bvanost 12
Outline Burr
This puzzle is a derivative of Karin Von Kanel's outline burr, designed in 2001. I have been wanting to make this for a long time, but was having trouble getting in touch with Karin. Finally I ran into her at the NYPP and she heartily agreed to give me permission to make it. Initially I wanted to make the "Ultimate" level 15.1, but when I plugged it into burrtools, no solution was to be found. I started playing around with the piece sets and decided on one which had three pairs of nicely symmetr...
USD 110.00
3 bids
rzvvl2 57
Binary Burr description: "The Binary Burr is a classic Bill Cutler design. It was awarded a First Prize at the 2003 IPP Puzzle Design Competition, and has been unavailable for several years. Here is what Bill has to say about it: "The Binary Burr is a burr that functions like a 6-ring version of the Chinese Rings. The puzzle consists of 21 pieces. One is equivalent to the ‘bar’ in a Chinese Rings puzzle, and six others are equivalent to the ‘rings’. The other 14 pieces in the p...
USD 400.00
20 bids
rzvvl2 57
Extreme Torture
Extreme Torture is a great challenging level Six board burr puzzle that hasn't gotten as much love and attention from me as it deserves, so I'm offering it up for sale to someone more deserving ;-) I believe this finely crafted puzzle is the wooden version of the popular mass-produced multi-colored plastic Gordian Knot, manufactured by Thinkfun.-------------- Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost to be calculated after the end o...
USD 120.00
7 bids
Steve 149
Sun Puzzle
From Eric's original description :"I very much enjoy
rectilinear puzzles with rotations...there's just something interesting
about non-linear moves in puzzles which look like they should not be
able to move that way. Bergmans "Sun" is nearly the platonic ideal of
such a puzzle. No edges are rounded. There's very little structure to
give hints. The solution has several dead ends, and even starting can be
quite tricky. While this is not a puzzle that will take days to solve,
it's def...
USD 90.00
16 bids
rzvvl2 57
Doors and Drawers
This 2012 IPP design competition entry hasn't gotten as much love and attention from me as it deserves, so I'm offering it up for sale to someone more deserving, and clearing some space on my puzzle shelves for some future puzzle crushes ;-) This is a great clever puzzle requiring 30 moves for full disassembly ( Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost to be calculated after the end of the auction + 3.5% paypal cha...
USD 220.00
14 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Two Face 3 (Unique Copy)
This is a unique copy of a previously released puzzle. Sometimes during a production run there is just enough extra material to make a few copies using alternate wood puzzles. Usually we share these "extras" with family and friends, but occasionally have enough left over to offer a couple here on the Marketplace with only a $.01 starting bid. This puzzle is a signed and dated Signature Series puzzle. This puzzle is shipped assembled.The first image is the alternate puzzle to be sold, the foll...
USD 170.00
33 bids
DerekBosch 159
The SCACCO F.R. OPAL Puzzle Chess Set
This 4th version (2014) will be limited to an edition of 1000 copies (without certificates). Accurately made in translucent plastic (methacrylate) it provides a very inexpensive way to enjoy Franco Rocco's puzzle chess set. Each cube is a little over 6 cm (The height of the King) and includes the 16 pieces of one side plus a locking key-piece.
USD 130.00
12 bids
rzvvl2 57
Rough Night Burr
This beautiful puzzle hasn't gotten as much love and attention from me as it deserves lately, so I'm offering it up for sale to someone more deserving, and clearing some space on my puzzle shelves for some future puzzle crushes ;-) description: "The unique shape of the Rough Night Burr is what initially caught my eye. Combine that with a very elegant set of pieces (two sets of three identical), a unique level solution, and some very very tricky moves and yo...
USD 111.00
9 bids
Account Deleted
Double Slideways Premium IPP Version (Copy #2)
This is a special copy of the Double Slideways puzzle what was made for the IPP design competition. It is much nicer than the regular Slideways puzzle. Its larger, with 1" stock instead of .75". It uses nicer woods, and has an additional triangular piece that makes the puzzle slide much nicer than the regular production version. It was made in very limited numbers, maybe a dozen total. Several were given to Ray for the design competition, and a handful were for sale on the site but they wer...
USD 92.00
25 bids
Account Deleted
Cubic Burr (Special copy solid Mahogany)
PLEASE NOTE that this is a special version made of solid mahogany which is not reflected in the pictures below!
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Tom JollyCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sapele and Carolina AshCOMMENTS:I really liked Tom's Cubic Burr 6.9 design, and when I messaged him he said he thought he could do even better. So he went back to the drawing board and came up with an iteration that has a level 5.8.8 solution. Eight moves to get the *third* piece out...this one's toug...
USD 67.28
7 bids
Account Deleted
NOS 1 - Compressed (Copy #2)
RELEASED:12.16.2015PRODUCED:55 CopiesDESIGNER:Gregory BenedettiCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:MapleCOMMENTS:With the invention of the NOS (New Old School) puzzle series, Gregory took the six piece burr format and turned it on its head. The only thing more noteworthy than the uniqueness of the series was how difficult they are to make. When he sent me the plans for them a year ago, I turned him down because it just looked like a nightmare to manufacture. I wasn't wrong...BUT...Gregory came up to m...
USD 55.00
19 bids
Account Deleted
Galaxy One
RELEASED:2.17.2016PRODUCED:46 CopiesDESIGNER:Aleksandr LeontevCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Holly and MarblewoodCOMMENTS:Aleksandr has been coming up with some unique dsigns lately, and since we here at cubicdissection like to be trendy, we decided to get on the bandwagon and make some of them. His "Galaxy" series really caught my eye with its non-traditional shape and interesting movements. While Galaxy 1 is only level 4, it's tricker than you think due to all the horizontal pieces being the sa...
USD 43.00
19 bids
Account Deleted
Hidden Pentominos (Copy #2)
RELEASED:2.17.2016PRODUCED:32 CopiesDESIGNER:Tamás VanyóCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, Camaru or ZebrawoodCOMMENTS:I've been sitting on this design for quite a while now, waiting until I had the time to make it. I really liked the meta aspect of a set of pentominos hiding inside a larger set, but I knew it would be an undertaking to craft. The frame and pieces were very time consuming, with shouldered joinery, through milling on the connector pieces, and every edge beveled on the...
USD 80.00
18 bids
Account Deleted
Double Slideways (Sappy Walnut)
Please note this is a special copy with all six pieces cut from sappy walnut, which is not reflected in the pictures below.
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Ray StantonCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sappy WalnutCOMMENTS:Ray took the Slideways design and went a lot further down the road with his Double Slideways design! With two sets of three identical notchable pieces, it's very tricky and confusing to solve. This was Rays exchange puzzle for IPP this year and from what I hear it...
USD 33.00
13 bids
Account Deleted
Six Stick Burr
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:37 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Canarywood, Goncalo Alves, Leopardwood, Rosewood, ZebrawoodCOMMENTS:Another brilliant design from Hu that's not what it seems. This six piece puzzle is actually a level 4.2 masterpiece which uses pins, holes and notches to move a lot more than you would expect. Moderate in difficulty; high in entertainment value! This is a very unique and deceptive design.Fit is superlative! May be difficult to solve in highly h...
USD 55.00
20 bids
Account Deleted
Padlock Burr (Copy #2)
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Tim AlkemaCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sappy Cherry and MarblewoodCOMMENTS:I've seen several designs lately with burr puzzles conspiring to look like other objects...a sword, an elephant...some weirdo even made one that looked like a chicken! But in my mind, none is as apropos as a padlock, so I jumped on the chance to make the Padlock Burr when it came around. Six mostly standard looking pieces interlock within the lock base for a unique and quite t...
USD 78.33
22 bids
Account Deleted
Two Burrs in a Basket (Copy #1)
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:46 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Peruvian Walnut and Carolina AshCOMMENTS:It's been three years since Logan's excellent Constrained Burr series and his baffling Two Burrs in a Corner, but he wasn't resting on his success. He was plotting, working, surpass his previous achievements. And boy did he succeed! Two Burrs in a Basket is a major accomplishment, with a level 2.25 just to get the pieces out of the basket! Here's more i...
USD 65.00
21 bids
Account Deleted
Attis (Copy #2)
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Terry SmartCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart and YellowheartCOMMENTS:I'm a sucker for puzzles which take a common shape and do fun things with them. I especially like puzzles with cage constraints...they look good and can drastically increase complexity. Attis is a good example of introducing a very simple cage, the solution of a straightforward burr becomes level 15.14.4. The contrast between the purpleheart and yellowheart makes it...
USD 44.80
20 bids
Account Deleted
Cluster with Child
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:22 CopiesDESIGNER:George BellCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash, LacewoodCOMMENTS:Octahedron with Child is a four piece puzzle which uses coordinate motion in the solution. Three identical pieces wrap around each other and the fourth key piece locks the assembly together. While not terribly difficult, the design is interesting and of course looks wonderful in fancy woods and a 19 piece RD assembly. I meant to make more of this puzzle but a miscalculation ruined about ha...
USD 46.00
15 bids