Bill kindly gave me permission to make one for my private collection, which I now have to sell unfortunately, again with Bill's permission.
The Binary Burr functions like the Chinese Rings. There are 6 'ring' pieces. Each added ring multiplies the number of moves to remove the first piece by approximately 2. The number of moves required to take out the first piece is 85.
This design was awarded a First Prize at the 2003 IPP Puzzle Design Competition - From Bill's Website
Frame made of Bocote, Rhodesian Teak and Tambotie. The last two are unique African Woods. The 6 'ring' pieces are made of walnut and beech, with the shuttle a mixture.
This was made in my unique 'blockmode' style. This is a one off and as such is actually a prototype.
Note that this puzzle weighs about 2,5 kilograms, which have a shipping cost attached to it. Buyer responsible for the Paypal fees (3,5 %).