CubicdissectionExtras 536
Barzoi by Alfons Eyckmans Oddball
Another great one from Belgian burr builder Alfons Eyckmans, Barzoi is a very unique design. A twelve piece burr with interaction between the inner and outer components almost as if it behaves like a nested burr. Six outer pieces overlap six inner pieces with an offset on each axis to make this puzzle stand out when assembled.The solution is only a moderate level Don't let that fool you, this puzzle is difficult! With a few different multi-piece movements, disassembly alone is a gr...
USD 80.00
17 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Taco Cube by JinHoo Ahn (RPP)
We were surprised when JinHoo contacted us with his latest design, Taco Cube. JinHoo is a very successful puzzle designer with multiple creations manufactured by the esteemed Hanayama company. He honored us by choosing Cubicdissection to craft his latest puzzle from wood!Taco Cube is a tricky and fun assembly. This interlocking puzzle is made from two identical frame parts combined with two sets of identical pieces. While not overly difficult, the solution is exciting and satisfying.This batch o...
USD 90.00
19 bids
Mijkel1969 94
Slideways Cube by Ray Stanton (IPP35 Exchange Puzzle made by Pelikan)
First there was Slideways, Ray Stanton's iconic coordinated motion burr puzzle. Then there was Double Slideways, taking Slideways to the next level. AND THEN Ray designed the "Slideways Cube," taking the Slideways coordinated motion concept to the iconic cube form. Ray used "Slideways Cube" as his exchange puzzles at IPP35 held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 2015. "Slideways Cube" is beautifully crafted in cherry and dark oak by the prolific and popular folks at Pelikan Puzzles (Czech Rep...
USD 121.00
9 bids
Anduare 8
Rosebud - STC #39
Stewart Coffin's Rosebud #39 in Mahogany/Wenge, made by Pelikan in 2005.Six pieces can assemble in a coordinate motion
and the puzzle opens and closes, appearing like a rosebud. It can be assembled in
other configurations. The movement on this copy is good, tight when closed.
USD 70.00
3 bids
grssam 95
Dino 2 - designed by Alfons Eyckmans, made by Pelikan
Selling my copy of Dino 2 zoo burr designed by Alfons Eyckmans and crafted with very high precision by Pelikan Puzzles.This
is an intermediate level burr and should be a good second or third burr
for folks starting with zoo burrs. Find a cute little dino inside.Listing this below retail.Can combine shipping with other items. Shipping is usually 30$
worldwide, tracked, but uninsured, or we can discuss FedEx insured
USD 155.00
1 bid
Mijkel1969 94
Skewered Cubes, IPP23 Exchange Puzzle (Chicago, 2003)
"Skewered Cubes" was designed, manufactured, and exchanged by the late great perennial International Puzzle Party attendee and Puzzle Exchange participant Robert Darling. (Bob passed away in 2005, having attended IPPs 11-24, 1991-2004.) The goal of the puzzle is to assemble the twelve dowels and eight unit cubes into a 2x2x2 cube. The arrangement of the holes through the cubes yields a unique solution out of the 23,115,815,976,960 (23 trillion) ways that the eight unit cubes can be oriente...
USD 28.00
1 bid
fivesinatras 77
Bison (Pelikan / Krijnen)
Bison from Pelikan, designed by Jack KrijnenCombined Shipping available
USD 219.00
3 bids
fivesinatras 77
Wormhole Burr (Juno)
Wormhole Burr from Juno of PluredroRead more hereCombined Shipping available
USD 115.00
1 bid
fivesinatras 77
BurrBon (Fuller / Alkema)
BurrBon made by Eric Fuller, designed by Tim AlkemaRead more hereShipped partly assembled as originally from CD (see pic) Combined Shipping available
USD 125.00
1 bid
fivesinatras 77
Stand By Cube Two (CD)
Stand By Cube Two from CubicDissection
USD 60.00
1 bid
fivesinatras 77
Stand By Cube Three (CD)
Stand By Cube Three from CubicDissection
USD 60.00
1 bid
fivesinatras 77
Stand By Cube Four (CD)
Stand By Cube Four from CubicDissection(Larger than its siblings!)(Note: Eric's signature has sort of smudged off the back - see pic)Combined Shipping available
USD 90.00
1 bid
CubicdissectionExtras 536
+Burr by Stephan Baumegger Oddball
+Burr (Plus Burr) is a six-piece burr in an unconventional shape designed by Stephan Baumegger in 2015. The name derives from the negative space on each assembled face which resembles the addition symbol. With a level 8.1.2 disassembly is not trivial, but not overly challenging. I recommend disassembling and scrambling the pieces for a great assembly puzzle.We have made two variants for this release, one with light white oak and rich walnut, and another with bright ash and intricate zebrawood. T...
USD 109.00
14 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
6+6=CUBE Improved by Ishino Keiichiro (RPP)
6+6=CUBE Improved is a design dating back to 2007, Ishino's improvement of an original design 6+6=CUBE by Koji Kitajima. Twelve total pieces interlock to form either two solid notchable six-piece burrs or one twelve-piece cube. We had seen a copy of the original design by Koji Kitajima and produced by the Hikimi company from Japan on the Marketplace, and we thought it would be a great design to make available. The improved version features a cube with 2 assemblies containing no visible notches ...
USD 118.00
16 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti (RPP)
Daedalus is a masterpiece of design. Brilliantly creative and brutally difficult to both craft and solve, I've wanted to make this puzzle for a while.According to Allard Walker:"In its fully closed form, the puzzle hides all of its secrets rather well - there is literally no clue to the sheer pandemonium hiding inside in wait for an unwary puzzler. One of the pics on the Contest website shows the Daedalus with a single piece removed - and it has teeth! From that picture you can surmise that the ...
USD 415.00
24 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Grooved Three Piece Board Burr (RPP)
The Grooved Three Piece Burr by Kouki Kusumi won an honorable mention in the 2020 IPP Design Competition. This fascinating assembly has three identical pieces yet only one solution. Despite their similarity, the pieces interact uniquely to assemble into the traditional board burr shape. With a level 8.2 solution, this puzzle is approachable yet fun for all experience levels.************************************************************For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply mess...
USD 80.00
20 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Japenese Wood Joint Burr by Frans De Vreugd (RPP)
Japanese Wood Joint Burr was designed by Frans de Vreugd for the London IPP in 1999. Originally crafted in very small quantities by Wayne Daniel, Frans considers it one of his nicest designs. This burr is uniquely difficult in both concept and operation.We previously released a small batch last year, and decided to make more after a lot of positive customer feedback. This run was precisely crafted from Ash and Wenge. The fit and function are exact. Production turned out very well and is represen...
USD 85.00
16 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Japenese Wood Joint Burr by Frans De Vreugd Oddball
Japanese Wood Joint Burr was designed by Frans de Vreugd for the London IPP in 1999. Originally crafted in very small quantities by Wayne Daniel, Frans considers it one of his nicest designs. This burr is uniquely difficult in both concept and operation.We previously released a small batch last year, and decided to make more after a lot of positive customer feedback. This run was precisely crafted from Ash and Wenge. The fit and function are exact. Production turned out very well and is represen...
USD 84.00
15 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
One Match Left by Jorgos Anastasou (RPP)
One Match Left is a new three piece framed burr by Jorgos Anastasou. It is our first time working with Jorgos and we plan to bring more of his great interlocking designs to our future releases. The puzzle is a moderately difficult level 6.7.2 disassembly challenge, and with a unique solution reassembly is fun to determine the position of the small match piece trapped inside the seven unit burr pieces and frame.The frame construction features shoulder joinery with smooth rounded edges which added...
USD 93.69
18 bids
HH 17
Benedettis Rotation - Rotpack #1
This puzzle from Gregory benedetti from 2011 consist of only 2 pieces. You need 8 moves including rotations for disassembly and also for assembly the pieces. The puzzle comes with a extra wooden box to store.
USD 9.00
1 bid