rzvvl2 57
Arjeu 18 pc Burr (name unknown)
18 Piece Burr.
Shipping cost will be calculated after the end of the auction. Winning bidder will pay the actual postage amount plus $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional item to pay for packaging costs. Please add 3.5% for paypal payment.
1 bid
rzvvl2 57
Boards And Sticks with Frame
Details below copied and pasted from CubicDissection.com
30 Copies
Gregory Benedetti
Eric Fuller
Wenge, Bubinga, Leopardwood
This is a fantastic design. Two sets of six identical pieces come together for a unique level 9.6 solution...and that's thinking outside the box! The SAME six pieces go together inside the cage with a unique level 12.5 solution.
Really an elegant and diffic...
14 bids
rzvvl2 57
Nicholas et Fridolin
6 pieces form a burr in a cage.
Excellent Fit and Finish
Shipping cost will be calculated after the end of the auction. Winning bidder will pay the actual postage amount plus $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional item to pay for packaging costs. Please add 3.5% for paypal payment.
14 bids
rzvvl2 57
Stick Stack of Sticks
As described on Bernhard Schweitzer's Puzzlewood.de site:
designed by
Bill Darrah (USA) 2002
six dissimilar pieces, glued from always three planks in different directions should be interlocked in that way, that the result will be a squareshaped pack
some unusual interlocking moves are necessary for to find the solution
produced from:
mahagony+cherry or palisander/amaranth+maple
7x7x3 cm
Excellent Fit and Finish
Shipping cost will be cal...
25 bids
FrancoisMatte 15
Caged Knot
A classic design from Tom Jolly. Very precise work.Difficulty: level 13. A lot harder to solve than it looks.Fit is perfect.
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
Paduang Rings
from cubicdissection.comWhen I saw this design on Ishino's site, I couldn't resist asking Alfons's permission to make it. A neat little puzzle, with a tricky level 24 solution. The contrast between the solid exotic wood and shiny acrylic makes this display like a little gem once solved. It's worth noting that this is physically a very small puzzle due to the unit size being enforced by the .22 acrylic thickness.I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(b...
15 bids
Account Deleted
Four Piece Burr Cube
This is a personal copy I held back for my collection.RELEASED:9.15.2010PRODUCED:30 CopiesDESIGNER:Osanori YamamotoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Bubinga / GranadilloCOMMENTS:This clever puzzle shows major design chops. Using four identical, simple pieces and a cage, Yamamoto created a level 9.2.5 beauty with only one solution. Definitely one of those "Why didn't I think of that?" situations; I am nevertheless priveleged to make it despite not being clever enough to think of it. Fun to solve, a n...
15 bids
Account Deleted
Self Framing Burr
This item was held back for my personal collection.RELEASED:5.6.2010PRODUCED:29 CopiesDESIGNER:Ronald Kint-BruynseelsCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart / Meranti BalauCOMMENTS:Ry designed this and it sat there for a while before I decided to make it. He poopoo'd it at first, saying it really wasn't that interesting...but I disagree. I think it's a neat concept, and very well concieved and executed by him. With a level 6.4 solution it's pretty fun too. A lot of the normal framed burrs are ...
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Cube In Cage 333
from cubicdissection.com:I have always been a huge fan of this design. The simplicity of the concept combined with the amazing result of the implementation leaves me in awe. I wish I could think up stuff like this!!This puzzle is really eight challanges in one. The goal is to assemble each cube inside the walnut frame. Solving the cubes outside of the frame is trivial, but the limitations the frame introduces makes inserting the cube difficult and confusing. The frame movement is limited by four...
27 bids
FrancoisMatte 15
Very beautifull puzzle from Jose Diaz.
Very precise work.
Almost invisible scratchs that were there when I got the puzzle brand new.
Fit is just perfect. A little bit loose but the puzzle holds itself together.
15 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Three Piece Whatsit
This was my exchange puzzle at IPP31 in Berlin. The goal is to assemble the three pieces into a "symmetrical shape". This puzzle can be sent assembled or unassembled, your preference. Probably more difficult unassembled, as you have to figure out what the final shape is.
1 bid
FrancoisMatte 15
Very impressive puzzle by it’s size and contrasting woods.
Puzzle has littles glitches but I got the puzzle like that from the start. Nothing too visible.
This puzzle was part of the 2003 IPP Puzzle Design Competition.
9 bids
FrancoisMatte 15
Beautifull puzzle.
I had lot of fun with this puzzle.
Puzzle has littles glitches but I got the puzzle like that from the start. Nothing too visible.
7 bids
DerekBosch 159
Chain Link puzzle
This is one of my own designs, called ChainLink... It is a 12 piece burr based on the classic 3 piece board burr.I've connected two "links" of the 3 piece board burr at right angles to form the puzzle pieces. 7 pieces of one handedness,and 5 pieces of the other handedness makes a very difficult puzzle with a unique solution.Level Laser-cut from a very nice piece of 1/4" acrylic...http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~uy7t-isn/Puzzle/ChainLink/I'm selling these puzzles because I no l...
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
Puzzle Palace Board Burrs
Here's a collection of very nice board burrs, made by George Miller at the Puzzle Palace,they are designs by Jim Gooch (Handshake), Dic Sonneveld (9 piece board burr), andFranz De Vreugd (Zigzag, Torture, and Extreme Torture). I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
13 bids
DerekBosch 159
US Cube
This is an interesting interlocking puzzle by Karin & Jurg Kanel. It was one of the design competitionentries in 2006... The goal is to remove the red and blue pieces from the cube frame... The cube doesn'tcome apart...I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
Holey Astigmatism
from billcutlerpuzzles.com:Stewart Coffin started making 6-piece burrs with pieces which did not
follow the normal orthogonal rules. This restricts the number of ways that
the pieces can be rotated, so limits the number of 'assemblies'. I dug up
a level-7 notchable 6-piece burr design from my computer analyses which did
not have a unique solution. When made with the slanted pieces, it does have
a unique solution.Its hard to tell from the picture, but the pieces are indeed slanted...I'm s...
29 bids
DerekBosch 159
Bent Board Burr collection (3 puzzles)
This is a set of 3 Bent Board Burrs designs by Frans de Vreugd produced for IPP23.They are Bent Board Burrs #1, a unique level 22 puzzle#2, a unique level 16-5 puzzle, and #6 a unique level 8-1 puzzle.I'm selling these puzzles because I no longer have space to store or display them :(buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
Tease Interlocking Puzzle
from cubicdissection.com:Tease is the first of
several Cornwell puzzles I will be releasing this year. Sam uses tricky
dimensions in many of his designs, by dividing the larger pieces into a
much smaller common denominator. Instead of using the advantage of a
smaller unit count to up the number of moves astronomically, he shows
tasteful British restraint, and zings the solver with a surprising
Tease is moderate in difficulty, yet fun to solve and displays very
well. Five...
7 bids
Anduare 8
Kim NoPack Packing Puzzle
This is a great packing puzzle designed by Ronald Kint-Bruynseels, and crafted by Eric Fuller.4" box made from Walnut with 10 Jatoba pieces. Signed and dated 12.08, 37 copies made.
1 bid