DanielScher 115
Triple Tango
Description: I don't normally make flat puzzles, but this one by Jerry
intrigued me. The goal is to switch the darker end pieces from one side to the
other. Simple, right? How about no, Scott. If you do it perfectly it's 89 moves
to exchange them. Good luck!
of this puzzle is quite nice, with mitered corners and a groovy acrylic top
that shows the starting position of the pieces. Fit is, well, flat. Plenty of
room to move the pieces inside, t...
USD 80.00
5 bids
DerekBosch 159
Alles Schiebung
an interesting sequential movement puzzle, exchanged by Hendrik at IPP34 in London.
USD 28.00
5 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
The Stuck Drawer
Remove the 5 pieces and the drawer. Takes 21 moves to remove the first piece from the start position.Buyer pays paypal fees
USD 85.00
27 bids
DerekBosch 159
Unlawful Assembly
Another interesting tray puzzle by Goh Pit Khiam...this was an entry in 2017's IPP design competition.movement is a bit snug, but lovely craftsmanship by Tom Lensch.
USD 111.00
15 bids
First123 14
String Box IV
This is a fun puzzle to play with. The mechanism is brilliant and in excellent condition. This box will be a great addition to your collection.
USD 110.00
6 bids
DanielScher 115
No Dexterity
must remove the ball from the maze by rolling the box and allowing the ball to
travel as far as it can in any direction--no "dexterity" is allowed!
USD 80.00
1 bid
woodknot 17
Karakuri Creation Group "Miniature Bulb" puzzle box
From the 2012 Karakuri Creation Group 4th design contest.A great looking, fun, beginner puzzle box.This is a work that came out from the 4th design contest. This is designed as a miniature bulb which is in a socket. If you look carefully, you will notice that the filament is cut. In this state, this Karakuri box is locked. Wooden gears are used as the mechanism. The glass (plastic) cover will not open. Which part is the real cover? And how do you open it?PayPal fees and shipping paid by winner.
USD 330.00
2 bids
dcameron 65
Lolly Box
This put together puzzle
blurs the line between packing and interlocking puzzles. With a level
4.4.17 solution, there’s some dastardly trickiness going on that will
surprise you. The interaction between the first two pieces is quite
surprising, replete with dead ends and other surprises.
USD 95.00
9 bids
First123 14
Haleslock 3
This is the hard to find Haleslock 3 made by Shane Hales. This is an excellent puzzle. The mechanism is very cool and clever. The A-Ha! moment is amazing and in very good condition. The objective is to open the lock.
USD 510.00
13 bids
Account Deleted
Triple Tango (Copy #2)
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:46 CopiesDESIGNER:Jerry LooCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Mahogany, Walnut, AcrylicCOMMENTS:I don't normally make flat puzzles, but this one by Jerry intrigued me. The goal is to switch the darker end pieces from one side to the other. Simple, right? How about no, Scott. If you do it perfectly it's 89 moves to exchange them. Good luck!Construction of this puzzle is quite nice, with mitered corners and a groovy acrylic top that shows the starting position of the p...
USD 40.00
27 bids
Steve 149
Propeller by Roger D
Propeller Puzzle by Roger D - there a couple of very tiny marks on the propeller, and one on the reverse each no more than 1mm in diameter and barely visible.Puzzle will be sent by Royal Mail from the UK at actual cost, or can be hand delivered to any of the usual London, Midlands or International Puzzle Parties.
USD 480.00
33 bids
saul 13
Power Tower
Mixed base n-ary puzzle with two sets of slider pieces, the first allowing for a binary set-up, the second allowing for a ternary setup. Any combination of sliders (from 3 to 6) can be used, mixing both binary and ternary pieces, for a total of 120 combinations with levels from 11 to 727.
USD 240.00
11 bids
tomjolly 119
CFF100th Jubilee Issue Puzzles: Disk and Crown + Disc puzzle
These were special puzzles made for the 100th issue of Cubism For Fun; I think there were 500 made, as mine says "239/500" on it. The puzzle with the 3 rivet maze "Disc and Crown" is from Robrecht Louage and Ipenberg. The paper Disc is from Ronald Koch. Photo images are front and back of the puzzles.This sale does NOT come with my copy of CFF100. Just the two puzzles.
USD 18.00
4 bids
Account Deleted
Triple Tango (Copy #1)
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:46 CopiesDESIGNER:Jerry LooCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Mahogany, Walnut, AcrylicCOMMENTS:I don't normally make flat puzzles, but this one by Jerry intrigued me. The goal is to switch the darker end pieces from one side to the other. Simple, right? How about no, Scott. If you do it perfectly it's 89 moves to exchange them. Good luck!Construction of this puzzle is quite nice, with mitered corners and a groovy acrylic top that shows the starting position of the p...
USD 45.00
22 bids
tomjolly 119
Big Wheel - Oskar
Oskar's "Big Wheel", from Bits and Pieces #07-6703. With instructions and original box.
USD 80.00
10 bids
Andrew.Fabian 15
Butterfly Lock (Pain & Pleasure)
Wil Strijbos - Butterfly Lock (Pain & Pleasure)Excelllent as new condition
USD 450.00
11 bids
Steve 149
K-Cube K-36 (11)
Taken from Kim's original listing "K-36 (11)36 moves. Size: 2 1/8" x 3" x 3 3/4" Made of goncalo alves, maple, zircote, ebony, blood wood, tulip wood, sapele, purple heart and brass inlay. This puzzle has 6 movable pieces and a pin that locks the first movable piece. Signed, numbered and dated."Puzzle is a slightly loose fit but still solves well - It was an early design/build made in May 2010. The puzzle will complete with original solution card and drawstring bagIt will be posted...
USD 400.00
5 bids
saul 13
Houdini's Torture Cell
The puzzle has a slight crack in the acrylic "cell". It came this way (possibly a result of drilling the screw hole) and can be clearly seen in the 2nd and 3rd photos. Includes original card and instruction sheet.For more details: http://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/houdini-s-torture-cell-sequential-discovery-take-apart-puzzle.html
USD 230.00
13 bids