DerekBosch 159
Bean Bag Drawer
this was Hiroshi Iwahara's Christmas present in 2014.It has two compartments and is quite tricky
19 bids
DerekBosch 159
Secret Opening Book
while not a difficult puzzle, it is incredibly made, as is expected by Kagen Sound (nee Schaefer).comes with instructions for replacing the paper inside the book, but not for opening the book.
17 bids
dickerdixon 230
Really Big MazeNCubes
Great design by Derek beautifully realized by Tom in two woods which I cannot identify for you but resemble bubinga (outer cubes) and robinia (maze cube), all joints dowelled for strength and the whole thing polished so that negotiating the 3D maze is as smooth as can be. A couple of small dents in one of the outer cubes which are hardly noticeable (see pic. 3).
7 bids
Alimorris 12
Popplock T4
Information from Rainer Popp:It reminds of some old American safes. The lock has a complex design and unique tricks. 5 Steps to open. Manufactured from Brass and Stainless Steel.
37 bids
dickerdixon 230
Domino Box
This Stickman Domino Puzzle Box (No. 16) is handcrafted by artist Robert Yarger from quality walnut and Monticello. The dominoes inside were produced by John Devost from white holly. To make things a bit more challenging, a few odd shaped tiles made from Paduk are also inserted. The solution to opening this unique puzzle can only be achieved by tilting, poking, and tapping the dominoes into different positions through the exterior of the box. This is a very challenging puzzle to solve, and even...
21 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman Puzzle Padlock (3)
This Stickman “Padlock and Key” puzzle is sturdily hand
crafted by artist Robert Yarger from bloodwood and sapele. It measures 3” x 2” x .75”, and requires a
minimum of 8 steps in order to open.
It is of simple to moderate difficulty to solve. The majority of these puzzles are earmarked for use on the
upcoming “Pirate’s Wallet” puzzlebox (not yet available), but a few extras of
these “padlock and key” puzzles were also produced. They are signed with the Stick...
27 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman Puzzle Padlock (2)
This Stickman “Padlock and Key” puzzle is sturdily hand
crafted by artist Robert Yarger from bloodwood and sapele. It measures 3” x 2” x .75”, and requires a
minimum of 8 steps in order to open.
It is of simple to moderate difficulty to solve. The majority of these puzzles are earmarked for use on the
upcoming “Pirate’s Wallet” puzzlebox (not yet available), but a few extras of
these “padlock and key” puzzles were also produced. They are signed with the Stick...
21 bids
Account Deleted
Great Collision
IPP29 Exchange Gift; metal, tricky.This item is in new condition and is pulled from the cubicdissection archives.Shipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
25 bids
diagonal 11
Mechanism Box '98 by Atsushi Katagiri & Hideto Sato
Original Mechanism Box '98 as created by designer Atsushi Katagiri and craftsman Hideto Sato of Karakuri Creation Group for IPP 18. Has unique 5 move opening mechanism. Mechanism is snug and precise. Excellent, as new condition. Measures 4 3/4" x 3 1/8" x 2 3/8" (12cm x 8cm x 6cm). Here is the description on John Rausch's Puzzleworld website: is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and ...
9 bids
RMcCallister 0
Aluminum Cylinder By William Strijbos
I have here William Strijbos Aluminum Cylinder.. It is very sought after by a famous craftsman as you all know. I won't go into details as I know your all familiar with him. You can also find all information you need on this puzzle by William Strijbos on the web. He is from the Netherlands.The cost for priority mail and tracking will be billed for $10.00 to the winning bidder. International will be $15.00
11 bids
RMcCallister 0
Aluminum Cross By William Strijbos
I have up for bid the Aluminum Cross by William Strijbos. You all know what it is and who William Strijbos is. If you need more informtion there is plenty of information on the web.The winning bidder will pay for priority mail and tracking $10.00 in addition to the bidding ammount. No hidden charges. International will be $15.00.
11 bids
j7727 14
Strijbos’ Prague Special
Dino in a cage with a Japanese puzzle box inside.
1 bid
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman Puzzle Padlock
This Stickman “Padlock and Key” puzzle is sturdily hand
crafted by artist Robert Yarger from bloodwood and sapele. It measures 3” x 2” x .75”, and requires a
minimum of 8 steps in order to open.
It is of simple to moderate difficulty to solve. The majority of these puzzles are earmarked for use on the
upcoming “Pirate’s Wallet” puzzlebox (not yet available), but a few extras of
these “padlock and key” puzzles were also produced. They are signed with the Stick...
21 bids
Stickmanbox 11
Stickman Little Game Hunter Puzzlebox (# 24)
This Stickman "Little Game Hunter Puzzlebox" is hand crafted from various exotic woods, with two hidden compartments in its base. It requires a minimum of 22 steps to fully solve, and after the final step can come apart into 26 individual pieces. This makes it two puzzles in one. It is of moderate/hard difficulty to solve.These puzzles measure 6.5" x 6" x 2.5" and were limited in edition to 38 finished pieces. This puzzle is # 22 from the limited edition set. ** Domestic shipping is free, bu...
21 bids
tomjolly 119
Three metal puzzles, B&P; Free The Key, Amour, Sputnik
Three metal puzzles from Bits and Pieces, no boxes or instructions. Free the Key (B&P 07-Z7807), an Oskar design. Sputnik, a Marcel Gillen design from Bits and Pieces, and Amour, an Akio Yamamoto design from Hanayama. Total weight of the 3 puzzles is 1.6 ounces, plus packaging.On Jun. 14, 2014 14:46:53, the following description has been added:Correction to the listing; these certainly don't weigh 1.6 ounces. They weigh 1 pound, 6 ounces. They are, after all, chunks of metal.
13 bids
tomjolly 119
Ringed Heart Box, Bits and Pieces 45149, Doug Engel Design
Ringed Heart Box, Bits and Pieces 45149, Doug Engel Design. Box is labeled with "Hawthorne Direct LLC".
9 bids
tomjolly 119
Knot Simple Metal Puzzle, Doug Engel, B&P
Knot Simple metal puzzle designed by Doug Engel, from Bits and Pieces, box marked "Hawthorne Direct LLC". Weighs 10 ounces, estimate about 3 ounces for packing. You can get a shipping estimate at, from California, zip code 93454.
11 bids
tomjolly 119
EZ Atom metal puzzle, design Doug Engel, mfg Bits and Pieces
EZ Atom metal puzzle, design Doug Engel, mfg Bits and Pieces. Instructions and box included. Weighs 8 ounces, plus about 3 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip code 93454.
19 bids