This is my copy of Rollercoaster. It's in perfect condition.This is what is shared on Mr. Puzzle's website about this puzzle. MrPuzzle.au"There is only three pieces to fit in the box and yet the Rollercoaster is an interlocking puzzle, a dexterity puzzle and a packing puzzle all rolled into one. And it’s hard!According to the designer the uniqueness of the puzzle is that it’s meant to be a put-together puzzle AND a dexterity puzzle in one. The puzzler should carefully move the box and pieces...
USD 26.00
10 bids
jchiou 51
Houdini's Torture Cell - Mr. Puzzle
This was an IPP31 Berlin exchange puzzle. The object of this puzzle is to release the upside-down pawn shape inside the clear plastic, which represents Houdini hanging upside down in a chamber filled with water. There are cracks in the clear plastic at each of the 8 screws holding it in place (see photos). This is either how I received it or the cracks grew over time; I did not touch any of the screws.From the official description from the Mr. Puzzle site:The object of the puzzle is to fr...
USD 708.00
35 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez. Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 80.00
15 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 37.00
8 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery lock puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 90.00
17 bids
lewispd 27
Unlock #4
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 60.00
17 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 48.00
12 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 55.00
14 bids
lewispd 27
sequential discovery/coin release puzzle by Rex Rossano Perez.Shipping Cost Will be worked out once the Auction has ended.I will combine shipping on multiple items if reqired.
USD 66.00
21 bids
bhoffman123 21
Lock Out
On initial inspection, this puzzle has the appearance of a standard padlock with two keys. You will soon discover it does not operate as expected and you must explore its secrets before you find a way to open the shackle.A very highly reviewed puzzle lock from acpuzzles.com. Out of stock with a long wait list.Solved and reset.
USD 366.00
24 bids
ajhippo 30
SHOK handmade puzzle safe box 'TWO MUCH'
A modern work of art from Shok. Created using up-cycled materials this is a handmade one of a kind puzzle. I love it and the way it looks, but unfortunately my NPSO hates it, so I promised I would sell it :(It's heavy, so expect the shipping to be expenisve!I will combine shipping. Shipping costs including insurance will be calculated from the RM website after the auction - https://www.royalmail.com/sending/international/international-tracked-signedNo extra fees.
USD 90.00
10 bids
Usher 39
M.G. Rook
The Rook - by Marcel Gillen, this puzzle as a few small scratches and micro scratches. The goal of this puzzle is to find the treasure inside by opening the puzzle. It has been brought to my attention that Bits & Pieces made most of these puzzles that are in existence, and if Marcel Gillen made any himself this is likely not it, and this is made by Bits and Pieces. Shipping to be determined at sale of the item, handling fee is $7.00, if you win multiple items, handling fee stays the same for s...
USD 90.00
1 bid
ravendarkhold 35
Naked secret box "RED" by Akio Yamamoto
Akio Yamamoto who is famous for numerous Hanayamas (Baroq, Radix, Helix, etc) designed a series of puzzle boxes in 2014, each with a different color. This is the RED box.The object is to open the box but as opposed to regular puzzle boxes this one is transparent, ie there are no secrets. It consists of 6 acrylic boards and what you need to do is to open the lid of the box first, then take all the pieces apart. It is a sturdy puzzle with an interesting concept.
USD 65.00
5 bids
PuzzlingTime 67
Circle and Square (Japan)
This fun little puzzle is by the famous Kohno and was his entry into the IPP16.Original packaging and instructions included.
USD 40.00
6 bids
ahaber 66
Loco-Motion! Free the Coin! Oskar Van Deventer
Oskars LOCO-MOTION! Free The Coin with a Train on it!A tricky little puzzle that has a moving, visible arm, and a route finding maze between the two metals.Slight discoloration of white Metal, with some scratches on metal and backPlastic cover shows no scratches.Comes with Instructions, but no box.$4.95 US First Class Shipping, $7.95 Priority....Your Choice.Overs TBD, but in General Small Packages average $15 /-, and Medium run $25 /-, without Insurance, Paypal Welcome.(Please wait ...
USD 150.00
26 bids
zackz115 70
Move: 49Kevin Sadler wrote about it:“Jakub and Jaroslav don't make very many burr puzzles these days but when they do any burr fans should sit up and pay attention – they only choose the best of the best of them and this marvelous design by Stephan Baumegger is fantastic. The wood choice and finish with all the bevelling is the mark of fabulous attention to detail. Inside is a shape that gives the puzzle its' name. I had solved the original back in 2015 after a huge struggle (I had managed t...
USD 230.00
1 bid
CanMan 142
New Take 5 by Osho (Coin Release)
New Take 5 by Osho. Free the coin (yen) puzzle. It if a fun solve but is not very difficult. A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50% with the average being approximately...
USD 25.00
8 bids
zackz115 70
ResQ (Ebony)
"ResQ is a unique Sequential Discovery Puzzle based on Boucher's brilliant Visitor Q. We took the original design and modified it by adding additional goals, tools, and tricks. ResQ is the result of nearly three months of prototyping and features previously unseen concepts and hardware.The brilliance of Boucher's VQ design is in the depth of possible movements and states the puzzle can be in. Visitor Q is very much like a maze; you find configurations that won't allow you to progress and must...
USD 675.00
16 bids
YassCherry 58
coordinate puzzle
puzzle was crafted by Bill Sheckels and I believe used by Norton Starr
as one of his exchange puzzles. Although this puzzle requires
coordinate motion to solve, there is a locking system also employed.I can combine shipping for multiple auctions one.Price do not include shipping fee and will be calculated after the end of the auction.if you are in europe Bank transfer is free
USD 36.00
8 bids