nalpak 192
Toyo Glass Puzzle Coaster Puzzle
Toyo Glass Puzzle Coaster & Glass Puzzle - Comes with original box, some writing on box
USD 85.00
1 bid
Pottypuzzles 28
3,4 ,5 ,6 puzzle
Arrange the pieces to make 3 cubes of sides 3,4,5 units. Then use all the pieces to make a cube of side 6 units.Buyer pays paypal charges
USD 130.00
30 bids
DerekBosch 159
The Rattle
A very difficult packing puzzle by Stewart Coffin.#237 in his list of designs. one piece cannot be removed,which is the Rattle. the remaining pieces must be inserted into the box through a small hole.a small tool is included to help you reposition the pieces.
USD 46.00
15 bids
W.Steedly 18
Goal is to pack the nine pieces into the box with none protrudingBuyer pays PayPal fees
USD 24.00
13 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Betty's Baffling Bracelet
Assemble the bracelet into a self supporting rhombic dodecahedron.Exchange from IPP 27 - see Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 66.00
17 bids
dickerdixon 230
Stand By Cube 1
Stand By Cube no.1. Please read Allard Walker's comments at
USD 120.00
9 bids
nalpak 192
Toyo Glass Packed in Tokyo Packing Puzzle
Toyo Glass Packed in Tokyo - Fit the plastic figurines into the subway car - Comes with original box and packaging (shows signs of wear). One of the most famous and interesting Toyo glass designs!
USD 150.00
1 bid
Steve 149
Shamelessly copied from Eric's original sale page :"One of Stewart's earlier
works, Pyracube is a puzzle I've always wanted in my collection. I
figured since I was going to make one, my customers might want one too.
So here it is! Stewart has this to say about Pyracube:
Pyracube introduces a large family of puzzles made by joining
polyhedral blocks together different ways, in this case by using edge
beveled cubes (or to put it another way, truncated rhombic
dodecahedrons). Stra...
USD 77.00
11 bids
Steve 149
Home-Alone-Husband (PZ-058-2500) 単身赴任
From Toyo's original description :まず、底に畳を置いて下さい。①女性を除いて、単身赴任関連グッズをガラスの家の中へきちんと収まるように詰めて下さい。この時、関連の向きの指定はありません。②ある日、女性が尋ねて来ました。でも彼女(女性の形をしたブロック)を家の中に入れるためには、何かを外へ出さないと入れません。さて、外に出してしまうものは…Excludi...
USD 75.00
11 bids
Steve 149
Shot You (PZ-054-1500)「純」SHOT YOU
From Toyo's original description :"ヶのブロックを円柱の穴に差し込んで「純SHOT YOU」の文字が完成するように遊ぶパズル。A three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. Twenty five identical rounded pieces have to be attached to a cylindrical tube so that they spell out the words 'SHOT YOU'and the Japanese character 'JUN' (meaning 'pure')."I've been trying to complete my Toyo glass collection for a few years
now and this is one of a number of duplicates I have picked up in ...
USD 99.00
25 bids
W.Steedly 18
Tornado (IPP Exchange Version)
Exchange version (smaller) of 2011 IPP 31 Top Ten vote getterBuyer pays PayPal fees
USD 42.00
20 bids
DerekBosch 159
jvk's Tessellating Galaxies
An interesting tray packing puzzle by the Kanel's...12 unique pieces pack a square tray. comes with solutions.
USD 27.00
16 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Place the 5 pieces inside the frame, through the side opening.Exchange puzzle from IPP 26 from Rosemary Howbrigg
USD 60.00
18 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Edges Don't Match
Remove all the pieces and then replace them in the tray, with the hexagons facing up.Andreas's exchange from IPP 26.Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 30.00
6 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Hi H
Make a capital H usng all 5 pieces.This puzzle is now dry.Ipp 28 exchange Buyer pays Ebay fees
USD 24.00
12 bids
jfreedman 51
12 piece creating a beautiful shape. Well known Stewart Coffin design.I made a handful of these for friends and family last year and had this one left over. Great for someone who wants a less expensive copy of a great puzzle just to actually play with. This one is made from Paduak, Wenge, Chatka Viga, Maple, Osage Orange and Rosewood. The pieces are not perfect like a Lee Krasnow or a Peterson work but it goes together smoothly. The fit is best in the solution shown in the picture but there are ...
USD 280.00
4 bids
rzvvl2 57
Obstacle Box description: "Obstacle Box is the first design I have made by the talented Lucie Pauwels. A very interesting design, it combines a simple packing puzzle with a very unconventional box. Each layer of the puzzle has a sliding plank which must be properly positioned and manipulated to progress the solution. With many assemblies outside the box but only one inside the box, this is a fun solve for sure!Beautiful contrasting hardwoods give this box a distinctive look. The panels sl...
USD 75.00
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Stand By Cube 3
Stand By Cube no.3. Please read Allard Walker's comments at
USD 40.00
1 bid