DerekBosch 159
Tantrix tile puzzle collection
Each Crazy Tantrix puzzle contains ten hex tiles. The goal is to place the tiles such that there are single continuous loops of each color.The 3-d "Rock" has rotational faces, or you can remove the faces and start from scratch.I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
3 bids
DerekBosch 159
Corner Block Puzzle
from puzzle world:A variation of Coffin's Pin Hole
puzzle which uses six 1 x 1 x 3 block bars and six dowels, all three
units long. All dowels are fastened to a bar except one. The Corner Block puzzle has a block added to each corner and fastened to one of the pieces. Very nicely made by Interlocking PuzzlesI'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
3 bids
DerekBosch 159
Four Fit
One of Stewart Coffin's best tray puzzles...It was used as an exchange puzzle for IPP27I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
Butterfly puzzle
from Butterfly Puzzle is taken from Ferdinand Lammertink's
unpublished book, 'Polyshapes, Part 1'. It is a beautiful arrangement
of the 35 hexaminoes. The hexaminoes represent all the different ways
six squares can be glued together side to side. The puzzle is made from
a phosphorescent acrylic while the tray is presented in a
phosphorescent acrylic of a contrasting color and a backing of blue
acrylic.Naturally there are thousands of ways these 35 pieces can...
7 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Nine Bed Nightmare
A nine piece packing problem where all the pieces are shaped like beds. Comes with an acrylic box that fits all the pieces in the (large) 5x5x5 cube. It is also possible (and much easier) to pack all 9 pieces into 5x4x4 plus 5x3x3 bricks. Both these problems have unique solutions. With a subset of the pieces, one can make a 4x4x4 cube or a 5x5x4 brick. Solutions included.
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Assemble the pieces into a square, but the holes in the pieces need to line up with the pegs in the tray. The fit is a bit tight on this one, but it works fine. The finish is not bad, and it has a good weight. Ships assembled. Includes Solution
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
King's Tomb
Japanese pocket puzzle. New and sealed in box! I am not certain of the goal, since the instructions on the outside are in Japanese. It looks like it has 8 pieces with a coffin and pattern of black lines on each. Perhaps try to get each coffin in its own walled-off area.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Magnetic Minipuzzle #2: Paths
Puzzle still in packaging from 1987. Place the 15 pieces in the grid so that all edges match, including those on the outside of the grid. Once this is done, try doing it so all the castles or churches are connected!
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Magnetic Minipuzzle #3: Tracks
Puzzle still in packaging from 1987. Place the 19 hex pieces in the grid to make one or more continuous loops. Has two playing grids.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Magnetic Minipuzzle #4: Stars
Puzzle still in packaging from 1987. Place the numbers 1-12 on the star so that all the straight lines add up to 26. Can you do this so the six points of the star also total 26?
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Puzzly 12
Japanese puzzle with instructions in Japanese. Put the twelve pieces together into a cube or a square. Five pieces can be used to create a smaller cube. On the back, it shows the position of one piece in the 5 piece cube, the position of one piece in the 12 piece cube, and the full square solution so you can put the damn thing away!
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
7 bids
brianpletcher 21
Exchange puzzle from Jan Grashuis and designed by Jean Bauer. An ingenious geometrical tangram about the golden ratio. New, never opened. Three types of pieces, many copies of each. They are magnetized and can be placed against the included large playing surface. Includes an interesting information sheet.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
3 bids
brianpletcher 21
Three Diamonds
Use these three diamonds to make two cubes. Solution included.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
5 bids
brianpletcher 21
Odd Ball Square
Make a square with the three pieces. IPP19 souvenier by RGee.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
1 bid
brianpletcher 21
Sue's 13 Numbers
First use the 16 white pieces to complete a square jigsaw. When that is done, turn them over to the brown side and see how much easier it is to complete wheen you have the numbers to indicate which way the pieces should be turned. You may be surprised to find that all 4 rows, 4 columns, 2 long diagonals, and corners add up to the same amount. Includes solution.
IPP23 souvenir by RGee.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks...
3 bids
brianpletcher 21
Christmas Puzzle Triangle
Use the 7 pieces to form one triangle.
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
3 bids
brianpletcher 21
Robin's Magical Pentagon
Use the five blocks to form a pentagon and receive a surprise!
Buyer pays shipping + $3 handling for the first item and $1 handling for each item after that. Thanks for bidding!
5 bids
kennith1 12
H puzzle
Designer: Vesa Timonen
Maker: Eric Fuller
Edge: 2cm
Notes: Build an H-shape using the seven piece. Includes
a carrying pouch. Reproduction of an IPP 22 Exchange puzzle.
1 bid
kennith1 12
Puzzler's Cage
Designer Junichi Yananose Craftsman / Manufacturer Eric Fuller Material Rosewood Item Size 3 3/4 Inches Fit N/A Condition New Damage None
the original description by Eric Fuller, who sold me this.. The puzzle
is mint. I started to open it, but I realized that since i am in late
60's and have neuropathy, i couldn't put it together, so didn't try. The
cellophane was slit in two plac...
2 bids
ahaber 66
B & P Houses and Factories Packing Puzzle
This is one of my favorites. Designed by Richard Hess and Distrinuted by Bits and Pieces, this puzzle is deceptively hard.
Can you pack the 3 factories and two houses in one place?
Aluminum houses, brand new in box, w/packng and instructions.
Discountinued,to the best of my knowledge.
International shipping to be determined at the end of Auction.
1 bid