Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 22 Puzzlebox (Gordian Knot)
This Stickman No. 22 is crafted from a patchwork of exotic interlocking wood pieces that sequentially slide, eventually freeing up parts that can be then recombined to form a sinlge wooden key. Additional progressions are then required to discover a hole that this key can go in to unlock its single hidden chamber. This is an incredibly intricate design, with each step seldom revealing its next step of progression.
This particular puzzle is in perfect working order, and is one of the better...
37 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 25 Puzzlebox (Milestone)
This Stickman No. 25 Puzzlebox consists of an intimidating arrangement of highly ornate and inlaid mechanics that must be figured out in order to solve the puzzle, and therefore free an original copy of the Stickman Milestone Puzzlebook found inside.
The extensive amount of detail that went into this puzzle is astounding, and only done as a special edition celebration for producing my 1000th completed puzzle. In fact, this particular puzzle was kept back for my personal collection “becaus...
39 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 8 Puzzlebox (3-Lock Box)
This Stickman No. 8 Puzzlebox is a unique in that the same move does not always produce an identical result. The logical algorithm of its internal mechanics must be deduced before its hidden drawer can be revealed, and even then there is a very ingenious tricky move left that will boggle the mind. A minimum of 18 to 40 moves are required (depending on the initial setting) in order to access its single hidden drawer.
Puzzle measures 7” x 3” x 3”, is crafted from purpleheart with mapl...
29 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 5 Puzzlebox (Borg Box)
This Stickman No. 5 Puzzlebox is crafted from maple, walnut, cherry and bloodwood, and requires a minimum of 32 moves to get open. An additional 3 moves will also allow it to come apart into more than 75 individual solid wood pieces. The puzzle uses no glue, but is entirely held together only by the shapes of its parts.
These puzzles are limited to 45 completed pieces, and this particular box is # 1 of the limited edition set. Puzzle measures 11” x 6” x 5” and comes with its orig...
65 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 7 Puzzlebox (Beast Box)
What a wonderfully insane but fun puzzle this Stickman No. 7 Puzzlebox is. It puts all sleuthing, advanced planning, strategy and memory retention skills to the test, and is definitely one that will hone all mental abilities to their sharpest point. Moving any drawer to its desired position first requires positioning the drawers on both its sides. Positioning those drawers requires doing the same for the drawers next to them (which comes back to repositioning the original drawer you were tryi...
45 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 23 Puzzlebox (Perpetual Hinge)
This Stickman No. 23 Puzzlebox places the beauty and strength of quality solid wood hinges as the focal point of is design and beauty. The only problem is that with hinges on every side, opening any lid is impossible. Lids can slide back and forth a bit on their hinge pins, but not enough to actually access any of its four compartments. The center dials on each end also turn, (sliding around internal drawers,) but this also accomplishes little in regards to getting the first lid open.
19 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 9 Puzzlebox (Snowflake)
The Stickman Snowflake puzzlebox comes closer to meeting my "personal criteria of a perfect puzzlebox” than any other puzzle crafted by me before or since. It is symmetrical, eloquent in its simplicity while moderately complex in its solution, -- all while being two puzzles in one, and being held entirely together by the shape of its pieces without any glue. It also serves a purpose in that it was originally crafted to go on a Christmas tree. This is one of the original snowflake puzzles gi...
25 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Little Kumiki Style Dog Puzzle
This Kumiki style dog puzzle is not actually a Stickman design, but was crafted and modified by Robert Yarger to be a Christmas ornament for family presents in 2004. As I clean out the many shelves of my works, I look up and here is this tiny little guy just standing there, all lonely. It just seemed a shame to leave this poor little dude all there by himself on the shelf, when all of his other puzzle friends are going out to explore the great wide world. It is made from walnut, and is a mode...
19 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman 2011 Christmas Puzzle (Pipe Box)
Stickman 2011 Christmas Present Puzzles were never publically sold, but rather given out to a few friends and family as presents. A couple of collectors managed to talk me out of my spares, so this is my last and only copy of this particular design, and I shall not make any more. This puzzle is not overly complex, and only requires 4-5 steps to solve, but it does use a unique concept to start, and opens along “seems that seem unseemly”.
The fit and finish on this puzzle is not as fine ...
27 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Ambidextrous Hexduos
These Ambidextrous Hexduos cube puzzles come as a pair and were crafted for IPP exchange in 2011. Ordinary exchange puzzle versions of this design were made from simple basswood, but these are some of the few made with intricate inlays instead. They are a very interesting design, and each box requires the other as a key to lock and unlock its secret compartment. They are featured with more background on page 36 of the Stickman book.
These puzzles do not include any instructions or limited...
29 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 16 Puzzlebox (Domino Box)
The Stickman No. 16 Puzzlebox is not only a puzzle, but also a complete set of working dominoes skillfully crafted by my good friend John Devost. Most dominoes crafted for these puzzles were made from holly, but this puzzle is one of the very few that had their dominoes made from very ornate burl instead, and they are freaking beautiful.
The only way to solve the puzzle, open the box and remove the dominoes is by tilting, poking and tapping the internal dominoes into different positions or ...
29 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 15 Puzzlebox (Sliding Tile Puzzle)
This Stickman No. 15 Puzzlebox is beautifully crafted and in perfect condition. After popping out the one loose tile, this puzzle works like any other sliding tile puzzle; though the tiles are made from wood, and instead of producing a picture, its solution will reveal a three-dimensional carving design. If you ever need a hint, a finished duplicate of the carving can be found on the base.
After the puzzle is solved, the lid of this box can slide back revealing a secret compartment. There...
37 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 4 Puzzlebox
The Stickman No. 4 has two secret compartments that can only be opened by lining up three especially inlayed wooden tiles with corresponding inlays at each end of the puzzle. Tiles can be moved to different sides or ends of this puzzle through use of a unique mechanical clutch found in the middle. Clutch hands can be pulled up to grab a tile, then pushed back down and rotated to different sides to extract them.
This puzzle is in perfect working condition but, does have a small chip on on...
21 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman No. 3 Puzzlebox
All Stickman No. 3 puzzles were a bit on the rough side, but this one is perhaps a bit rougher than most. All mechanical parts do work, but at several places have to be helped along the way. It easily comes apart with a screwdriver, so perhaps someone with a bit of woodworking skill, and piece of sandpaper, and a few hours of spare time could address the sticky spots. But for the moment, it currently falls below the noramal operation of most puzzles from this series, in that some moves stick ...
25 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman Magic Tile Lockbox
This Stickman Magic Tile Lock box is not really a puzzle, but rather more of a combination lock box. Even then, it is not much of a lock box. The 4 tiles that produce the combination happen to just have their order and direction stamped into their backs. However, replace them in any other direction or order and the unique internal mechanism will still lock the box up solid. Its mechanism was a pre-curser to the Illogical Puzzlebox much later.
Internally, it contains a sliding tray, one m...
11 bids
jchiou 51
Armadillo Case - Norman Sandfield/Kathleen Malcolmson
This is a miniature briefcase-style take-apart puzzle designed and manufactured by Kathleen Malcolmson and presented by Norman Sandfield in the most recent IPP. I know the picture shows IPP 31, but it was not presented then since Norman Sandfield was unable to attend IPP 31.
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
from we tie up a belt or paper tape well, a knot that is called"Chiyo-Musubi" is completed.In Japan, it is said to be a lucky knot.We can see it as a Chopsticks bag, and others.The craftsman wanted to make a work based on this shape.It has 19 moves, and the movements cross each other.It was much more difficult to make than expectation.Well, the shape of this "Chiyo-Musubi" is a Pentagon.I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy mor...
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
Hermit Crab Box
another of Shiro Tajima's clever boxes. After a tricky first move, little compartments come out, one by one. This is the larger size version, not the smaller recent ones.I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
11 bids
jchiou 51
New Edition First Box - William Strijbos
Here is William Strijbos' description of this puzzle:
I designed this puzzle around 1984 and it was my first puzzle box. At that time I produced only 6 of them (for Jerry Slocum – Nob. Yoshigahara – Dick Hess – Edward Hordern – James Dalgety). Now I have reproduced this design in an improved, metal version (previously it had been made of Formica or a similar material).
The challenge is: Try to get the Rod out. No Tapping required – No Magnets – No External Tools.
7 bids
DanielScher 115
Snake Ball
To solve Snake Ball, the two donuts have to be pushed into each other. A spherical pin at one donut moves inside the grooves of the other and vice verse. All grooves are cut in a helical pattern around the donuts, so the two donuts always rotate simultaneously, which is very confusing. At some point, the puzzle feels almost solved, but the donuts cannot come apart. There, you have to make the parity-changing move and then you have to solve a second maze. Both mazes are completely different, and ...
7 bids