nalpak 192
Gradual Despair Unique Jigsaw Puzzle
Complete and excellent shape! The Rhino version!
USD 8.00
1 bid
nalpak 192
Giltig 3D IKEA Jigsaw Puzzle RARE Eyeball Version
Complete 3D Ikea eyeball spherical puzzle w/ box!
USD 10.00
1 bid
nalpak 192
Screw Loose Vintage Routefinding Maze
Very cool vintage large maze puzzle - Remove the bolt from the nut!
USD 18.00
1 bid
Pottypuzzles 28
Oskar's Cube
Can you navigate the 3d maze from the start position to the finish. Marks on cube show the start (square) and the finish (round).
USD 10.00
1 bid
Account Deleted
Quo Vadis (flawed)
This copy has some slight flaw where lacquer flowed past the protective tape and ended up inside the clear acrylic top. Function is perfect; flaw is cosmetic only
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Stephan BaumeggerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart and MapleCOMMENTS:Another maze! This one is TRICKY. The goal is to move the ball bearing from one side to the exit. Once you drop down the rabbit hole you realize that the state of the maze changes by pushing the shuttle up an...
USD 59.00
24 bids
tomjolly 119
Medallion Maze - metal - B&P 07-7078
A metal hidden maze. The top and bottom of the disk rotate. There's a hole on the top and bottom for entry and exit for the ball (which is currently inside). I seem to have no instructions for this.
USD 82.00
9 bids
RonZezima 39
Grip is a hidden maze designed by Tim Alkema. A single burr piece locked into the box by two cubes. Fit and finish are beautiful. I'm selling this puzzle to make room for future purchases. 48 puzzles were made for sale on 6/23/2016 and sold for $59 each. This auction begins at $49!
USD 64.00
4 bids
mimetag 111
Heart maze - IPP29 exchange puzzle
IPP 29 exchange puzzle by Keith Winegar.All the pieces have to be positioned correct to enable the bird to fly from one side of the heart to the other.In original packaging with information.ShippingNL: 0-10 kg € 6,95International up to 2 kg.: EUR 1 € 13,00: Most EU countries in Western EuropeEUR 2 € 18,50: Most EU countries in Eastern Europe, also the Baltics, Finland, Hungaria, Ireland, Poland, PortugalEUR 3 € 19,30: Europe: a variety of other, mostly smaller European countries and non-...
USD 35.00
1 bid
Account Deleted
Dual Maze
RELEASED:11.21.2014PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Tamás VanyóCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Bubinga, AcrylicCOMMENTS:I very much enjoyed making William Hu's "Simultaneous Maze" puzzle for the last update, so when I saw that Tamás had made a sequel using two mazes and one pin, I knew I had to make it. Vanyó's design uses an identical top and bottom plate to confuse and trick the solver. I won't say much about the solution but it's a lot of fun and not what you would expect. An excellent add...
USD 142.00
35 bids
Account Deleted
Simultaneous Maze
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Jatoba, Maple, AcrylicCOMMENTS:Even though I knew it would be a difficult project, I couldn't resist making this puzzle. It's a very unique concept and execution. The acrylic maze piece must be removed, and the three key pieces are simultaneously manipulated to achieve the goal. Very tricky and very interesting looking, this puzzle begs to be solved.Construction was tricky...the solid side spine and endgrain key...
USD 177.00
34 bids
tomjolly 119
XMatrix Cubus 3D marble maze
XMatrix Cubus 3D marble maze. An interesting variation on the metal ball-in-a-cubic maze. Plastic.
7 bids
tomjolly 119
Carved Animal Jigsaw
Very nice looking carved-animal jigsaw puzzle, not difficult but quite attractive and well-made, with each piece appearing to be hand-carved. Seven animal pieces, plus four frame pieces. The wood of the top and bottom pieces of frame have slight warpage. There's also a detachable bit of wood on the back that can act as a stand for display. I sold a similar puzzle in a prior auction. Weighs 14 ounces, plus about 8 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from Cal...
63 bids
Account Deleted
I-Scream Sandwich
IPP29 Exchange PuzzleShipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
21 bids
tomjolly 119
Carved wooden jigsaw - Lighthouse
This is a simple 3D carved jigsaw of a lighthouse scene (9 pieces) with a 4 piece frame and a backing board. The back has a slotted panel that comes out that allows you to lean it on a desk like a photo. It's pretty, and nicely made, but certainly not difficult.
27 bids
DerekBosch 159
from puzzlepalace.comThis puzzle is a collaboration between me and Oskar van Deventer. My idea involved two pieces, where the pins of one piece connect to grooves in the other piece and vice verse. The grooves in both pieces should form a maze pattern. After some failed attempts, Oskar simplified this idea to the extreme. Each piece should have just a single pin and a single meandering groove. This way, the puzzle effectively turned into an N.G. de Bruijn "Beer Bottle Problem", see page 373 of "...
19 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Debenhams Master Maze
Large, hand-held plastic maze with plexiglass cover. Ca. 2000.(Note - You can pay in dollars or euro, by PayPal or bank transfer, or by $ check in the U.S.)
15 bids