Bidder | Amount | Date |
V****r 14 | USD 55.00 | 08/20/2020 16:36:07 |
a****e 7 | USD 54.00 | 08/20/2020 16:36:07 |
a****e 7 | USD 47.00 | 08/20/2020 16:34:42 |
V****r 14 | USD 45.00 | 08/20/2020 16:34:42 |
V****r 14 | USD 42.00 | 08/20/2020 12:40:05 |
a****o 30 | USD 40.00 | 08/20/2020 12:40:05 |
a****o 30 | USD 32.00 | 08/20/2020 12:38:54 |
V****r 14 | USD 30.00 | 08/17/2020 14:26:03 |
C****o 7 | USD 30.00 | 08/17/2020 14:26:03 |
V****r 14 | USD 11.00 | 08/16/2020 17:01:14 |
C****o 7 | USD 10.00 | 08/16/2020 17:01:14 |
C****o 7 | USD 3.50 | 08/16/2020 14:28:45 |
t****t 1 | USD 3.00 | 08/16/2020 14:28:45 |
C****o 7 | USD 2.50 | 08/16/2020 14:24:37 |
T****r 30 | USD 2.00 | 08/16/2020 14:24:37 |
C****o 7 | USD 1.00 | 08/16/2020 13:00:20 |
If you like solving one six piece burr, how about two at the same time! With a difficult level 18.6.3 solution, this puzzle is not for lightweights! Tricky and entertaining, and displays very well once solved. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood). Logan also designed a four by four burr which I will make available in the next update.
This puzzle is shipped assembled.
For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an invoice.