Puzzle design by James Ferguson, object design by Peter Knoppers and Oskar, made by Buttonius Puzzles & Plastics. From the attached instructions, "Henry Dudeney presented this 'Mechanical Paradox' and its solution in Modern Puzzles (1926)."
"This remarkable device was contrived by James Ferguson in 1751 as a challenge to a sceptical watchmaker during a metaphysical controversy. 'Suppose', Ferguson said, 'I make one wheel as thick as 3 others and cut teeth in them all, and then put the three wheels all lose upon one axis and set the thick wheel to turn them. If I turn the thick wheel, how must it turn the others?' The watchmaker replied that all three must be turned the contrary way. Ferguson produced his machine showing that one of the thin wheels revolved in the same way, the second in the contrary way, and the third remained stationary. The watchmaker examined the machine carefully, but he failed to detect the cause of the strange paradox."
This object is a physical representation of that machine.