tomjolly 119
Jailbreak (Bits and Pieces 07-7775)
Jailbreak, Bits and Pieces #07-7775. With instructions, but no box. Weighs 12 oz with shipping box, costs $22.75 to ship overseas.
USD 40.00
24 bids
tomjolly 119
Culax, by Markus Gotz, in original Philos packaging, with instruction sheet. Shipping overseas is $22.75 thanks to our extortionate postal service.
USD 32.00
12 bids
Christo 36
Stickman #28 - Edelweiss Box
A lovely puzzle box by William Waite, and Rob (so nice he must be a serial killer) Yarger.This is #92 of 100. Booklet included.Ps buyer is responsible for PayPal fees.
USD 425.00
7 bids
jfreedman 51
Packing Box (mini) Ⅱ
This work was designed as a Christmas present for 2008.This is a new version of packing box series. "V" ditch was made on the face.It camouflages the trick. In this packing box, I had to make 3 straps, though this is a small work.
USD 209.00
10 bids
tomjolly 119
Trick Box - Hakone Fuji
Trick Box - Hakone - Fuji, by Hakone Maruyama, from Karakuri Group.
USD 55.00
9 bids
DDeschamps 19
Brand new puzzle in its original packagingA trick opening puzzle where you have to free the spark plug. There is a hint on the puzzle.The solution is not included with this puzzle.
Please note that this is a rather large puzzle that weight around 500g
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Yin Yang Ball YYB
The Yin Yang Ball is a fairly rare and unusual item, and the manufacturer didn't call it a "puzzle" when they sold it. As a puzzle, it is extremely simple; the four inner rods contain magnets, and keep the two outer shells together. It's a bit of struggle to get it apart, but not terribly so. It's an oddity from the year 2000, originally sold at, which no longer exists.
USD 42.00
13 bids
dickerdixon 230
25 moves to remove the first piece. Movement is very smooth.
USD 95.00
9 bids
jfreedman 51
Stella's Good Cents
One of the rarest puzzles in my collection. Scott Peterson's simple but elegant puzzle. Beautifully crafted. Time for someone else to enjoy it.
USD 140.00
3 bids
Christo 36
Pin'n'nut - old style
This is an early version of Rocky's pin'n'nut. Made in 1993. It has extra pins on the bottom nut and is maybe 50% larger.Definitely a collectors edition. Solution sheet included.
USD 91.00
17 bids
dickerdixon 230
Eric's description is at
USD 80.00
5 bids
dickerdixon 230
Splined Box #3
Eric's description is at
USD 219.00
17 bids
tomjolly 119
Four Color Palace
Four Color Palace by Hiroshi Iwahara, from Karakuri Group, 2016
USD 85.00
15 bids
dickerdixon 230
Key Lock
47 moves to remove the first piece. Movement is very smooth.
USD 110.00
10 bids
dickerdixon 230
Dragon's Cave
58 moves to remove the first piece. Movement is very smooth.
USD 110.00
11 bids
Paradox 12
Karakuri Sacred Lottery (Omikuji) Puzzle Box
Japanese puzzle box designed by Fumio Tsuburai of the Karakuri Creation Group.New, and only opened once to check functionality.
USD 95.00
8 bids
j7727 14
Topless Box
From Eric Fuller's description:The "Topless Box" is my contribution to the project. I originally was only going to make enough for the submission, but got pretty excited about the design once it was finished, and decided to make it a larger run. I've seen a fair number of boxes and this one has what I believe are some unique characteristics. Unfortunately I can't show much detail of the inside of the box without giving away the workings. I can say that the box has two lids, and neither a top nor...
USD 452.00
13 bids
DerekBosch 159
Rattle Box
From cubic emailed me this design a while back and kind of downplayed it. I thought it was a brilliant idea. As usual, I was right :-) This 5x5 cube is a shell with a hollow interior. Inside the cube is another 2x2 cube, minus one unit. The internal cube interacts with the shell in a maddening way, interfering with what should be a straightforward disassembly. There's even dead ends and false solutions. The large hole in the shell is there so you can poke your finger in and ma...
USD 121.00
12 bids