tomjolly 119
Shades of Donuts- Bill Darrah - IPP29
This is a set of 60 logic puzzles created to support a somewhat generic "IQ SMART PUZZLE WHIZ" plastic puzzle. See pix. Based on the set of logic clues on each card, you position the donuts in the tray.
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Open Window, Tom Jolly / Tim Udall, IPP 2012 exchange
Open Window, design Tom Jolly, made by Tim and Carol Udall. Four pieces in a frame; take them out or put them in. Made of Sapele and Yellow Birch. Not a terribly hard puzzle, but has a satisfying solution. Harder to put together than take apart, so if you want it shipped disassembled, let me know.
33 bids
tomjolly 119
The Tornado Puzzle - wood - Pelikan IPP 31 exchange puzz
The Tornado Puzzle - 4 pieces with an open-backed wooden frame; place the four pieces in the frame (two different ways) such that they are self-supporting when you pick the frame up. An interesting design. Made by the Pelikan shop, designed by Houlis, Dyskin, Kanel-Belov, Pasternak, and Estrin, exchange puzzle for IPP31. Weight is 3 ounces.
25 bids
DerekBosch 159
Two & Four
This was Marti Reis' exchange puzzle at IPP29...designed and crafted by Wayne Danielbuyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Heart Puzzle, William Waite, 1998.
Not actually sure what he called this's not listed on his site anymore, and I don't appear to have an instruction sheet for it. "William Waite" is laser-engraved on the inside of the tray. One of his many, many laser-cut tray puzzles.
17 bids
tomjolly 119
KitchenFloor, William Waite, 1998.
Kitchen Floor puzzle from William Waite, 1998. I don't appear to have an instruction sheet for it. "William Waite" is laser-engraved on the inside of the tray. One of his many, many laser-cut tray puzzles. You're supposed to make a symmetric design with the holes; there are some notes about this on William's website. Despite there being LOTS of solutions, it's pretty difficult to assemble. I was happy to assemble it without symmetric holes. Puzzle weighs under 3 ounces.
17 bids
tomjolly 119
One Block Box Puzzle - Simon Nightingale / Manvell
Also known as the One Piece Blockhead Puzzle. This two piece puzzle has a simple objective; put the white block in the lacewood box. Unfortunately, the main hidden mechanism in the box does not appear to reset correctly, so I've never been able to "unsolve" the puzzle. Perhaps you can. As it stands, the block easily drops into the box interior. Designed by Nightengale, made by Andy and Mary Manvell. On Feb. 10, 2013 13:25:24, the following description has been added:Based on the relatively high ...
31 bids
tomjolly 119
TriangleQuorn (2006) and MixTeaser2 (2005) by William Waite
These are two teeny puzzles (about 2" each) from William Waite. The object of both is to make a symmetric configuration with the pieces in the tray. TriangleQuorn appears to no longer be on his website. The MixTeaser 2 is now called Miniature MixTeaser 2, but it's still 2" wide. Neither is particularly difficult.
21 bids
DerekBosch 159
Houses and Factories
This nice tray packing puzzle is another quite tricky puzzle by Dick Hess.It was his exchange puzzle at IPP24.two challenges, nicely laser-cut by Walter Hoppe (I believe).I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
11 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Prototype of Bill's Game
This is a 1987 prototype of an unusual three-dimensional puzzle and/or game in which blocks have to be assembled in such a way that the black areas continue from one block to the next. It comes with a photocopy of typed rules -- but they are in Italian only, so I do not know how the game/puzzle plays exactly; there are 4 pages of illustrations plus 6 Polaroid pictures of the blocks assembled in various ways; from these photos, it appears that there are design elements to the game.Bill's Game was...
13 bids
DanielScher 114
Reminiscent of Padaung Rings, this nifty little pocket puzzle is a lot of fun to solve. With a level 14.4.2 it's tricky but not impossible...once you get the correct alignment and piece selection, it flows fairly quickly.Coming in at a diminuative 2.25" on the long axis, Zauberflote will nonetheless grab your attention on the puzzle shelf thanks to the acrylic catching the light. A fun puzzle.45 copies made, each signed.
11 bids
DerekBosch 159
Trickerboard puzzle
This puzzle is a nice variant of the edge (un-)matching puzzle, Rob Hegge's exchangepuzzle at IPP29. Don't look too closely at the picture, unless you want the solution!nicely laser-cut by Walter Hoppe.I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
The Line Teaser
This is another nice tray puzzle by William Waite... Double-sided tray for two challengesI'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
25 bids
DerekBosch 159
Pack Your Gear
A challenging tray puzzle by Oskar van DeventerI'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
19 bids
tomjolly 119
Emerald Isle IPP29 exchange puzzle
Emerald Isle, exchange puzzle from IPP29, from Jim Kerley. I'm not certain who designed it; the instructions say "Jame K's Emerald Isle". So you take the one piece which has holes in it and peg it in a certain place on the map, then try to get the rest of the pieces in around it. The sheet that comes with it has 60 different starting configurations listed, most with multiple solutions, some with only 1 solution. Weight is 6 ounces.
15 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Three elaborate pieces fit together to form the geometric figure shown. But it's not easy! This 1974 puzzle from Reiss Games is a challenge.(Note - You can pay in dollars or euro, by PayPal or bank transfer, or by $ check in the U.S.)
7 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Connecticut Mutual Edge Matching Puzzle
Advertising premium for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Hartford, CT, with 9 colorful cards, paper envelope and instruction sheet.(Note - You can pay in dollars or euro, by PayPal or bank transfer, or by $ check in the U.S.)
7 bids
tomjolly 119
Magic 16 - 16 piece sphere puzzle - plastic
Magic 16 - a plastic sphere with imbedded magnets and 16 outer shell pieces (with magnets), from CHH Games. And, you will be ecstatic to learn that this has The National Parenting Center SEAL OF APPROVAL! Wow! Anyway, an interesting puzzle, amusing but not particularly difficult. It weighs 10 ounces. In original packaging, with solution sheet.
1 bid
tomjolly 119
Ico Puzzle by Peter Kaldeway
Ico Puzzle - make the shape (icosohedron) on the cover of the box using the numerous pieces inside. Comes with a cloth bag for all the pieces - 20 clear "surfaces" and 30 black "edges". Designed by Peter Kaldeway as an exchange puzzle for IPP29.
21 bids
tomjolly 119
Ox-Blox, IPP29, Toorenburg
Eight lettered blocks. You are to arrange them in lines of 3, 4, 5, or 6 blocks with words shown on each of the 4 sides of the row. Designed by Louis Toorenburg of Labyrinth Woodworks for the IPP29 exchange.Weight, 4 ounces.
1 bid