megmuck 5
Juha Cube #12 AKA 18 Moves Interlocking Burr
Seven-piece Juha Cube #12, AKA 18 Moves Interlocking Burr, made by Philos, in original packaging. Like other Philos Juha cubes, puzzle comes in wooden box.Winning bidder will be invoiced for the total of the winning bid plus 4% handling fee plus shipping fee after the auction closes.
USD 15.00
1 bid
Gregory 68
If you really mix the 9 pieces, this puzzle can quickly be an enormous challenge, if you don't, it still be very big challenge ... be carefull.Winner pays shipping cost plus packagingShipping price is just an estimation (include packaging), it will be recalculate exactly.Before payement, message me at the end of the auction to calculate total exact price.For multiple items, combined shipping is available.
USD 45.00
8 bids
Gregory 68
Puzzlewood description :"description : only by the view of the puzzle a very very nice design which reminds of Stewart Coffin`s “rosebud”; the designer made here a 6 piece puzzle which should be a must for every serious collector.difficulty : the assambling of the 2 halves requires a lot of patience, skilfulness and spatial thinking more than for "rosebud"."There are 2 assemblies, like for rosebud, the solution on the photo shows the most interresting. This solution is really really unusual....
USD 197.00
22 bids
P0diceps 140
Colored Interlock
Hello,i want to sell this unique puzzle!I got it second hand so i have no information about the designer nor the creator.It is an interlocking puzzle with 9 different pieces. It's made out of wood (which is colored?).I think that it's handcrafted and that it's also maybe unique but I'm not sure as well.There a some small dents on the outside (look at the pictures) and some genius had the great idea to write a "15" with a pencil on the inner side of every piece. So it's not visible when the cube ...
USD 266.00
21 bids
Steve 149
Large 6x6x6 Closterman Cage Puzzle
This is one big 'ole 6x6x6 Closterman Cage puzzle. Crafted in Bubinga with Yellowheart and weighing about the same as 36 standard puzzle hamsters (about 2.3kg) The pieces move freely, perhaps a little loose but with 17 moves for the first piece there is no way this one will fall apart.The following text is taken from the original description when I bought the puzzle back in Jul;y 2008 :"A LARGE 6x6 CAGE PUZZLE, Custom-built to be one of the most beautiful and most challenging puzzles in the worl...
USD 270.00
29 bids
megmuck 5
Cuckoo Nest by Stewart Coffin (1977 Original)
Cuckoo Nest by Stewart Coffin (STC #21) built by Coffin ca. 1977 with original puzzle sheet, from the collection of Dr. Benjamin Muckenhoupt. There are two solutions. A previous Cubic Dissection lister wrote:"Stewart Coffin wrote in "Geometric Puzzle Design" that assembling a cluster of separate hexagonal sticks and dowels can be a puzzle but a more difficult and therefore more interesting puzzle will be made when some of the hexagonal sticks and dowels are joined to make elbow-shaped pieces. T...
USD 95.00
18 bids
PuzzleWanderer 5
The Flying Scotsman
It's hard to let it go but... Decided to sell this beauty to fund future Puzzle Wanderer content.The Flying Scotsman had a run of 50. This one is #40. The Hunter's dream.It's also monstrously challenging - in fact, so challenging that I had to use burr tools just to disassemble it, after 3 years of trying.Oof.Not only because of it's high assembly level, but also... ...well, you'll see. I don't want to spoil it.Hope it comes to good hands.Take care!
USD 600.00
6 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Tenchi by Frederic Boucher (RPP)
Tenchi is a brilliant anti-gravity packing puzzle named after a Japanese word that translates to both "Sky" and "Land," the goal is to pack the pieces into the frame so that the puzzle can be lifted and rotated without any part falling out.There are over four thousand possible assemblies, but only one unique assembly locks the pieces. While challenging, Tenchi is not impossible; analysis and experimentation provide enough insight that you may find the solution using critical thought.We used nine...
USD 130.00
20 bids
AJK 32
Cookie-ok-TIC made by Bernhard Schweitzer
"Cookie-ok-TIC" designed by Laszlo Molnar and beautifully made by Bernhard Schweitzer.While the puzzle is very nicely made, please don't expect a craftsmanship as meticulous as from e.g. Cubicdissection or the like.
Actual shipping costs
will be determined after the end of the auction. Payment can be made via SEPA
Bank-Transfer (within the EU), via PayPal or via TransferWise, should you
prefer this option.
A flat packaging and handling fee of
10 USD will be applicable and will only...
USD 135.00
26 bids
CanMan 142
Lift by Andrew Crowell
Lift by Andrew Crowell. From the master of TICs. This one does not require rotations but does have 2 balls (marbles) inside. It is a fun 20 move puzzle and takes some thinking to get it apart. This one has been solved once.From a smoke free / pet free home.Buyer will pay shipping and will be calculated at the end of the auction. Shipping will be the amount the shipping service (USPS, UPS, Fedex) charges. I do not add any fees to the shipping. I can combine shipping for multiple auctions one.I d...
USD 37.00
10 bids
tomjolly2 57
Pentapod by Steve Nicholls, for the IPP33 exchange (this one was not in the exchange, it was an extra that I traded for). Great condition. The quarter is shown for scale reference.Contact me after the auction for final cost with shipping. Puzzle is 6 ounces packed.
USD 22.00
2 bids
tynods 193
A very beautiful puzzle made by the Pelikan workshop and designed by Alfons Eyckmans6 pieces to assemble to form a nice structure.Level : the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 294.00
28 bids
tynods 193
Another design for the Star Wars fans !This one also designed by Stephan Baumegger was made by the Pelikan workshop.Level : 49 moves ( the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 295.00
12 bids
tynods 193
One of the 40 copies crafted by Eric Fuller back in 2015His original comments :This is a very unique and fun puzzle, and probably my favorite design of the update. The box captures six sliders which move around to form an evolving maze for the four identical pieces to maneuver. Moderate in difficulty but over the top in enjoyment! If you haven't noticed I really liked this one, assembling them all was actually a pleasure.The construction of this puzzle is excellent, with a perfect fit and very l...
USD 435.00
19 bids
DerekBosch 159
If you love N-ary burrs, this is for you. It allows you to make a multitude of puzzles with Binary, Ternary, Quadrinary pieces.Easiest combination has 234 moves, hardest is 3630 moves!
USD 301.00
23 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti Unique Woods (1)
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti is an utterly unique masterpiece of design. Brilliantly creative and brutally tricky, Daedalus hides its secrets well. The beautiful exterior gives no clue to the sheer pandemonium hiding inside. What appears to be a simple cube is an interlocking maze that continually changes its state with rotations, dead ends, and deception. Simple disassembly is a challenge; reassembly is genuinely an accomplishment.Daedalus is difficult to make. Each puzzle contains pieces from...
USD 500.00
43 bids
LokIKross 40
Crooked Pin Burr - Juno
This puzzle has a unique level 6 solution and
disassembling the puzzle is quite easy. However, when you assemble the
puzzle, it requires strong dexterity. The base that comes with the burr
puzzle will help you to assemble it. It is still tricky to assemble
When Juno was preparing the Koto timber stocks that are used for the
original versions of Crooked 6 Piece Burr, he found distinct color
variances to the Koto timber that is used for the lighter color part. He
didn't w...
USD 85.00
2 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Double Slideways by Ray Stanton (RPP)
Double Slideways is a brilliant design and I'm glad we found time to make it again! This is a re-release of Ray's excellent exchange puzzle we last produced in 2014. The exchange edition was in a smaller format and fully notched for production efficiency. This remake is in a larger size and features augmented construction with a triangular stock insert. As a result, there is less void space once assembled, giving this edition smoother operation and more stability in the solved state.For multipl...
USD 150.00
15 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Tabula Cube by Yavuz Demirhan (RPP)
Tabula Cube is a very interesting puzzle. The 3x3 cube format is augmented with eighteen smaller planks which connect with the cubes to make nine different shapes. The level 1.7.2 solution is tricky to disassemble and very challenging to assemble. Tabula is a lot of work to make, with 45 component pieces and very precise gluing requirements. We may not sell it out immediately but that's's a unique puzzle and I'm looking forward to having a copy in my own collection.For multiple items, co...
USD 140.00
16 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti (RPP)
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti is an utterly unique masterpiece of design. Brilliantly creative and brutally tricky, Daedalus hides its secrets well. The beautiful exterior gives no clue to the sheer pandemonium hiding inside. What appears to be a simple cube is an interlocking maze that continually changes its state with rotations, dead ends, and deception. Simple disassembly is a challenge; reassembly is genuinely an accomplishment.Daedalus is difficult to make. Each puzzle contains pieces from...
USD 525.00
40 bids