3 Square Puzzler, 1964, Setko - Set Screw & Mfg. Co.; wood board and metal pegs
Object is to exchange the position of the 9 pegs of one color with the 9 pegs of the other color in the opposite corner. This puzzle is the same as "Switch" (except Switch has wood pegs), also in this auction.
The puzzle itself is excellent, but the litho on the box is in bad shape: much of the litho is removed, including the title, but the solid wood board and the metal pegs are excellent.
I ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically).
NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address: games@thebiggamehunter.com; if you wish to pay through PayPal with a credit card in the USA, please add 3% and contact me for a different email address. Thank you.