saul 13
Castle Hole
The 3 identical pieces need to be removed from the frame. Solution is level 11.1.2.
USD 38.00
7 bids
Account Deleted
Quadrant (Purpleheart Copy)
PLEASE NOTE that this is a special copy with Purpleheart pieces instead of Walnut
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:25 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:his puzzle was my exchange gift at IPP this year. Designed by Yavuz, it's a simple but fun interlocking distraction, with a level solution. Please note that this puzzle is not laquered, but has a natural wood finish.The construction of this puzzle is very good, with a reinforced f...
USD 40.00
11 bids
Account Deleted
Attis (Copy #1)
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Terry SmartCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart and YellowheartCOMMENTS:I'm a sucker for puzzles which take a common shape and do fun things with them. I especially like puzzles with cage constraints...they look good and can drastically increase complexity. Attis is a good example of introducing a very simple cage, the solution of a straightforward burr becomes level 15.14.4. The contrast between the purpleheart and yellowheart makes it...
USD 44.28
13 bids
saul 13
Boxed Mixed Pieces Burr
Three pairs of different burr piece styles. 22 moves to completely assemble/disassemble.
USD 20.00
1 bid
saul 13
Ring Lock
A 6-piece 5x5x3 interlocking solid that requires you to remove 5 irregular shaped pieces from a central ring. For more details:
USD 59.00
2 bids
saul 13
Chocolate Dip Burr
This level 13 six-piece plate burr is the result of computer analysis conducted by Bill Cutler. Cutler wrote: "A computer analysis of all 6-plate burrs was run over the winter of 2001-2002; the highest level found for removing the first piece is 13. The Chocolate Dip Burr is one of these assemblies - the only way to assemble the pieces so that the dark and light colors are separated is in this level-13 assembly.
USD 105.00
1 bid
saul 13
Brace Yourself
Level 8.2 six-piece burr with a non-traditional final shape.
USD 20.00
1 bid
Steve 149
Alchemy Puzzle
The following is copied/pasted from Eric's original description (which can be found with his much better pictures here )"I've always like the Altekruse and its pic based when I stumbled across Brian's version, I was interested. Brian kindly gave permission for me to make a batch, so here they are. I'll let brian explan the rest to you (i.e. I'm stealing the description from his site). Some years ago Brian noticed a drawing of puzzle concept in Stewart Coffin's book The Puzzlin...
USD 79.00
1 bid
saul 13
Cavernous Burr
The puzzle has always been fairly loose, but otherwise in perfect condition. Please see 2nd photo for a better idea.
USD 38.00
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Beautiful chuck-style burr - it took me ages to find move #2!Eric's description is at:
USD 57.28
8 bids
dickerdixon 230
Happy New Year
Another great burr from Eric. See his description at:
USD 50.00
1 bid
saul 13
Two Burrs in a Corner
Eric's statement that this puzzle is “extraordinarily difficult” is an understatement. He continues: “To start, The burr pieces will pack into the corner only one way. But that's just the beginning. When you remove the twelve pieces, there are 28,540 ways to construct a single burr. And only ONE way to make two burrs. Thats's right...there is a unique combination of pieces that will allow you to construct two burrs, which seems insanely improbable to me. On top of that, both burrs are high...
USD 77.00
1 bid