Bidder | Amount | Date |
F****m 308 | USD 75.00 | 05/22/2021 07:47:22 |
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Here's description from Pluredro website:
"This is a very difficult interlocking burr puzzle that requires 9 moves to take the first piece apart from the assembled shape. 9 moves may not sound so complex and difficult because there are so many high level puzzles nowadays, like Meanders Box, yet finding the only one solution among 297 assemblies is quite challenging. You won't struggle so much to disassemble the puzzle but assembling all the twelve pieces without checking the solution is extremely tough.
Juno designed this puzzle in 2012 considering the use of a laser cutting machine for production. Juno made a prototype at the time but the puzzle had not been commercially produced. His wife Yukari recently produced several miniature puzzles using the CNC router as her hobby. Juno helped her to use the CNC router and thought that it might be OK to use the CNC router for larger, similar types of puzzles that have board shaped pieces. One of the problems of using a CNC router is it is impossible to have right angle concave corners because of the diameter of the milling bit. So, all of these corners are more concave following the curve of relatively smaller diameter (slightly larger diameter than the milling bits) circles. This is a common method when we use the CNC router and it didn't much affect the shape of the assembled puzzle.
The assembled shape of the puzzle has higher symmetry and the shape is like a three dimensional version of a ninja star: Shuriken. In combination with precious timber Burmese Teak, the puzzle is nice looking. All the knife edge corners of the pieces are slightly beveled so as not to cut your finger."