dickerdixon 230
Chen's 6-Board Burr
Chen's 6 Board Burr #2 beautifully crafted by Eric. The fit is exact without being tight! Read Eric's original description at https://archive.cubicdissection.com/puzzle.php?id=76
USD 85.00
7 bids
dickerdixon 230
Hidden Pentominos
Nice concept here by Tamas Vanyo, hiding a full set of pentominoes inside an arrangement of four larger ones. Read Eric's original comments at https://archive.cubicdissection.com/puzzle.php?id=157
USD 100.00
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Pocket Pento
This is one of the prettiest packing puzzles I've seen! Read Eric's original comments at https://archive.cubicdissection.com/puzzle.php?id=244
USD 130.00
10 bids
dickerdixon 230
Nice little packing puzzle by Terry Smart. See Eric's comments at https://archive.cubicdissection.com/puzzle.php?id=40
USD 161.00
11 bids
ldytweety1 21
Split Maze Burr
This is a very nice puzzle designed by Derek Bosch. You will love this puzzle. It is madeof Purpleheart, Ash, and Acrylic. Solution included as a pdf file.
USD 110.00
2 bids
RonZezima 39
The Wanderer
Rather than butcher the description paraphrasing other people's words, I'll just forward you to an accurate description on Brian Young's website: https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/product/revenge-lock-wanderer-wil-strijbos-puzzle/ . A new puzzle retails for $191 (USD). My copy has some superficial scratches from normal play, so if that bothers you, buy a new one for the full price. My copy is a buy out for $95 (50% off). So far, I've only accomplished step 1 of the first part: 1- Discover ...
USD 94.00
0 bids
HoneyBadger 183
16 to 1 Puzzle [554-455]
Original puzzle believed to be issued in the 1990s, made of metal. Packed in original box #07-7327.Mahalo!NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.Bidding constitutes acceptance of the terms specified in the Shipping tab for this item; you must review this prior to bidding.International Shipping is av...
USD 19.00
5 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Buffalo Nickel by Oskar [553-871]
Buffalo Nickel is a solid metal 3 piece maze concealing a trapped 5¢ piece. Designed by Oskar van Deventer, more challenging than would be expected and a sure desktop or coffee table piece.Mahalo!NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.Bidding constitutes acceptance of the terms specified in the Sh...
USD 145.00
14 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Nutty Bolt #1 [550-878]
This auction is for Nutty Bolt #1 new as shipped from Pyro originally.Nutty Bolt #1 was an entry in the 2016 Puzzle Design Competition in Kyoto, Japan: https://puzzleworld.org/DesignCompetition/2016/#34Goal: Remove the nuts and washer from the bolt.NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.Bidding ...
USD 300.00
24 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Nutty Bolt #2 [550-951]
This auction is for Nutty Bolt #2 new as shipped from Pyro originally.It's bruddah bolt, Nutty Bolt #1 was an entry in the 2016 Puzzle Design Competition in Kyoto, Japan: https://puzzleworld.org/DesignCompetition/2016/#34Goal: Remove the nuts and washer from the bolt.NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bon...
USD 75.00
5 bids
HoneyBadger 183
IPP18 Oskar's Key Maze (2 types) [551-389]
Oskar's original wooden key maze IPP18 exchange puzzle, and a B&P reproduction in metal/brass.Read more here: https://oskarvandeventer.nl/1998-exchanges.htmlBoth items are included in this listing!Mahalo!NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.Bidding constitutes acceptance of the terms specified ...
USD 19.00
1 bid
HoneyBadger 183
Cricket Box [406-817]
Cricket boxes, or cages, typically conceal the manner of opening in a clever or deceptive way, making them a loose category of puzzle boxes. They are useful to store and display all manner of items, perhaps even some of your micros in your puzzle collection. Quality made from hardwoods, with carvings and lacquer finish, decorative panels as shown.Mahalo!NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzl...
USD 35.00
12 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Brass Jax by Rocky Chiaro [428-401]
The Brass Jax puzzle is a difficult "three piece" take apart puzzle made from solid brass.Numerous internal movements required to disassemble. Very well made, easy to reset. In original box with instructions.Mahalo!NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzleNo specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.Bidding constitutes acceptance of the t...
USD 95.00
9 bids
puzzleplumber 69
Heart In Heart
Heart in Heart.So I’ve realized this is slightly smaller and the lettering on the back is a different font then the newer ones that were put out a bit ago. So I am not sure if this is an older original one or why this is . Take apart or remove the heart then reassemble .Made by Wil strijbos .
USD 113.00
21 bids
puzzleplumber 69
Burrnova 3D (Magnetic Madness) 2.5
2017 puzzle design competition “jury honorable mention”Please see the two descriptions posted in the photos .This is the very first (serial number 25) of the new and improved version of the puzzle (see description in photo)Winner to pay shipping cost. I will message you after the auction to provide you with shipping cost. 5-10 USD inside the USA and 25-35 USD outside of the USA are the typical shipping cost
USD 706.00
38 bids
ateThousands 6
Doable 12
From pluredro.comThis twelve-piece board burr puzzle is very difficult, but it is doable for human beings without computer aids. Many complex burr puzzles require multiple movements to assemble/disassemble and also have thousands or millions of assemblies. These puzzles are sometimes beyond the abilities of human beings and it is impossible to solve them if you are handed disassembled pieces without clues.For example one of our products, Tangled Clip Burr, has a unique level 15 solution and has...
USD 90.00
14 bids
josiah1221 53
Extremely challenging brass Titan take apart puzzle by Felix Ure.https://www.felixure.com/product-page/titanActual shipping cost will be calculated after the auction.
USD 141.00
7 bids
puzzleplumber 69
4 piece jigsaw aluminum
4 piece jigsaw puzzle Goal is to disassemble then reassemble .
USD 44.00
15 bids
dickerdixon 230
Read Eric's description at https://archive.cubicdissection.com/puzzle.php?id=143
USD 111.00
14 bids
dickerdixon 230
One of Greg Benedetti's best in my opinion. Couple of small internal marks due to extended periods of over-zealous play(see second pic). Complete with descriptive (solution) booklet.See blogs by Allard at http://allardspuzzlingtimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/daedalus.html and Neil at http://puzzling-parts.thejuggler.net/?p=1497
USD 265.00
21 bids