Description from :
his is an
interesting 3-piece "Burr" called "New Tam's Burr R-End", designed and
crafted by Hidekuni Tamura. It was also his IPP36 Exchange Puzzle.
The concept design for this puzzle is similar to the Murbiter's Pseudo Burr.
Like the Pseudo Burr, New Tam's Burr looks like an ordinary 6-piece
burr from the outside. This one is made of a heavy exotic hardwood (I am
not sure what it is) and consist of various blocks glue together.
Construction is very good with the puzzle coming in its own box and
instructions. One thing I am not sure of is what is the meaning of the
name and the "R-End" bit?? The object is
to dis-assemble and then re-assemble the 3 pieces which when taken
apart, look uncannily similar to each other. And because of this, once
you take it apart and scramble the pieces, you may have some difficulty
putting the pieces back to the original state, particularly if you get
their orientations wrong. A rather clever design as the designer has not
only managed up the challenge quotient with similar looking pieces but
also by the way the pieces connect to each other without leaving an
voids in the centre of the puzzle.