On the Level Puzzler, 1989, Mag-Nif. 9 puzzle pieces in a 3 x 3 arrangement need to be placed so that each of the three levels on each puzzle piece match up exactly with the same level of the adjacent piece, and that the opposite ends of each row and file are the same level. Not easy!
I assume the box originally came with packing material to hold the puzzle pieces in place, but only the plastic base and 9 pieces are in the box. Instructions are on the box.
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NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address: games@thebiggamehunter.com; if you wish to pay through PayPal with a credit card in the USA, please add 3% and contact me for a different email address. Thank you.
Craftsman / Manufacturer
Unit of Measurement
puzzle = 4 x 4 x 2.5; box = 5.5 x 5.5 x 3.25
Cosmetic Issues
box has corner crease; packing material (not part of puzzle) is missing