzzle box with a simple trick opening mechanism.
USD 85.00
3 bids
Matt1989T 37
Blinded 2
Blinded 2 by Dee Dixon, in very good condition. Shipping calculated at auction end based on location Any
USD 201.23
16 bids
nlondon 22
Karakuri Creation Group Christmas Gift 2020 – Safe, Kamei
Safe Japanese Puzzle Box produced as a KCG Christmas present for 2020. P-56.
USD 240.00
17 bids
fivesinatras 77
Life Savings by Dan Alterman
Dan Alterman loves making giant wooden puzzle boxes that resemble real world objects: from the vending machine of Snack Brake to the toaster of Toasted, he has now created an ATM machine puzzle box appropriately titled "Life Savings." He released a very small run of this unique puzzle, making it quite rare.Combining excellent sequential discovery mechanical puzzling with a bit of cryptography, you must unlock the secrets of the puzzle to find the clues you need to decipher the code and open the...
USD 1,200.00
7 bids
ColinLGParks 13
The Mecanigma
A steampunk-themed and roughly cubic puzzle box, designed by Christophe Laronde [aka NeoKid] of NKD Puzzle. Here's NKD's listing of this puzzle.And here is a review from Boxes and Booze.~A complex-looking, intricate journey.15 moves to open, 10 of which are sequential and 5 of which are using 5 dials to set a 5-part combination, which must be devised/intuited by the solver.NKD rates the difficulty as 3/5, and I more or less agree. Although, as the assembler, I had intimate knowledge of the mecha...
USD 1,650.00
3 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
"This is a sequential discovery puzzle box. It contains no magnets or hidden mazes"Simply open the box.Comes complete with original instructions and in the black material bag. An exchange puzzle from IPP27
USD 826.00
31 bids
ryansinatra 12
"The Answer" Puzzle Box
Description from Mr Puzzle"We often associate Puzzle Boxes where the object is to slide the side panels in a specific order to open the box with the country of Japan. But now there’s a Chinese Puzzle Box that includes a totally different and ingenious take on a similar strategy at a very affordable price.This is a very, very complex puzzle both to make and to solve for such a good price.The puzzles are manufactured in China by Zoyo for the designer.As is our normal practice with puzzles we do ...
USD 16.00
4 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Blah Box by Eric Fuller Oddball - Cherry & Holly
Blah Box is the result of the accumulation of ideas I had while trying to design a simple mechanism for the box containing the DDD Burr Puzzle. I wanted to make a simple trick opening mechanism for DDD, but in the end, discarded the idea because it would overly increase the price of the puzzle. I came out of the design session with some solid ideas, which, when combined, turned into a rather interesting box on their own. I was feeling rather "Blah" about my failure with DDD and decided to name t...
USD 315.00
25 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Lift Box by Eric Fuller 2020 Edition (RPP)
This second release of Lift Box incorporates a couple of design improvements over the last version. Customer reviews of the previous release describe the box well:"Removing the lid of the Lift Box is easy, but this does not allow to access the inside of the box and here the actual solve starts. The box has an unusual mechanism, and first time I have seen one like that. There are some carefully hidden hints in the design that give you a rough idea what may be required, but actually finding the mo...
USD 235.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Confetti Box by Eric Fuller (RPP)
Confetti Box was designed to cap off 2019, a great year which saw us make more puzzle boxes than we ever have before. It's festive, it's surprising, it's abrupt! This box went through several prototypes and redesigns, and I'm quite happy with the final result. The operation is a new concept for me and I'm eager to see how much of a challenge it proves to be.************************************************************For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you a...
USD 205.00
13 bids
Mijkel1969 95
2 Pieces by Tatsuo Miyamoto (Karakuri Creation Group)
Beautiful and unusual Karakuri puzzle box from 2015 by Tatsuo Miyamoto of the Karakuri Creation Group. I will borrow Tyler Barret's description of this puzzle box, from the 2015 "Best Puzzles of the Year" booklet:
"This lovely puzzle is unique in the Japanese secret box world. Its
opening sequence is unlike any other box that I know. The craftsmanship is excellent and the
aesthetics are fantastic with the curved ends."I've had six years of enjoyment fr...
USD 466.00
9 bids
fluorescein 86
Detective Box - Joe Guarini
Detective Box by Joe
GuariniIt’s hard to categorize this puzzle box / sequential
discovery / escape game by Joe Guarini.
But it’s beautifully made, and is a multi-step puzzle with some very
unique tools/steps. My partner and I
play many “home escape games,” and the Detective Box was definitely amenable to
a team solve. The use of electronic
components allowed some steps that were unlike anything we’ve seen in other
puzzles/games. Please see the great
review from fivesi...
USD 170.00
3 bids
fluorescein 86
Piano Box - Jean Claude Constantin
Piano Box by Jean
Claude ConstantinSequential discovery puzzle box from Constantin. Several steps to open, with tools. I thought this was one of the more fun SD
puzzle boxes from Constantin, and the piano theme looks great.This box has been solved quite a few times, as I enjoyed the
solve and we also liked sharing this one with guests. It’s in great condition though… there are no
major scuffs or marks to the wood. The
metal pins/screws show a little wear from use but no scratche...
USD 56.00
13 bids
fluorescein 86
The Castle (#5/99) - Joshua Hoogerwerf
The Castle by Joshua
Hoogerwerf (aka PrintedTech)Sequential discovery puzzle box requiring about 15 steps,
with tools, to get into the secret compartment and find the “prize.” This puzzle has the most steps compared to
the other SD puzzles that I’ve listed this time. It wasn’t overly difficult though… it’s
suggested to take 35-45 minutes to solve, and that’s about right. I thought the solve was fun with diverse
steps, nothing too blind, and a bunch of tools/pieces that p...
USD 122.00
20 bids
fluorescein 86
Brass Treasure Chest - Rocky Chiaro
Brass Treasure Chest
from Rocky Chiaro (Bits and Pieces)Small puzzle box designed by Rocky Chiaro. This is a nice reproduction from Bits and
Pieces, apparently the only puzzle box they’ve ever made in metal (’m
selling a few of these older, discontinued metal Bits and Pieces take apart or
sequential discovery puzzles. Although
most of these puzzles are not too diffic...
USD 215.00
14 bids
Augustin 9
Sequential Discovery Burred Box
The first sequential discovery burr by JunoThis six-piece burr shaped puzzle happens to have a small cavity or compartment and it requires sequential discovery movements to access the cavity using tools that belong to the puzzle itself.Is this a burr puzzle?Yes, look at the shape. It is obvious.Is this a puzzle box?Yes, because it has a compartment to keep something internally.Is this a sequential discovery puzzle?Yes, the puzzle requires tools to go onto the next step and eventually reach th...
USD 1,300.00
36 bids