This Stickman Mahogany Chest is one of the very first projects to bear the Stickman logo. It is hand crafted entirely from mahogany, with a lid crafted of mosaic of pieces so strongly interlocked that it can easily support my weight. In fact the entire thing is very sturdy. This is not really a puzzle as much as a large hope chest, with sliding knick knak tray and lots of drawers and compartments (some of them secret). For nostalgia the original sales leaflet is still taped under the lid, and the original price tags are left on it.
Those choosing to bid on this item should realize that shipping costs are not included and would likely be expensive. It measures 44” long, 20” deep, 15” high, and in my estimation probably weighs about 150 lbs. The chest also is not completely without flaws. Pictures show areas of the lid where there are slight gaps between some of the mosaic pieces, though this really gives it more of a warm folk art feel than something tacky.
I believe that the inside floor also has a scratch where a small screw got caught under one drawer while being opened. And there are two small drill holes on the underside corners of the lid where I attempted to install store bought lid stops that proved inadequate. This required me to handcraft the wooden ones that are on it now. In all, though it is a fine chest, and worthy of the Stickman name I have placed upon it. A more detailed description of this chest can be seen featured on page 32 of the Stickman Book.