JStiles 22
Essentially brand new, never solved or taken apart - just displayed on my shelf for the beautiful puzzle it is. Warning: Puzzle is assembled (as originally shipped), if you would like it disassembled please let me know before submitting payment.**Buyer to pay shipping costs, to be added to final price at end of
auction. Please wait for final invoice before submitting payment.Description from Cubic Dissection:Boxy by László Molnár is a unique packing puzzle concept. You must pack
the fiv...
USD 140.00
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Pin Block Case
Part of CD's Artisan range, this is a deceptive little packing problem and a little Renaissance Wax has made it look good on the shelf too. Read Eric's (and others') comments at Pin Block Case - Cubic Dissection – Cubicdissection
USD 65.00
5 bids
PuzzlingTime 67
This is a 3D Packing puzzle crafted by Goh Pit Khiam and crafted by Tom Lensch.The Canarywood is amongst the most beautiful I've seen with some truly striking colours in it.Sorry to let this one go, but space and funds are forcing some hard decisions.Combined shipping available.
USD 183.00
15 bids
sprince247 46
Chain Store
Ships worldwide.Item is brand new condition - never solved in original packaging.Description from Cubicdissection Website by Eric Fuller:In keeping with our theme of very unique offerings this month, Chain Store is a very unusual puzzle. The goal is simple; to fit the chain with its five interconnected links completely into the box. The solution is not so simple and very satisfying. I've been excited to make this puzzle for a while, and am very happy with the results.Items stored in moderate tem...
USD 175.00
9 bids
XamuelJones 55
Inelegant So-Ma by Haym Hirsh
Wood Wonders Item Description:Haym is at it again! Not only did he come up with another soma
variation, he made it a second soma version in the Inelegant Series! As
usual, these are quite challenging. The altered Soma pieces assemble
into a cube . . . one way! They have some assorted holes in the sides
created by the irregular pieces. Let me also add that Haym puts a lot of
thought into the name of his designs!After 6 entries in the Inelegant series, you'd think Haym would be running o...
USD 70.00
5 bids
grssam 95
Swiss Chees and Grape by Bruno Hemon
This is a Packing puzzle by Bruno Hemon which he entered in Puzzle Design Competition 2020.Goal of the puzzle is to Arrange the five pieces of Swiss cheese in the box so that the ball can drop into the top of the box, through the stack of Swiss cheese, and then out at the bottom of the box.There is an extra stack for additional bonus (but simpler) challenges. PDF file will be provided with details of all the goals.Winner to pay shipping price. Shipping can range from 20 USD using National Post t...
USD 50.00
1 bid
JStiles 22
Euklid For Kids (2nd Revised Edition)
Brand new, an extra copy that was never opened.**Buyer to pay shipping costs, to be added to final price at end of
auction. Please wait for final invoice before submitting payment.Description from Pelikan's website:Designer: Dr. Volker Latussek
This puzzle measures: 66 mm x 66 mm x 60 mm
Material: Merbau, Acacia and Padauk
Dr. Volker Latussek wrote about it:
“I was very pleased to receive the Puzzlers' Award and Jury 1st
Prize at the Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition 2020. EU...
USD 160.00
8 bids
gwennou 38
Parcel Post (2006)
Unknown designer from the beginning of the 20th century. The goal is to pack all 18 pieces of various sizes into the box, in three layers. Only three pairs of pieces share the same dimensions, some must be packed vertically. Two solutions, but trial and error won't get you anywhere. Walnut, Makore, Mahogany, Wenge.
USD 126.00
4 bids
dickerdixon 230
Spheres is an intriguing packing puzzle by Stephan Baumegger. Pack six wood pieces and three stone spheres into the box and slide the lid closed. As you can see, it looks a bit special too!
USD 235.00
24 bids
gwennou 38
Fraternal Twins
Two identically shaped pieces that must be assembled in a shape with mirror symmetry. The two different woods introduce a little visual confusion. Benji & Spalted Adler.
USD 25.00
1 bid
carlosxtorres 25
Note: The box came with a tiny dent on the top of the lid. As others have mentioned on Discord, the pieces fit very snug, but don't require too much force. From woodwonders.com:When I saw
the name for this, my mind immediately went to creating an old fashioned
"Tea Box". I thought the simple box with its relatively small
obstructions and rather plain "T'" shaped pieces provide quite the
challenge, but I felt it could use something to make it look a little fancier.
The laser work on the box...
USD 172.00
11 bids
carlosxtorres 25
Collator - Alexander Magyarics
From woodwonders.com:Alexander
Magyarics has been very busy lately and I am taking advantage of that
creativity. Here is a nice little packing puzzle. Just three piece to fit into
the box through a fairly large opening. This one gave me a workout for a while!
I also like the fact that there are 3 solutions in total. But the desired
solution gives the nicest finished look with all the openings in the box filled
with the inserted pieces. The other two solutions are rather easy and should
USD 65.00
1 bid
carlosxtorres 25
Akku - Dr. Volker Latussek
From pelikan.eu:Kevin Sadler wrote about it:
“Dr. Volker Latussek has been providing some fabulous
puzzles to Pelikan for a few years now. They are all extremely clever and
challenging – some so clever and challenging that they are beyond my abilities
(Euklid for Nick remains unsolved to my intense embarassment). In this release
we have Akku. This consists of a wonderful Acacia box and some very precisely
crafted Maple pieces to be packed inside. There are 9 L shaped pieces to be...
USD 60.00
1 bid
grssam 95
3 Packing Puzzles - Edgehog, Pepper Castor and Mouse Hole
Here are 3 wooden packing puzzles with varying difficulty:Edgehog - Designed by Goh Pit Khiam. Crafted by Tom LenschPepper Castor - Designed by Alexander Magyarics. Crafted by Pelikan PuzzlesMouse Hole - Designed by Alexander Magyarics. Crafted by Pelikan PuzzlesThe puzzles are listed roughly in order of difficulty as well. This, of course is my personal opinion.All puzzles are in perfect condition.Winner to pay shipping price. Shipping can range from 20 USD using Natio...
USD 380.00
1 bid
DanielScher 115
Akaki's Picnic Basket Puzzles
Three of Akaki's Picnic Basket puzzles—cake, hamburger, and subway—along with a single basket. For each puzzle, pack the three pieces entirely into the basket.
USD 55.00
11 bids
tynods 193
Six block puzzle
6 pieces to put together.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 37.00
2 bids
tynods 193
The Decoy
A collector's piece. Very pleasant solving.Production year 2013Original description page : https://cubicdissection.com/collections/discontinued-work/products/the-decoyAfter the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 80.00
3 bids
Steve 149
Half Hour Ball Version STC 29-A Unique?
A ball version of Half Hour. Made by Stewart Coffin and inscribed "29-A STC 2014".The cardboard box this puzzle was/is contained in describes the puzzle as unique, and having never seen one before I believe this may be the case. The quality of the wood is below Coffin's usual standards,******************************This is one of a number of rare/collectible/hard to find puzzles that I (Steve Nicholls) am selling on behalf of Ethel Brokenshire. Those who knew Laurie will understand how well ...
USD 205.00
11 bids
P0diceps 140
Magna Cube
Hello,i want to sell this older puzzle which is called Magna Cube.This puzzle was designed by Michel Emond. It was published by Family Games IQ Collection at 2004.It's a cube on a nice stand and all the pieces have little magnets and the goal is to assemble the cube.The whole box is quite huge,Shipping can be combined if you are winning more than one of my auctions. The shipping costs will be calculated after the auction. The buyer has to pay the shipping costs but of course no PayPal fees. :)P...
USD 65.00
14 bids
P0diceps 140
Mixed Nuts by The Rammer
Hello,i want to sell this 2D packing puzzle which was designed and crafted by The Rammer!The goal is to arrange all 7 pieces so that only the tiles with the matching woods touch each other.Therere are 7 different challenges in total because piece can be placed in the middle and there is only one solution per challenge!This is a nice challenging puzzle which looks awesome on the shelf.Shipping can be combined if you are winning more than one of my auctions. The shipping costs will be calculated ...
USD 63.00
10 bids