Bidder | Amount | Date |
F****m 308 | USD 95.00 | 04/02/2023 02:09:41 |
X****s 49 | USD 90.00 | 04/02/2023 02:09:41 |
F****m 308 | USD 85.00 | 04/01/2023 16:06:59 |
X****s 49 | USD 80.00 | 04/01/2023 12:00:16 |
F****m 308 | USD 75.00 | 04/01/2023 02:54:05 |
Tricky tricky tricky, Andrew's tricky puzzle designs combined with Brian's craftsmanship - yes please! What Brian had to say about the puzzle:
"Andrew has briefly turned his attention to packing puzzles and boy was it a windfall for all puzzle enthusiasts. This is the Corner Cube from his ARCparent Series. I love packing puzzles and I hope all of these designs will eventually appear on my site at some time. Simple pieces that have to be packed into the simple box and boy this is a challenge. Because you also must fill the opening with those pieces. I struggled with getting the pieces in and out!"
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