Bidder | Amount | Date |
g****e 6 | 70.50 | 02/11/2013 11:03:56 |
p****h 29 | 65.50 | 02/11/2013 11:03:56 |
p****h 29 | 60.00 | 02/10/2013 11:17:13 |
m****l 958 | 55.00 | 02/10/2013 11:17:13 |
m****l 958 | 55.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:29 |
w****t 17 | 51.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:29 |
w****t 17 | 50.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:22 |
m****l 958 | 48.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:22 |
w****t 17 | 46.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:14 |
m****l 958 | 44.00 | 02/09/2013 10:40:14 |
w****t 17 | 42.00 | 02/08/2013 23:08:16 |
m****l 958 | 40.00 | 02/08/2013 23:08:16 |
m****l 958 | 40.00 | 02/08/2013 23:04:06 |
w****t 17 | 39.00 | 02/08/2013 23:04:06 |
w****t 17 | 37.00 | 02/05/2013 17:28:35 |
g****z 10 | 35.00 | 02/05/2013 17:28:35 |
g****z 10 | 27.00 | 02/03/2013 20:55:58 |
y****i 56 | 25.00 | 02/03/2013 20:55:58 |
g****z 10 | 10.00 | 02/03/2013 13:20:22 |
This puzzle is a collaboration between me and Oskar van Deventer. My idea involved two pieces, where the pins of one piece connect to grooves in the other piece and vice verse. The grooves in both pieces should form a maze pattern. After some failed attempts, Oskar simplified this idea to the extreme. Each piece should have just a single pin and a single meandering groove. This way, the puzzle effectively turned into an N.G. de Bruijn "Beer Bottle Problem", see page 373 of "Puzzlers Tribute" by Wolfe & Rodgers (A.K. Peters, 2001).
The goal is to drive the little card along the path out of the taxi stand. The problem is that there is another car on the other side with its own path. Both cars have to be driven out simultaneously each keeping the exact same distance from the center. Thus it soon occurs to the observant solver that sometimes a car on one side must back up to allow the car on the other side to proceed. This sequence of forward and backward movement along a twisty path can become quite complex.
A persistent person can noodle the solution in a few minutes without remembering quite how it was done. A full analysis of the puzzle is shown below with the shortest path highlighted. Don't worry, the diagram won't give away the solution unless you have the puzzle in hand and have marked all the corners.
The puzzle is made in maple plywood and inlaid with Mozambique.