Bidder | Amount | Date |
m****l 958 | USD 100.00 | 05/16/2021 12:32:48 |
The actual length of the elements is 12 x 15 x 20 mm and it is not a cube anymore but all the twelve pieces still consist of five elements. Then, he named the puzzle Penta Cuboid. The size of the assembled cube is 60 x 60 x 60mm.
There are 3940 solutions to make a 3 x 4 x 5 cuboid using a normal set of solid pentomino. In contrast, Penta Cuboid has a unique solution since Juno carefully chose a malicious combination of the pieces. It will take at least an hour to solve the puzzle even if you are lucky and very talented.
Juno wanted to have a box for Penta Cuboid since the pieces are very slippery and the assembled cube can easily be crumbled. He thought that if he had to use a significant amount of material, it was good to make a box as another puzzle challenge.