pucu 125
Flutter of Butterflies
A bandaged sliding puzzleI will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
1 bid
pucu 125
Two Eggs
For solving the sliding puzzle you have to use a strategy
Two Eggs
The top layer has a blue egg on the left and a green egg on the right, each formed from three sections,
arranged as two curved pieces side by side each occupying a 2 high by 1 wide space,
sitting on top of a curved piece that occupies a 1 high by 2 wide space.
The goal is to exchange the two eggs. Each of the six of the top layer egg sections occupies
a 2 unit region of the top layer and has one of it...
1 bid
pucu 125
Sliding Cross difficult version
Sliding Cross
Problem 1
Probllem 2
Problem 3A
Problem 3B
As shown in the figure on the upper right above,
there are 14 unit square white pieces that slide on the lower layer,
where some of them have portions of the red upper layer glued to them.
The puzzle came with two trays,
an easier tray that has a simple border,
and a harder tray that has triangles on the upper left and lower right
of the border that allow the bottom white ...
1 bid
pucu 125
Moon and Star
Looks like a standard sliding puzzle but it is not. The puzzle is ideal for sliding beginners (40 moves) but also very interesting for experienced sliding puzzlers I kept picking them up and attempting them but have to say that I
really struggled! These puzzles are really tough and require some
considerable concentration and a definite Aha! moment!
Moon and Star
The first one I tried, - the Moon and Star. The aim is to rearrange the pieces
by sliding in the frame to make differe...
1 bid
pucu 125
Sliding Perigal
You have to make a single square The puzzle is very difficultI will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
1 bid
pucu 125
A nice Sliding puzzle. To solve you have to understand the trick.
1 bid
pucu 125
One Fish, Another Fish
Designed by S. Gabarchuk,
(laser cut plastic, 4.8" x 5.9" inches)
As shown on the puzzle sleeve above,
start with a pattern with a ball on the left and slide the pieces to form a symmetric pattern with a ball on the right.
All the pieces have a square bottom layer that can pass under the curve rims at the corners.
The three blank blue pieces can move anywhere,
but the other pieces have a red or yellow shape on the top layer that prevents them from moving into some corners.
Without ...
1 bid
pucu 125
Sliding Cross difficult version
Sliding Cross
Problem 1
Probllem 2
Problem 3A
Problem 3B
As shown in the figure on the upper right above,
there are 14 unit square white pieces that slide on the lower layer,
where some of them have portions of the red upper layer glued to them.
The puzzle came with two trays,
an easier tray that has a simple border,
and a harder tray that has triangles on the upper left and lower right
of the border that allow the bottom white ...
1 bid
pucu 125
Moon and Star
Looks like a standard sliding puzzle but it is not. The puzzle is ideal for sliding beginners (40 moves) but also very interesting for experienced sliding puzzlers I kept picking them up and attempting them but have to say that I
really struggled! These puzzles are really tough and require some
considerable concentration and a definite Aha! moment!
Moon and Star
The first one I tried, - the Moon and Star. The aim is to rearrange the pieces
by sliding in the frame to make differe...
1 bid
pucu 125
A nice Sliding puzzle. To solve you have to understand the trick.
1 bid
pucu 125
Get My Sheep
A difficult sliding puzzleGet My Sheep
Looks like the classic
Get My Goat
but the pieces are composed of two layers.
The puzzle comes with a
solution sheet
showing a 70 move solution.
The following page shows every fifth move of a 69 move solution that starts with the same first 19 moves.
69 Move Solution to Get My Sheep
1 bid
pucu 125
Two Dogs
(made from 1/8" thick laser cut plastic, board 2 layers, pieces 2 layers, 4.375" x 4" x 3/8";
the eight pieces are two layers only due to the dog ears)
The start position has the two dogs facing away from each other and the other 6 pieces neatly arranged above them.
A natural problem is to exchange the two dogs while leaving the rest of the puzzle the same.
A second problem, shown in the
puzzle directions
sample solution,
is where one of the square pieces ends up above the do...
1 bid
pucu 125
Stacking Cups
(made from 1/8" thick laser cut plastic, board 2 layers, pieces 1 layer, 3.6" x 6.75" x 1/4")
The following pages show solutions sold with the puzzle for
Problem 1
Problem 2:
Solution Sheets For Problem 1, Page 1 of 3
Solution Sheets For Problem 1, Page 2 of 3
Solution Sheets For Problem 1, Page 3 of 3
Solution Sheets For Problem 2, Page 1 of 3
Solution Sheets For Problem 2, Page 2 of 3
Solution Sheets For Problem 2,...
1 bid
pucu 125
The Sliding Arrow Through the Bottle Puzzle
Shipping cost is< 500g world 7.5 $I will combine shipping cost if you have more then one puzzle.You have to pay the paypal fees.
1 bid
pucu 125
Two Dogs
(made from 1/8" thick laser cut plastic, board 2 layers, pieces 2 layers, 4.375" x 4" x 3/8";
the eight pieces are two layers only due to the dog ears)
The start position has the two dogs facing away from each other and the other 6 pieces neatly arranged above them.
A natural problem is to exchange the two dogs while leaving the rest of the puzzle the same.
A second problem, shown in the
puzzle directions
sample solution,
is where one of the square pieces ends up above the do...
1 bid
Kymaster8 2
Revomaze bronze v1
This is the bronze revomaze it is in perfect condition. The puzzle has never been solved so the certificate is still in there it's never been looked at. If you want more information on the puzzle visit: http://www.revomaze.co.uk/wordpress/?product=v1-bronze
9 bids
JerryLoo 43
Revomaze Green V1
Brand new un-opened (still wrapped in plastic) Revomaze Green V1. Sorry as the puzzle is still in its wrapping, I am unable to tell you the serial number. This Green V1 is not available from Revomaze UK and according to them will be discontinued.For more information on the Green V1, please check out the links below.www.revomaze.co.ukhttp://www.revomaze.co.uk/wordpress/?product=v1-green
27 bids