You are bidding on a selection of 64 puzzles exchanged at a past IPP (International Puzzle Party) created by the foremost puzzle designers, crafters, collectors and solvers in the world.
IPP 32 Exchange Puzzles from the Washington, D.C. 2012 IPP:
- (puzzle name) by (puzzle designer)
- New*T by Nick Baxter
- Lomino Cube 4 by George Bell
- Puzzle in a Puzzle Box by Thomas Beutner
- Prickly Puzzle by Simon Bexfield
- Rectangle String Route by Tadao Muroi
- Balance of Power by Rod Bogart
- Try-Cycle-Puzzle by Václav Obšivac
- Holistic Ring by Bram Cohen
- Jerrymander by Bill Cutler
- Perplexing Palace Puzzle by James Dalgety
- The Pentagon Tiles by René Dawir
- Cold Fusion by Oskar van Deventer
- PrimEvil by Louis Toorenburg
- Yusei by Takeyuki Endo
- Flying Saucer by Jerry Farrell
- Double UT by Osanori Yamamoto
- Washington DC Sightseeing by Tania Gillen
- 16 Hexominoes in a twin-square by Marcel Gillen
- More Serpentine Strings by Markus Götz
- Mall-Function by Rik van Grol
- Calamity Clock by Doug Engel
- Morph II (O'Beirne's Cube) by T.H. O'Beirne
- Symmetric Shape by Emrahan Halici
- TriBal Trifle by Rob Hegge
- Mr. Twisty by Pantazis Houlis
- Octet in F (258) by Stewart Coffin
- Network Builder by Wei-Hwa Huang
- Tetracubed by Robert Reid, George Miller, Michael Dowle
- Ring on
- Liberty Cubes by Kate Jones
- Knobbly Box by Oskar van Deventer
- DC Tease by James Kerley
- Di-Half-Hexes by Peter Knoppers
- Heart and Bud Puzzles by Yoshiyuki Kotani
- Buridan by Vladimir Krasnoukhov
- TAN-talizing by Yee-Dian Lee
- Symmetrick by Vesa Timonen
- Shameful Congressional Gridlock by Václav Obšivac
- Monumental Challenge by Andy Manvell
- Full Bloom by Ferdinand Lammertink
- Pioneer Pyramid by Roxanne Wong, Mr. Fok
- Balancing Act by Chris Morgan
- One Circle - Two Circles by Diniar Namdarian
- J-Puzzle by Tsugumitsu Noji
- 13 Triangles by Ed Pegg
- Six Cushion Shot by Wayne Daniel
- Triade by Andreas Röver
- Acrobat by Diniar Namdarian
- Pack the Square by Goh Pit Khiam
- 22 Card Maze / Some Assembly Required by Mike Snyder
- Non-Convex Bi-Half-Hexes by Robert Stegmann
- Caboose by Henry Strout
- Hyperboloid six-piece burr by Oskar van Deventer
- The "Nats WIN!" Puzzle by ARCO
- Mini Perplexus IPP 32 by Michael McGinnis
- 9 Part Packing Problem by David Goodman
- Double-D Insanity by Louis Toorenburg
- Dragon Puzzle with Washington Monument by Zandraa Tumen-Ulzii
- Open Window by Tom Jolly
- Four in the Vice by Stéphane Chomine
- Washington Skyline by William Waite
- Creeping Blocks 3D by Dries de Clerq
- Capital Politics by Keith Winegar
- Cage the Animal by Manabu Satou, Osho Iwase
This auction item is for all above listed puzzles; a wide assortment of puzzles hand-packed directly from the Garcia Family Collection. A plethora of puzzle joy in one box (or more) shipped to your door! For the asking price and variety, you can't beat this deal at $11/puzzle reserve and $25/puzzle buyout. Offers are enabled for this listing and are welcome.
You will receive the exact puzzles listed above, with documentation as originally received. All puzzles "as-is"; should any puzzles arrive damaged, each may be credited on a pro-rata basis only. POSTAGE FEES for this item are $25/USA and $80/International.
NEW THIS AUCTION FREE BONUS PUZZLE(s) will be added to the Winner's shipment as follows:
$1 to $99 = 1 puzzle
$100 and up = 1 Hanayama puzzle and 1 puzzle
No specific puzzle type, model or condition is guaranteed for Free Bonus Puzzles.
Bidding constitutes acceptance of the terms specified in the Shipping tab for this item; you must review this prior to bidding.
International Shipping is available - see Shipping tab for details
Look for other HoneyBadger listings in 2020 Marketplace events featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan, Europe, Australia and more.