Bidder | Amount | Date |
F****x 11 | 35.00 | 06/18/2008 20:38:43 |
m****l 958 | 35.00 | 06/18/2008 13:52:57 |
S****e 149 | 35.00 | 06/17/2008 21:23:23 |
g****g 1 | 35.00 | 06/17/2008 09:08:05 |
s****y 74 | 35.00 | 06/16/2008 17:39:32 |
y****i 56 | 35.00 | 06/15/2008 21:55:25 |
z****k 52 | 35.00 | 06/15/2008 21:12:45 |
a****d 0 | 35.00 | 06/15/2008 17:31:06 |
F****x 11 | 35.00 | 06/15/2008 11:43:11 |
p****h 29 | 35.00 | 06/15/2008 03:16:54 |
t****9 3 | 35.00 | 06/14/2008 19:55:35 |
F****e 15 | 35.00 | 06/08/2008 14:15:14 |
p****u 125 | 35.00 | 06/07/2008 11:51:39 |
S****e 149 | 35.00 | 06/06/2008 17:32:51 |
S****e 149 | 35.00 | 06/06/2008 17:04:54 |
Over the past year, the team at Pacific Puzzleworks has been developing our own super-high-quality hardwood laminate product that we make ourselves by pressing together veneer cut from sustainably harvested trees (cherry, walnut and maple) using non-toxic aliphatic resin wood glue. This special puzzlemaking plywood is sanded to accurate dimension, and then laser-cut with high-resolution etching on both sides of the material. The unsurpassed quality of the resulting puzzle pieces can be seen by examining the full-size version of the photographs. The perfect fit and meticulous attention to detail is what you would expect from anything bearing a Pacific Puzzleworks logo.
As fantastic as we think these new puzzles are, and as eager as we are to start selling them on our own website, we're waiting to set that up until we've got all of the major kinks worked out of the production line, and we've got packaging and instructions sheets worked up. We expect these details to fall into place within the next few months, however Eric Fuller has agreed to let us use his website as a way to offer the puzzle collecting community a small production pre-release sale. Money earned will help finance Lee and Celeste's trip to Prague for IPP28, where we'll have more of these puzzles for sale.
Rather than listing 25 of the same auction, we're listing these as "Dutch auctions" which is an expression used to describe a way of running online auctions where there are multiple identical copies of the item for sale. CLICK HERE to read an eBay info page about how they run these kinds of auctions. Eric Fuller thinks that his auction software will behave in a similar manner.
Thank you for helping support our efforts.