bvanost 12
The Pennyhedron puzzle was designed by Stewart Coffin, with some help and inspiration from his children. As the story goes, his kids used to glue puzzle blocks together in his shop – which inspired him in the direction of the Pennyhedron. This is a clever puzzle with only 2 pieces, which he and his children used to sell with a penny inside – hence the name.Incidentally, this is the very first puzzle design I ever I made, and the one which got me hooked on making puzzles! I became intrigued w...
USD 86.00
3 bids
W.Steedly 18
Pin Block Case (signed Signature quality early production version)
This is an early production Signature quality
version (superior as always). Except for being slightly smaller at 2.7 inches, it is the
same as the original 2.9 inch Signature version. It is signed by Eric Fuller and has only been solved a few times.Buyer pays PayPal fees
USD 60.00
9 bids
bvanost 12
2N No1
"The 2n Cube #1 cube was designed by Rob Stegmann in 2003. The puzzle consists of 8 interlocking pieces which assemble neatly into a 4x4x4 cube. Each of the pieces is comprised of 2 n-tetrominoes, joined together in 4 different ways (4 pairs of differently shaped pieces). Thus, 2 of each piece comprised of 2 n-tetrominoes, and Mr Stegmann's last name also has 2 n so the puzzle name is quite fitting! The puzzle is considered to be of moderate difficulty. In addition, through some experimenting ...
USD 90.00
1 bid
W.Steedly 18
High quality Pelikan craftsmanship (as always). Once completed sides spell "P O P P", in recognition of Rainer PoppBuyer pays PayPal fees
USD 70.00
15 bids
W.Steedly 18
Pack+1 Stor (Large Version)
Goal is two-fold. First pack in all the pieces excluding the single cube, then pack in all the pieces including the single cube (very clever). This is the larger of two versions.Buyer pays PayPal fees
USD 25.00
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Square Headed Burr
this unusual 6-piece burr is a level 8.2.2 design by Juno.It was an exchange puzzle at IPP29 in San Francisco
USD 41.00
7 bids
DerekBosch 159
Heavy Headed Burr Junior
this unusual 6-piece burr is a level 7.4.2design by Juno.It was an exchange puzzle at IPP28 in Prague
USD 47.00
11 bids
DerekBosch 159
this is another nice 6 piece burr variation.Exchanged by Grant Smith at IPP29 in San Francisco.I can't locate details on its difficulty
USD 37.00
5 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Plated Six piece burr #2
6 piece notchable burr with plates added to the ends of the pieces.Makes a level 5.4 burr.Photo courtesy of N.Baxter.buyer pays paypal fees
USD 32.00
5 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Mine's Cube in cage 333 I,II,III IPP edition
A version of the award winning puzzle. This one has cubes 1, 2, and 3 included.Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 250.00
16 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Cross Bones
This 2 piece burr puzzle is the only one I know of that is fully interlocking. One end also has a skull embossed in it, which provides a near optical illusion.
USD 55.00
23 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
eL Perch
Assemble a stable cube on the perch. Cube inside box is a standard 3 x 3 x 3 cube made in light wood.Ipp29 exchange
USD 24.00
14 bids
JerryLoo 43
Swiss Cube #2
The Swiss Cube #2 was part of a series of puzzles designed by Jürg von Känel. Object is to remove the white Swiss cross pieces and then put them back in. Only 40 copies of the Swiss Cube #2 were made making each a rare collector's puzzleImportant: Don’t try to take the red cube apart.Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost (includes tracking) to be calculated after the end of the auction + 3.5% paypal charge
USD 46.00
18 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Brass dice puzzle - Marked Rocky Chiaro
brass dice puzzle marked (C) 198 Rocky Chiaro.Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 100.00
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Cage For Four Sticks
from attractive piece of art is also a dang tricky puzzle. Four sticks interact with a straightforward cage in vary non-straightforward ways. The unique level 24.6.3 solution means what it says - this puzzle's not joking around.Figuring out which piece goes where is only the beginning, since some of them switch around during assembly. Order at your own peril - I'm shipping this assembled in the spirit of friendship - craftsman is not liable for any lost sleep!Constructio...
USD 51.93
5 bids
DerekBosch 159
Odd Repartition
A very unusual 9 piece burr from Gregory Benedetti.a reasonable level 9.13...... s
USD 55.00
9 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Sly Burr
A 6 piece burr with an unusual first move.My exchange from IPP 28. One of the last ones I have :)Buyer pays paypal fees.
USD 51.00
14 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Remove the ball from the puzzleVinco's exchange form IPP 28.Buyer pay paypal fees
USD 20.00
1 bid
Pottypuzzles 28
Polly- Hedral - S.T.C. #206
Take the 6 pieces apart and reassemble them.IPP26 exchangeBuyer pays paypal fees
USD 60.00
17 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Boxed L-Burr
Put all 4 pieces inside the frame. a unique level 8 solution.Ipp 28 exchange.Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 20.00
1 bid