pucu 125
Clouds And Sheep Orange Frame
This puzzle will be only sold only to those persons who are not taking part at the IPP exchange in Tokyo this year!!
(Laser cut plastic three layers, 3.75" x 6.75" x 3/8";
thickness are base 1/8", tray edge 1/8", pieces 1/8" back with 1/8" figures)
Problem 1:
Exchange the clouds and sheep; here are every 7 steps of a
96 rectilinear steps,
114 straight-line steps solution
(108 straight-line steps,
are also possible):
Problem 2:
Also exchange the rabbit and the sun; here a...
1 bid
tomjolly 119
Open Window
Open Window, exchange puzzle for IPP32, designed by Tom Jolly, mfg Tim and Carol Udall. Four sliding pieces in a frame (well...three after you pop out the key piece) with a slightly tricky solution. Harder to reassemble, especially if you didn't see it taken apart. There was another version of this with a closed back, but I only made 2 of them. This one, both sides are open. Weighs 10 oz with shipping box.
7 bids
nstarr 9
Sam Loyd 15/14 cracked?!
A sliding tile version of Loyd's famous 15 puzzle. William Strijbos' IPP 28 (Prague) exchange gift. A peculiar solution to an impossible puzzle.
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Large Peg Puzzle for the Blind
This 13-inch square peg puzzle was made by the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the UK. There are 33 pegs, each about one inch high. The white center peg has a metal tip to distinguish it from the others, suggesting that games such as Fox and Geese can be played with the same set. Pegs fit into holes in the standard cross pattern for the puzzle, and there are additional holes around the outside of the puzzle to store pegs as they are removed from the puzzle during jumping. The lines bet...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
3 Square Puzzler
3 Square Puzzler, 1964, Setko - Set Screw & Mfg. Co.; wood board and metal pegsObject is to exchange the position of the 9 pegs of one color with the 9 pegs of the other color in the opposite corner. This puzzle is the same as "Switch" (except Switch has wood pegs), also in this auction.The puzzle itself is excellent, but the litho on the box is in bad shape: much of the litho is removed, including the title, but the solid wood board and the metal pegs are excellent.I ship internationally. A...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Switch Peg Puzzle
Switch, ca. 1964. By Skor-Mor. Board and wood pegs.Object is to exchange the position of the 9 pegs of one color with the 9 pegs of the other color in the opposite corner. This puzzle is the same as "3 Square Puzzler" (except 3 Square has metal pegs), also in this auction. Instructions are on the bottom of the box.The puzzle itself is excellent, with a nicely patterned solid wood board. But the box has scuffs and edge wear and is taped in 3 places on and near the apron. The box bottom corners a...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Peg Puzzle Solitaire
This Milton Bradley puzzle from the early 1900s is a standard puzzle peg board of solid wood, a large 8-inches square. 31 or the 32 (or 33) nearly inch-and-a-half long blue pegs are included. Instructions inside box lid include a variation for jumping diagonally.Box is soiled, has edge wear and split corners and is missing a 1" piece of litho on 2 aprons.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currenc...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Hop-Over Puzzle
This 1920s puzzle from J. Pressman wonderful graphics on the cover, repeated on the buildup inside the box. There are 9 holes in the buildup, with 4 black and 4 white marbles. The object is to exchange the line of marbles of one color with the ones of the other color, by jumping over one marble at a time. Instructions are on the buildup and a separate solution sheet is underneath.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in th...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Think Think 34 Magic Square Puzzle
16 wood blocks make the usual magic square, the primary object of which is to arrange the numbers so all rows columns and diagonals total 34. However, there is a secondary objective which is to find a solution in each of the 12 "classes" of solutions; a class is determined by the different ways the solution can be arrived at in terms of the location of the groups of two numbers whose total = 17 (two of these classes have only 8 solutions each). Ca. 1970.Solid wood numbers 1.25 inches square and...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Standard pyramid puzzle with 3 wood posts that fit into a heavy cardboard base and 8 wood or pressed cardboard discs. Object is to move the discs, which start on one peg, stacked larges to smallest on top, to another peg, moving one disc at a time onto an empty post or on top of a larger disc. Great board illustration. "A Master Thinker Creation" from Sherm's (unmarked).I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice ...
9 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Peg Solitaire
Peg puzzle with nicely shaped purple pegs that fit into a heavy pressed cardboard base. Jump the pegs one at a time, ending with one in the middle. "A Master Thinker Creation" from Sherm's.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address: games@thebiggamehunter.com; if you wish ...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Puzzle-Peg - 1927
Peg puzzle with wood pegs that fit into a heavy pressed cardboard base. Puzzle booklet with 113 problems! Jump the pegs one at a time, ending with one in the middle. "A Master Thinker Creation" from Sherm's.1927, Lubbers & Bell Mfg. Co., Clinton, IowaI ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollar...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Drueke's Solitaire
Peg puzzle with heavy solid wood board that has 4 hollows in the corners for holding the jumped pegs. (In the photo, an optical illusion makes the hollows look like mounds.) NO PEGS! Jump the pegs one at a time, ending with one in the middle. Instructions on bottom of box include 6 other Problems to solve.Board is nice. Box is pretty rough.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, ...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Soli-Peg peg puzzle with nice illustration on the cover. Rosebud Art Co, ca. 1930s. Board is cardboard buildup with 2 metal cups as inserts to hold the pegs. Instructions and solution inside cover.Jump the pegs one at a time, ending with one in the middle. I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dol...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Pooh Fun Puzzle Container with sliding block puzzle
Pooh container for sandwiches or stuff is 5" x 5" and 2.5" deep. The puzzle part is the top: a simple 8-piece sliding block puzzle which forms the Winnie the Pooh bear watering his garden. The container comes in a cardboard sleeve. Nice Walt Disney product. Mint, unused, makes a good gift.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICA...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Frogs on a Log
8 wooden 1"-long pegs sit in a wood log illustrated with two frogs. Object is to change position of the 4 pegs of one color with the 4 of the other color by jumping one at a time. Easy to do -- BUT can you do it in the fewest amount of moves?The puzzle is from the mid to late 1960s or 1970s (possibly as late as the 1980s). Instructions inside the lid. Nice presentation, excellent condition.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address s...
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
15 Puzzle
Small sliding block puzzle from A.C. Rhodes in Clifton Springs, N.Y. Box is 2.5" square; pieces are wood, marked in red ink. A handy pocket piece.I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address: games@thebiggamehunter.com; if you wish to pay through PayPal with a credit card i...
3 bids