CubicdissectionExtras 536
Grooved Three Piece Board Burr by Kouki Kusumi Oddball
The Grooved Three Piece Burr by Kouki Kusumi won an honorable mention in the 2020 IPP Design Competition. This fascinating assembly has three identical pieces yet only one solution. Despite their similarity, the pieces interact uniquely to assemble into the traditional board burr shape. With a level 8.2 solution, this puzzle is approachable yet fun for all experience levels.************************************************************For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply mess...
USD 93.00
23 bids
PuzzDude 55
3 TIC’s!!!! TriumviraTIC, LocomoTIC & LogisTIC
3 beautiful TIC’s by the master TIC maker, Andrew Crowell. Never got around to attempting these three, except for a quick session on LocomoTIC. All are classified under the middle range of difficulty of his TIC creations. TriumviraTICLocomoTICLogisTIC
USD 395.00
23 bids
dickerdixon 230
This has been my favourite 'fidget' puzzle. It feels so good in the hands and I can disassemble it blindfold now. A 6-piece board burr designed by Frans de Vreugd and made by Tom Lensch it has become something of an enigma, as my limited research has shown, because this combination of woods, wenge with holly spacers and tulipwood feathers, appears to have been used almost exclusively for its big brother 'Extreme Torture' . I have searched, without success, for a similar copy of 'Extreme To...
USD 345.00
25 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Pin Prick by William Hu (RPP)
The Pin Cubes series by William Hu are three new cubes based on a 3x3x3 structure. By including drilled holes and pins, each puzzle in the set takes advantage of this format in a different way and creates three very different experiences. Designed to be tricky in both disassembly as well as assembly, they are a new take on an old idea, and well worth a look. Pinprick (Goncalo Alves) is the middle difficulty and takes advantage of its form to include an unusual step that will amuse any solver ex...
USD 70.00
11 bids
JohnDevost 31
Diagonal Burr by John Devost (Canuck)
I made this puzzle back in 2001 from Walnut.It can be considered one of my very first puzzles that for years was a close relatives keepsake who has now passed on.Obviously not very challenging as far as puzzles go but it does display nicely. I originally used pure Tung Oil as a finish but quickly realized the ‘error in my ways’, and moved on to a Lacquer finish and subsequently adding the ‘Beall Triple Buffing’ method. I gave this puzzle a thorough Buffing and added a Conservator’s...
USD 50.00
1 bid
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti Oddball
"Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti is an utterly unique masterpiece of design. Brilliantly creative and brutally tricky, Daedalus hides its secrets well. The beautiful exterior gives no clue to the sheer pandemonium hiding inside. What appears to be a simple cube is an interlocking maze that continually changes its state with rotations, dead ends, and deception. Simple disassembly is a challenge; reassembly is genuinely an accomplishment.
Daedalus is difficult to make. Each puzzle contains pieces...
USD 350.00
18 bids
PuzzDude 55
Tropical Fish + bonus puzzle
Tropical Fish was a super limited release from Brian at Wood Winders back in 2019. Such a beautifully crafted burr puzzle with each piece gliding perfectly between each other. I don’t have a laptop anymore nor access to Burr tools and I unfortunately have one piece removed from the puzzle. You’ll want to obtain the file from Brian and put back together before you start your win journey. I apologize for this. Puzzle offers the following difficulty:’m throwing in Cubi...
USD 134.00
6 bids
tynods 193
Convolution Ball
Very nice ball puzzle.This the the famous Stewart Coffin's Convolution puzzle turned into a nice looking ball.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 197.00
15 bids
jfortune41 16
Macron TIC - Laszlo Molnar
From - "The Macaron is a simple 4x4x3 TIC (Turning Interlocking cube) puzzle designed by László Molnár in 2020; my first TIC build! Three unique pieces fit inside the two large frame pieces that must be rotated and manipulated to solve, but there is only one solution. The DomesTIC variant is made from reclaimed domestic woods; the white woods are a mixture of Oak, Maple, Cherry, Beech and Ash while the contrasting color wood is Walnut and Cedar. Other reclaimed woods maybe peppere...
USD 220.00
47 bids
Mijkel1969 95
Identity IA, Frans de Vreugd IPP38 exchange puzzle made by Pelikan
Identity IA is a precision crafted puzzle by the famous Pelikan workshop, and was used by perennial Puzzle Exchange participant Frans de Vreugd as his exchange puzzle at IPP38, held in San Diego California in 2018. The object of the puzzle is to disassemble it, and then reassemble the pieces in the frame such that none protrude from the frame. Assembly and disassembly of the puzzle each require fourteen steps. The beauty of the puzzle is enhanced by the contrasting woods used for the frame...
USD 77.00
2 bids
Mijkel1969 95
Lockdown (271-A), Stewart Coffin designed and made for IPP35 Exchange
Lockdown is Stewart Coffin's design number 271-A, made for perennial Puzzle Exchange participant Rob Jones for his exchange puzzle at IPP35, held in Ottawa Canada in 2015. The object of the puzzle is to combine the three pieces to form a pyramid WITHIN THE FRAME. The puzzle is hand-crafted by the great Stewart Coffin himself, and includes a typical Stewart Coffin poem as the instruction sheet. I will include a sealed copy of the solution to Lockdown from the IPP35 exchange booklet.
USD 45.00
1 bid
CubicdissectionExtras 536
DDD Burr Set Aluminum (RPP)
This collaboration is one I've been looking forward to for a while. Darryl designed this excellent 12 piece set, with pieces precision machined in either brass or aluminum by Bryan and contained inside a precision-crafted box by Fuller. Darryl describes the burr set below:
"In the 1970s, Bill Cutler published a complete summary of the solid 6-piece burrs that could be formed from "notchable" pieces. He presented a set of 42 pieces that would make all 314 solid, notchable puzzles. I wanted a s...
USD 110.00
19 bids
dickerdixon 230
One of Andrew's TIC series. Read Brian's description at TriumviraTIC – Wood Wonders (
USD 140.00
15 bids
Steve 149
Hexagonal Prism : Stewart Coffin (11)
Hexagonal Prism : Six dissimilar pieces assemble one way. This puzzle is in excellent condition and is inscribed STC 1984. It is probably made from Rosewood, Mahogany and Limba.******************************This is one of a number of rare/collectible/hard to find puzzles that I (Steve Nicholls) am selling on behalf of Ethel Brokenshire. Those who knew Laurie will understand how well these have been looked after. The puzzles are being listed with modest starting prices, please bid generously....
USD 538.00
33 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Boxy by László Molnár Oddball
"Boxy by László Molnár is a unique packing puzzle concept. You must pack the five simple pieces into a clever box with a rotating and connected top/bottom panel. Joined by a dowel, the top and bottom move together and therefore limit access to the interior. As the box fills with pieces, the movement of the lid is increasingly restricted. Despite multiple possible configurations, you can assemble only one in a particular order. Boxy is a fun, challenging puzzle.
I'm thrilled with how this...
USD 176.00
18 bids
tynods 193
Mochalov Nr. 12
12 pieces for an unusual level puzzle. year : 2006)After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 101.00
15 bids
tynods 193
5 pieces, level 21.Original info page : the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 155.00
15 bids
P0diceps 140
Chinese Zig Zag
Hello,i want to sell this old puzzle from New Zealand which is called Chinese Zig Zag.The production company was Prosford Industries LTD which existed from 1950 to 1991.So the puzzle is at least 30 years old but in pretty good condition!Shipping can be combined if you are winning more than one of my auctions. The shipping costs will be calculated after the auction. The buyer has to pay the shipping costs but of course no PayPal fees. :)Please contact me if you have any questions about shipping...
USD 95.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Burrbon by Tim Alkema (RPP)
BurrBon is an utterly unique Interlocking Burr Puzzle. What could be better than a six-piece burr? How about a six-piece burr inside another six-piece burr? There are several ways to build the inner and out burrs separately, but only one possible configuration assembles them together. The interaction between inner and outer pieces is what makes this an extraordinarily difficult puzzle.
The construction of BurrBon required just the right balance of tolerances to allow the inner burr to move sm...
USD 152.00
25 bids