Bidder | Amount | Date |
g****o 203 | USD 81.00 | 06/20/2020 20:58:11 |
P****p 19 | USD 76.00 | 06/20/2020 20:58:11 |
P****p 19 | USD 74.00 | 06/17/2020 15:02:26 |
s****y 74 | USD 69.00 | 06/17/2020 15:02:26 |
s****y 74 | USD 60.00 | 06/15/2020 14:25:03 |
P****h 4 | USD 55.00 | 06/14/2020 14:06:24 |
g****o 203 | USD 51.00 | 06/14/2020 14:06:24 |
g****o 203 | USD 50.00 | 06/14/2020 12:50:19 |
Another terrific puzzle from Stephane, describe by Kevin Sadler :-
“Sucrier looks like a straightforward burr with 4 sticks in a square ring frame but there is a hidden delight which you discover early on during your exploration. It looks stunning with burr sticks made of Wenge, Padauk, Purpleheart and Acacia with what looks like a Mahogany frame. The first thing that jumped out at me apart from the colour was the delightful rounding of all the edges rather than standard bevels. It makes the puzzle really tactile – a wonderful thing to hold and play with. Within a move or 2 I discovered that the burr sticks are slightly more complex than expected – they had protrusions that stick through into the ring. The square ring is also more complex that expected – it is actually 2 rings which can slide on each other. I adore puzzles like this – there are a few early blind ends but not enough to get you lost in the solution. With a solution level of this puzzle is a perfect introduction to burrs. Everything is perfectly smooth and the pathway through to the removal of the first piece is a delight. Even the burr reassembly (after scrambling the pieces) is just so logical that reassembly is just as much fun as the disassembly. Despite being one of the easier burr puzzles that I have bought recently, Sucrier is actually one of the most fun to play with – nothing is hidden and the exploration is wonderful!”