Gregory 68
N°03 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Six Hand Burr (Simon
Nightingale) good
An « exploding
cross » (Vinco) low
Moutain range : The
pentlands (Roland Koch) Good...
1 bid
Gregory 68
N°04 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Fusion of squares (Roland
Koch) Good
GETARIA) medium
Fountain game (Markus
Goetz) good
Octahedric (Rik Brou...
1 bid
Gregory 68
N°05 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Fragmented cube (Oscar
Van Deventer) good
Matriochka (Vladimir
Krasnoukhov) good
Bicubus ? (Rik
Brouwer) good
T-RIK-ubus ...
1 bid
Gregory 68
N°07 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Domino tower (Oskar Van
Deventer) good
Blockhead (Bill cutler)
Rhombic Icosahedron
(Wayne Daniel) good
in symetry (Vladim...
1 bid
Gregory 68
N°08 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Hexstick (ST Coffin, bill
Cutler) medium
The trapped man (Tom
Jolly) good
The New Cube (Wayne
Daniel) medium
Six Faces burr (...
1 bid
Gregory 68
N°10 16 Puzzles
I need place and money
to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first »
collection :
Most of these puzzles
are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of
the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of
the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Hexstick (ST Coffin, bill
Cutler) medium
Stomachion (Archimede)
Karin's rose burr (Karin
and Jurg van kanel) good
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Pocket Puzzles
A small collection of take-apart puzzles small enough to pop in your pocket. Some are fairly easy, some are maddeningly difficult. They are:-Gaia - Yavuz Demirhan, Vortex - Chi-Ren Chen, Carbo Cube - Donald Osselaer, Band Cube - William Hu, Padaung Rings - Alfons Eyckmans, N-One and Pair Dance - Osinori YamamotoAll made by Eric Fuller.
15 bids
Account Deleted
3 Little cubes by Stewart Coffin
Three little 3x3x3 cubes design by S.Coffin, from old french oak:Five piece solid block (#78C): 45 mm = 1,8 inch in a plexiglass box+ Half Hour (#29): 41 mm = 1,6 inch in a oak box+ Four piece serially interlocking cube (#93): 41 mm = 1,6 inchIt's my first attempt to do puzzle wood so it's not perfect but not so bad. Shipping cost:France : 7,25 € = 8,12 $Europe (UE) : 14,85 € =16,63 $World : 26,30 € = 29,46 $Paypal fees of 3% will be added to the price. Buyer assumes all shipping fees.
7 bids
dickerdixon 230
Tray collection
A collection of eight tray-type puzzles, each worthy of a posting of its own but easier to ship as a group! They are:-Kitchen Floor by William WaiteHeart by William WaiteDown Under by Brian YoungLean 2 -Stewart Coffin- made by Tom LenschNine Squared by Tom LenschThe Decoy -Stewart Coffin- made by Eric FullerRetroFit -Goh Pit Khiam- made by Eric FullerTom's Square Dance -Tom Jolly- made by Eric Fuller
25 bids
DerekBosch 159
assorted exchange puzzles from IPP29
included in this lot:Escape from the Web Saul BobroffSnake in the Grass James DalgetyShades of Donuts Bill DarrahFire and Air Rene DawirNext Floor Oskar van DeventerL-Pyramid Marcel GillenStar 29 Douglas EngelIPP-edron Pantazis HoulisSelf-Referential Tiles Wei-Hwa HuangEmerald Isle James KerleyTurnip Puzzle Vladimir KrasnoukhovJungle Puzzle Part 2 Yee Dian LeeBlack or White Tomas LindenDevil's Gate George MillerOne Piece Puzzle Harry NelsonMagic Fish Tsugumitsu NojiSuper H...
43 bids
dickerdixon 230
Coffin/Devost tray collection
A collection of six tray puzzles made by John Devost and all designed by Stewart coffin. I think they ought to stay together. They are:-Quintet in f - #253 - dated Nov. '12Cornucopia - #76 - dated Oct. '06Snowflake - the set of ten trihexes and tetrahexes - dated Sep.'13Christmas 2000 - #182 - dated Sep. '064 Sleazy Pieces - #169-A - dated Sep. '13No name - #176-A - dated Oct. '13
7 bids
nstarr 9
IPP29 Selection of 13 items
Pyramid in a Box
Cohen, Bram
Cutler, Bill
Eight is Enough
Potts, Frank
Sandfield, Robert E.
Banded Dovetail Puzzle
Seidman, Larry
Jam Session
Slocum, Jerry
Ball Octahedron(Coffin design,Daniel made)
Smith, Grant
Stein, Allan
a.k.a 29 + holding
Strout, Henry
The Rattle (Coffin design)
15 bids
tomjolly 119
IQ Collection - Orb, Urchin, and Periscope
IQ Collection - Orb, Urchin, and Periscope. Orb is a put-together, "create an orb (from the metal rings) and try to balance it on top of the pedestal. Reminiscent of the "nail" balancing puzzle. Urchin; balance the Urchin on the block of wood; little bit of a gimmick on this one. Periscope; remove the metal ring; a not-too-difficult solid disentanglement, but it looks nice and has a satisfying solution. Total weight; 1 lb 7 oz.
1 bid
nstarr 9
A selection of IPP29 puzzles
Puzzle Title
Alliegro, Nancy
Great Collision
Becker, Joe
Bogart, Rod
Union Squares
Bright, Lambert
The Braid
Brokenshire, Laurie
Chabala, Mike
Troubled Burr
Chin, Stephen
Ze Chinnyhedron
Dalgety, James
Snake in the Grass Puzzle
Dawir, René
Fire & Air
3 bids
nstarr 9
22 IPP26 assorted puzzles
A set of 22 of the 100 or so IPP26 Exchange puzzles, including a classic Coffin puzzle and others by well known designers.
Exchanger Puzzle title
Becker, Joe
Bosstonean Cube
Dawir, René
Boston Tea Party
Finn, Bob A.
Knockout - Coffin #211
Fisher, Ginda
Tricky Trivet
Fuller, Eric
Grebnev, Kirill
Grol, Rik van
Bin Laden
Hajek, Peter
Evict the Poltergeist
Hegge, Rob
The 1773 Tees Puzzle
Hoppe, Walt
3 bids