Bidder | Amount | Date |
T****e 98 | USD 110.00 | 03/23/2019 01:43:31 |
g****o 203 | USD 100.00 | 03/23/2019 01:43:31 |
g****o 203 | USD 90.00 | 03/17/2019 12:44:30 |
This puzzle is a derivative of Karin Von Kanel's outline burr, designed in 2001. I have been wanting to make this for a long time, but was having trouble getting in touch with Karin. Finally I ran into her at the NYPP and she heartily agreed to give me permission to make it. Initially I wanted to make the "Ultimate" level 15.1, but when I plugged it into burrtools, no solution was to be found. I started playing around with the piece sets and decided on one which had three pairs of nicely symmetrical mirrored pieces. While several solutions exist, a unique level 7.4 is enforced by wood type. The puzzle is shipped in a non-symmetrical level 5.2 configuration, leaving the ultimate 7.4 up to the buyer to find. The pieces are constructed with half-lap joints throughout for lasting strength and good looks. Each piece is signed and dated - 20 copies were made for sale.
Seller is responsible for all paypal fees.