Boaz Feldman's B-Lock II is a trick
lock where the padlock is a working lock modified into a puzzle unlike other trick locks which are designed to be a puzzle from the beginning of the lock's construction.
It's a simple trick lock with few steps in it which serves as a fantastic lock for beginners to try
as their first trick lock. It's the second in the BLock series, but I didn't need any prior experience with the first lock to solve this one. It will be set
in its unsolved locked state.
B-Lock II is in excellent mechanical condition with a few marks on the brass.
Due to concerns about Covid, I will be disinfecting the lock and keys before sealing it in its package for delivery.
accept Paypal, but there are no extra Paypal fees, since I consider it
to be the responsibility of the seller rather than the buyer. Also it's against the rules of the CDM.
I accept Transferwise for international buyers.
I am willing to consider other payment methods.
I'm going away for Thanksgiving the same time that the auctions will
end. I will still be available to answer questions about my items. I
just won't be able to send them out until Monday, December 1st at the