Bidder | Amount | Date |
M****n 3 | USD 79.00 | 06/11/2017 13:44:22 |
The following is copied/pasted from Eric's original description (which can be found with his much better pictures here )
"I've always like the Altekruse and its pic based when I stumbled across Brian's version, I was interested. Brian kindly gave permission for me to make a batch, so here they are. I'll let brian explan the rest to you (i.e. I'm stealing the description from his site).
Some years ago Brian noticed a drawing of puzzle concept in Stewart Coffin's book The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections.
It would appear that there were a number of concepts created based on variations of the Alterkruse puzzle using pins and holes in each piece. Stewart also noted that by using many different design pieces, not just the standard left-hand and right-hand half/half combination of pieces, the puzzle would become even more interesting.
So, Mr Puzzle has done it. Brian actually invented one of these puzzles, making every piece different. A serious challenge.
There are 14 pieces to the puzzle, all different. The pieces have a total of 21 holes drilled in them in various formats and a matching 21 rods glued into the 14 pieces.
Fit and construction is very nice on this puzzle, not too tight, not too loose, just right. Brian made the puzzle with some fancy-dancy gold pins. I couldn't find any gold-plated walnut, so my version is offered at a 71% discount off his price :)"
The puzzle has loosened a fraction over the last five years but the nature of the puzzle means that there's no real detriment.
It will be shipped from the UK. Buyer to pay paypal fees and actual shipping cost (I'll probably use Delivery by hand will be possible to any of the usual London, Midlands or International Puzzle Parties.
As usual selling to raise funds for 3D printing supplies and more puzzles!