Dan Feldman's Danlock is a trick
lock often mentioned as the best trick lock to ever be made. Many will often suggest it as the first trick lock for beginners. I disagree with this, because it's like having a Kobe steak as your first ever steak. Every steak afterwards will just be disappointing in comparison. You need to work your way up to this lock to better appreciate how good of a puzzle it is! But I do admit it's solvable for total novices as long people put in the effort to solve the multiple puzzles within the lock. It will be set
in its unsolved locked state.
Danlock is in good mechanical condition with a few marks and dents on the brass.
Warning - It's very fiddly and when I was performing the solution movements, I couldn't always unlock it. I'm not sure if the mechanism was always like this from the beginning or if it's from wear and tear, but I suspect the former. There is only one move that I consider to be affected by this aspect. The rest of the puzzle is mechanically perfect as far as I can tell.
Due to concerns about Covid, I will be disinfecting the lock and keys before sealing it in its package for delivery.
accept Paypal, but there are no extra Paypal fees, since I consider it
to be the responsibility of the seller rather than the buyer. Also it's against the rules of the CDM.
I accept Transferwise for international buyers.
I am willing to consider other payment methods.
I'm going away for Thanksgiving the same time that the auctions will
end. I will still be available to answer questions about my items. I
just won't be able to send them out until Monday, December 1st at the