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The World's Puzzle, ©1886
Wood block with 36 holes. Object is to place 6 pins in such a way that no 2 pins are in the same row, column or diagonal. There is a hole in the side of the block for the...
BruceWhitehill (33 )
23 bids Closed
Prototype of Bill's Game
<div>This is a 1987 prototype of an&nbsp;unusual three-dimensional puzzle and/or game in which blocks have to be assembled in such a way that the bl...
BruceWhitehill (33 )
13 bids Closed
Heart Box, Bits and Pieces version
Heart Box, presumably an imitation of Kamei's work, but with very low quality craftsmanship. Made by Hawthorne Direct LLC for Bits and pieces, includes instructions.&...
tomjolly (119 )
9 bids Closed
Missing Notch
<DIV>When purchasing this puzzle a few months back, I didn't realize it would be shipped unassembled.&nbsp; As such, I have never removed the puzzle...
ShootingStar (11 )
11 bids Closed
Zauberflote, Benedetti and Fuller
Zauberflote, design by Gregory Benedetti and made by Eric Fuller in Yellowheart and Acrylic. 45 copies made. Four wooden burr pieces in 2 plastic frames. Very small puzzl...
tomjolly (119 )
15 bids Closed
Wooden Mirage - 11
<table class="border" style="border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-to...
pucu (125 )
7 bids Closed
Feed the Cat
Designed by Oskar van Deventer and Peter Knoppers. The goal is to move the black 'bird' through the mouth of the cat till it reaches its throat (back layer) and then remo...
dcameron (65 )
5 bids Closed
<span style="color: rgb(100, 92, 83); font-family: Arial; font-size: large; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">Reminiscent of Padaung...
DanielScher (113 )
11 bids Closed
Howzatt cricket puzzle
10-piece sliding block puzzle with cricket theme. Object is to change the position of the two batters (large blocks), while ending up with the 2 wickets (4 blocks) and ba...
BruceWhitehill (33 )
21 bids Closed
Trickerboard puzzle
<div>This puzzle is a nice variant of the edge (un-)matching puzzle, Rob Hegge's exchange</div><div>puzzle at IPP29. &nb...
DerekBosch (159 )
17 bids Closed
The Line Teaser
<div>This is another nice tray puzzle by William Waite... &nbsp;Double-sided tray for two challenges</div><div><b...
DerekBosch (159 )
25 bids Closed
Pack Your Gear
<div>A challenging tray puzzle by Oskar van Deventer</div><div><br></div><div>I'm sell...
DerekBosch (159 )
19 bids Closed
Emerald Isle IPP29 exchange puzzle
Emerald Isle, exchange puzzle from IPP29, from Jim Kerley. I'm not certain who designed it; the instructions say "Jame K's Emerald Isle". So you take th...
tomjolly (119 )
15 bids Closed
The Sliding Arrow Through the Bottle Puzzle
<table class="border" style="border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-to...
pucu (125 )
3 bids Closed
T in Cube (second copy)
<div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 19px; backgrou...
BruceWhitehill (33 )
13 bids Closed
Watson’s Tri-lateral Windowed Hexahedron
<div>This was Patrick Major's exchange puzzle at IPP29...</div><div>designed by Martin Watson, crafted by puzzlewood.</di...
DerekBosch (159 )
15 bids Closed
Haunted Mansion in Disneyland Secret Panel Chest
Secret opening box
BruceWhitehill (33 )
3 bids Closed