Bidder | Amount | Date |
m****l 958 | 90.00 | 06/07/2016 12:09:38 |
I need place and money to continue to make my workshop, so Here it's « my first » collection :
Most of these puzzles are around medium range quality.
I precise the name of the designer when I know it, I add an information about the state of the puzzle (low, average, good), and if I send you disassembled.
Shipping included
16 Puzzles :
Fusion of squares (Roland Koch) Good
Kakubo (Iñaki GETARIA) medium
Fountain game (Markus Goetz) good
Octahedric (Rik Brouwer) good
Big Knot (Oscar Van Deventer) good
Lateral thinking (brian Young) good
The nuts (Vladimir Krasnoukhov) good
« The 25 Y packing problem »
« tetrahedron in cage
Most of time, you will find some descriptions and solutions here but only in french :
Most of the time I have almost all the booklets of these 2 collections.
For the other puzzles which are not from those 2 collections, I have some of the instructions (in french, for most of them).