toml942 5
Akio Kamei - Bottle in Rome by Akio Kamei
Bottle in Rome is a trick opening bottle made by Akio Kamei in 1998.
7 bids
toml942 5
- Stewart Coffin - Rosebud & Jig by Tom Lensch by
The Rosebud is a coordinated motion puzzle made of 2 sets of 3 identical pieces. Assembly is very difficult. The assembly jig that is included makes assemble much easier.
7 bids
toml942 5
Oskar van Deventer - Rhombox by Tom Lensch
Rhombox was the IPP Design Competition Trophy puzzle for 2003, 2004 and 2005. There are 12 pieces, several are similar, to make the Rhombox puzzle.
11 bids
toml942 5
Stewart Coffin - Star of David by Tom Lensch
Star of David is a 6 piece interlocking puzzle that can be assembled into three distinct shapes.
1 bid
RonZezima 39
Stewart Coffin - Few Tile by Stewart Coffin
Stewart Coffin wooden tray puzzle: "Few Tiles." Fit the four pieces into the tray. The tray opening is not square. Each of the pieces has two corners with 90° angles and each can be flipped over. A very difficult puzzle. Number 133 in Stewart's numbering system. Woods used are Baltic Birch and Mahogany.
5 bids
RonZezima 39
Thomas H. O'Beirne - The Melting Block by Jerry McFarland
The Melting Block wooden puzzle designed by Thomas H. O'Beirne and crafted by Jerry McFarland (2000). Fit the 9 pieces into the wooden box, so that the wood is flush at the top; creating a regular rectangular solid with no internal voids. Quite a remarkable dissection.
7 bids
ahaber 66
Oskar van Deventer - Boston Subway by George Miller
Boston has a subway system in which there are two North-South lines crossing over two East-west lines with connections between them at some of the cross-over points. Imagine a future Boston subway system with ten North-South lines and ten East-West lines. Oskar van Deventer imagined such a system and built the most perverse transfer design possible. This rendition of his puzzle was greatly enhanced by the fertive mind of Dave Rossetti who suggested a magnetic wand to guide the intrepid wanderer ...
1 bid
ahaber 66
Corn Puzzle by Professor Brain's
Professor Brain's Corn Puzzle. Original box, not open.. You are given 14 pieces of corn cut into semi-circular pieces along with a jar. You have to arrange these pieces so that they perfectly fit into the jar.
I.Q. Rating
5 Minutes ..................................Brilliant
15 Minutes..................................Dimensional Thinker
30 Minutes..................................Above Average
Can't Do?...................Check Enclosed Solultion.
"Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost ...
1 bid
ahaber 66
Steve Malavolta? - Wood Jigsaw, Landscape, Maple, Ebony, Cherry, Mahogany
A wonderful handmade wood Jigsaw measuring 6-1/2 x 6-1/2 inches. It was purchased about 1994, and is in new, onopened condition. (there is tape, and a small tear in plastic, although it is probably food wrap). It shows two mountains , the sun, and I believe is made of Maple, Ebony, Cherry, Mahogany. I am not a wood expert, so I may be incorrect. Perhaps those in the community, will correct me if I am wrong. It is in the style and design of Steve Malavolta, although ii is NOT signed and I cannot ...
12 bids
ahaber 66
Russian Puzzle Anna by Nurica -Unique- by Nurica
A Unique Nurica Original Sample Puzzle of "Anna".
"Our fantastic 3-D puzzles consist of many cubes with parts of six different pictures on their sides. Solve our puzzles by connecting the cubes to complete the picture on each side and you will have an amazing 3-D structure."
Reassemble the pieces into 6 pictures. The pictures, when completed, from a 3-d Art object and puzzle! You could even print your own pictures, cut them out and customize.
Wild looking puzzle rarely seen or found....
1 bid
ahaber 66
Nervous Breakdown 1968 Mirror Puzzle by
Very nice condition Kohners Nervous Breakdown 1968 with original attached cardboard blister instructions. If you have never had one, it is a must!
A 45 degree mounted mirror requires you do the opposite to what you might expect! Get the balls to the right spot! Much harder than it seems.
"Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location"
Shipping is $5.50 priority Mail. US
1 bid
ahaber 66
Samson Mystery Pig Mystify your Friends with this Amazing Puzzle
OK, while technically not a "puzzle", it does market itself as a puzzle. Considered the Holy Grail of toys by some across the pond. I thought Eric might let this one slide...just for fun. I wouldn't want to guess what would happen if Robert put Bees inside.
Here's the scoop. I am unsure of the date, but this toy was banned! Cruelty to flies! You really only get a little pink plastic Pig. I truly mean that. In a bar, your friends are to be mystified as to how this pig is suppose to move and jump...
1 bid
ahaber 66
Oskar Van Deventer - GEAR UP! by George Miller
Gear up! What A wild puzzle this one is. Here is the info, right from source:
Gear Up
Oskar van Deventer
The goal of Gear Up is to rotate the discs until the notches in the four tabs are exactly aligned. The puzzle is a stack of four plastic discs attached via a central axle, each has a tab and a notch and can rotate in the axle. The plastic is transparent so that various internal planetary gears can be viewed as the discs are turned. The puzzle operates on the same principle as the differ...
1 bid
ahaber 66
Jean Claude Constantin - DIAMOND EYES! Tricky!
Great Example of the craftsmanship of Jean-Claude Constantin. This puzzle features two layers of exotic woods with Aluminum posts. What makes this tricky is the posts are not fixed and can be moved! Very nice condition with original packaging, instructions, and solution. Manufactured by or for Channel Craft.
"Master Craftsman & Puzzle Designer brilliantly blends mediums of unique metals with the worlds most treasured hardwoods. This Elegant combination of Design & Dimension is sure ...
16 bids
ahaber 66
What else can I say? A take apart/assemble vintage white Pig! Corporate marked. "R.B. Rice Sausage Company US Lees Summit, Mo"
Complete in original condition as found. (A little bath might help.) Another Hard to find!
"Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location"
USPS $5.50, FedEx $10.00 Insured US.
1 bid
M.McCallum 10
Stewart Coffin - Queer Gear by Mark McCallum
Stewart Coffin's Queer Gear puzzle (STC #92) made of Blue Mahoe. This puzzle has 6 dissimilar pieces that assemble in only one way to form a Star of David prism. This puzzle has a nice fit and finish. It also bears my maker's signature. Taken from my personal collection.Stewart only made a few of these in 1985. An uncommon puzzle with and untraditional sliding axis. Stewart wrote an interesting article many years ago on Blue Mahoe. It is a very scarce wood from Jamaica. The boards I purchas...
14 bids
ppw 19
Oskar van Deventer - Knot Mass (Maple) by Pacific Puzzleworks (Lee Krasnow)
<h1>Knot Mass</h1><ul><li>design by: <b>Oskar van Deventer</b></li><li>made by: <b>Pacific Puzzleworks (<i>Lee Krasnow</i>)</b></li><li>size: <b>36mm</b></li><li>material: <b>5-ply maple core / maple top hardwood laminate</b></li><li>quantity available: <b>25</b></li></ul><h3>PRODUCTION PRE-RELEASE SALE!!!</h3><p>Over t...
13 bids
puzzleboxes 6
Interlocking2-Eric Fuller
Another early Eric Fuller work. This is harder to put together than to take apart. The puzzle has not been taken apart. The woods used were very high quality. All of these early Fuller puzzles were made with just one or two copies for trades that Eric and I did, and were not made for sale.
27 bids
kennith1 12
Clive Cube by Simon Nightingale
This is a wooden version of a type of interlocking puzzle, involving 6 sticks that intersectinside the wooden cube. It has a solution, designed and presumably made by Simon Nightingale..
25 bids
DerekBosch 159
Q Mulous - Don Charnley
This puzzle is one of many in the Q-Cube project from IPP21It was made by Steve Strickland of out of SatinwoodIt is a four-piece, serially interlocking puzzle, and comes with solution
27 bids