CubicdissectionExtras 536
Gaia by Yavuz Demirhan
As soon as I saw the Gaia design I knew I wanted to make it. The structure is very unique, incorporating stick pieces and board pieces with a constraining cage. The unique level 11.2 solution is not as difficult as you would think, making this a fairly approachable puzzle. When solved the acrylic nicely sets off the three wood combination.Fit is very precise, and the cage features rabbited joinery for strength. Stick pieces are milled from solid wood. This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multipl...
USD 55.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Worm Cube by Emil Askerli unique woods
This release's cube offering is the very tricky and unique "Worm Cube" by Askerli. Each piece features concentric rings on two planes, which makes figuring out what goes where a very tricky endeavor. The level solution gives nothing away. I cannot stress enough how confusing and difficult this puzzle is to reassemble. You've been warned!This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an...
USD 193.00
23 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
La Taupe by Alfons Eyckmans
La Taupe is a fairly simple puzzle with a level 9 solution but I found the shape and concept so interesting that I had to try making it. I'm glad I did, the solution is fun and more confusing than you might imagine with a mere five pieces. The contrast between the Wenge and Zebrawood is beautiful. This guy is a little gem!Construction of this puzzle is outstanding, with shouldered board construction and solid milled burr pieces. Fit is excellent. This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple it...
USD 98.00
29 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Conclusion by Yavuz Demirhan
Conclusion is the most difficult of the Gem Series, with an intense level 17.8 solution. Simply disassembling it is challenging, never mind reassembly. The bone white holly pieces are a very nice contrast to the crystal clear acrylic, making this a wolf in sheep's clothing. You've been warned!Fit is very precise; stick pieces are milled from solid wood. This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will ...
USD 56.00
29 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Logical Progression by Rick Eason
Rick sent me this design a while ago and initially, I wasn't going to make it...all those holes are incredibly time-consuming to drill. He stepped in and helped with the drilling, so this is a true collaborative effort between designer and producer.Logical Progression is a very unique cube. With only one solution which must be accomplished with serial assembly, it seems at first look that this puzzle will be a trial and error nightmare. However, the puzzle is designed such that scrutiny of the p...
USD 120.00
23 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Matador by Ken Irvine unique woods
Ken Irvine is one of the best designers out there, and Matador is one of his Turning Interlocking Cubes series. The five piece puzzle has a tricky level 4.10 solution with some very unusual movements. The pieces interlock almost like rings or chain pieces, and the "ah-ha" is a very fun one indeed.Construction of this puzzle is excellent, with our usual precise yet easily moved fit we use for cubes. This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply messag...
USD 155.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Two Wheeled Cube by William Hu
Every time I think I've seen it all when it comes to 4x4 cubes, someone proves me wrong. In thie case it's Mr. Hu with his excellent "Two Wheeled Cube" design. with an odd level solution, this puzzle is moderate in difficulty but very high on the fun factor. The first four pieces form a shell around the heart of the puzzle; two identical "wheels" which rotate and dance around each other in a bewildering number of possble states. The meat of the puzzle is figuring out which state they n...
USD 265.00
27 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Band Cube by William Hu
I'm a sucker for combined board and stick burrs that display well when made with acrylic. Band Cube is one of the best such examples I've seen! Constructed with fine hardwoods and precision laser cut acrylic, it really does look great and will nicely compliment the other "jewel" type puzzles I've made in the past. With a level 5.8.2 solution, it's moderately difficult.Fit is excellent; should not have any issues with humidity. This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple items, combined shippin...
USD 55.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Triple V by Guy Brette
Guy Brette has come up with some interesting burr variations lately, and I found the "Triple V" and "Triple T" made a nice pair. The Triple V has an unusual seven unit length stick and some very unconventional cuts. Dispite being only a level 3.2.1 puzzle, it's very confusing to assemble given the shape. Quite enjoyable and a doable challenge for the experienced burr puzzle solver.Construction was done with nine different species. Fit and finish are excellent, just a bit loose in the dry weather...
USD 60.00
14 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
2-In-1 by Oskar Van Deventer 2013 edition
I made a few of these back in 2006 and always wanted to revisit the design. 2-in-1 is a twelve piece interlocking burr with a unique solution and a couple challenges; the first puzzle is to figure out what shape it makes, and the second is to make that shape. Ingenious design using full dados instead of higher level cuts actually makes finding a solution more difficult, as the open spaces concealed in the puzzle allow many more false solutions.I rounded up enough lumber to make this from 12 diff...
USD 116.00
28 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Bookend Burr by Logan Kleinwaks
When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm very glad to be able to share with you this series of Constrained burrs. I think this set is a unique concept and is likely to be a classic.The Bookend...
USD 150.00
37 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Cornered Burr by Logan Kleinwaks
When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm very glad to be able to share with you this series of Constrained burrs. I think this set is a unique concept and is likely to be a classic.The Cornere...
USD 75.00
21 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Combined Burr by Noah Prettyman
Combined Burr is just a crazy puzzle that I had to make. Six pieces come together to form the familiar burr shape. Two standard stick pieces, two board pieces and two very unusual "I'm not sure what's going on here" pieces. With a whopping level 4.18 solution, this one will keep you guessing during assembly and disassembly.Crafted with Wenge and Ash, this burr is precise and well made. Shoulder joints along the length of the board burr pieces allow for the color contrast necessary without compro...
USD 70.00
28 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Kevin's Burr by Jose W. Diaz
Designed for Kevin Sadler by Jose, this beautiful puzzle displays elegantly and is reminiscent of Bill Cutler's excellent work. While not a super high level puzzle, the shape is unusual and that adds to the complexity of solving it. I used three different woods which gives a significant clue to the solver in determining which piece goes on which axis. Given that I feel this is an approachable puzzle even for the novice puzzler, which still retaining a solid challenge for the veteran.Precision cr...
USD 152.00
37 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Burr of Nine Boxes by Andrey Ustjuzhanin Unique woods
Burr of nine boxes looks like a fairly standard nine piece burr. So why did we make it? Because the solution is a lovely level seven that's not too tricky and not too easy. This puzzle is an excellent intermediate puzzle that prompts critical thought and analysis. Made in three similar but subtly different woods it looks great on your collection shelf too!This puzzle is shipped assembled.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I wil...
USD 111.00
39 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Amatores by Alfons Eyckmans
The interesting shape of this burr is what attracted me to it initially. The unique level 12 solution was also a contributing factor. Once I figured out the color scheme and put it in production I was very pleased with the result. A definite departure from your normal six piece burr, the construction sequence is tricky and non-intuitive. The finished shape is pleasingly symmetrical and displays well.Fit is very good, should be fairly tolerant of high humidity. This puzzle is shipped assembled.Fo...
USD 71.00
18 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Happy New Year by Johan van de Konijnenburg
I've been on a bit of a complex burr tear lately. It started with the Fusion series and went from there. I was able to aquire a large amount of choice Walnut, maple and cherry, and so I've been able to keep the woods consistant and make almost a kind of set of interesting and non-conventional burrs. This update includes the last few of those puzzles, all of which should compliment each other very well on the shelf. Needless to say, they all challenge the mind as well!Happy New Year is a recent d...
USD 70.00
24 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Elena's Burr by Aleksandr Leontev
Elena's burr is an interesting variation with a lot of tricky movement. The level 13.7 solution will keep you very very busy. Disassembly alone is a feat, with lots of dead ends. Reassembly without directions is extremely difficult. Elena's burr is an elegant design, and the ability to come up with a unique solution at such high levels with simple pieces is an achievement. I really enjoyed making and playing with this one!Construction of this puzzle is superlative. Fit is dead-on and the pieces ...
USD 209.00
35 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Siamese Burr by Terry Smart
Siamese Burrs II is a delightful mashup of two traditional burrs. The level 12.4 solution has dead ends and subtlty. Were it made from a single wood, this would be an astonishingly difficult puzzle. As is, the wood choice gives the solver a fighting chance to realize this assembly...but only just! In the spirit of the NOS burrs, this is a very unique and unconventional puzzle that deserves a place on any collectors shelf.Construction of this puzzle is excellent. Fit is precise.This puzzle is shi...
USD 131.00
17 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Super Packer by Andrey Ustjuzhanin
Super Packer is another brilliant cube by Andrey. Six polyominos interlocck serially into a simple cage frame. With a unique level solution, figuring out the assembly is tricker than it looks. After a couple easy moves, there is a lot of internal reorganization necessary to progress to the final outcome. With such an open framework, the low lovel belies how difficult piece placement becomes!Finely crafted in Cherry and Wenge, manipulating the pieces of Super Packer is a tactile pleas...
USD 70.00
14 bids