HH 18
Pionir Cube
This puzzle is from Hungary, made by Artek 1984. A total of 67 balls can be moved along tracks on the inside edges of the box by tilting the box. It´s very rare to find with original box. The puzzle is in perfect condition, the box is a little bit damaged on one side as shown at the pictures.
USD 49.00
3 bids
PuzzlingTime 67
The Channel Swimming Puzzle
The Channel Swimming puzzlenis a slide puzzle has a swimming in a Channel connected thorough the wall to the "support boat" via a magnet.Guide the swimming from one end if the Channel tot the other. There are 6 channels that range from relatively hard to extreme. Move counts included.A great IPP34 Exchange puzzle from Dirk Weber, all documentation included.
USD 18.00
1 bid
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Missing Notch by Stewart Coffin (RPP)
Missing Notch is one of Stewart Coffins more difficult assembly puzzles. The six pieces are nearly identical, with notched out centers and two angled notches on the outside. One piece is missing an angled notch, which obviates the obvious coordinate motion assembly. Can you figure out the alternate methodology?This puzzle came out very nicely, with a precise fit and a solid maple cube with magnets on each face to keep the inherently instable assembly together once solved.Precision wood puzzles ...
USD 81.00
20 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Double Slideways by Ray Stanton (RPP)
Double Slideways is a brilliant design and I'm glad we found time to make it again! This is a re-release of Ray's excellent exchange puzzle we last produced in 2014. The exchange edition was in a smaller format and fully notched for production efficiency. This remake is in a larger size and features augmented construction with a triangular stock insert. As a result, there is less void space once assembled, giving this edition smoother operation and more stability in the solved state.We used a ve...
USD 81.00
21 bids
fluorescein 86
Oskar's Maze - van Deventer
Oskar's Maze from Oskar van DeventerThis metal puzzle is a 3-dimensional maze. From a previous CD Marketplace listing: "This is a metal discontinued item... As described by Oskar, it is a 3-dimensional mechanical maze which has a surprising number of possible configurations, with a minimum of 36 distinct slides required to move the star from one end of the maze to the other. Each side of the cube is marked with a *circle* and *square* to dignify the start and end positions."The frame is in good ...
USD 110.00
23 bids
mimetag 111
Sherman & Sponge Bob twisty puzzles
PW Herman: new in packaging (example is picture is from my own collection)Sponge bob: like new, no packaging
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 € 35,00
EUR 1: Most EU countries in West...
USD 32.00
4 bids
mimetag 111
Mickey's challenge - puzzle ball
Mickey's challengegreat twisty puzzle with two favourite Disney figures!
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 € 35,00
EUR 1: Most EU countries in Western Europe
EUR 2: Most EU countries...
USD 31.00
3 bids
mimetag 111
Car puzzle - Serhiy Grabarchuk / IPP exchange
A classic sliding piece puzzle designed by Serhiy Grabarchuk.Can you solve this itneresting sliding piece puzzles exchanged by Wil Strijbos?
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 € 35,00
USD 15.00
1 bid
mimetag 111
Eni puzzle - 5 rings
Eni Puzzlescramble and solve!
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 € 35,00
EUR 1: Most EU countries in Western Europe
EUR 2: Most EU countries in Eastern Europe, also the Baltics, Finla...
USD 11.00
2 bids
mimetag 111
17 pieces cube in tin - unknown
17 pieces cube puzzlecan you put the 17 pieces together to form a cube.well known cube dissection with a surprising solution made in sturdy beech wood.
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 ...
USD 10.00
1 bid
mimetag 111
turn push puzzle - Dutch royal navy
Turn push puzzle - Dutch Royal Navycan you return the full picture?
fees (including handling and packaging, exclusive insurance):
NL: 0-10 kg € 7,25
International: EUR 1 EUR 2 EUR
3 World
0-2 kg € 20,00 €
25,00 € 30,00 € 35,00
EUR 1: Most EU countries in Western Europe
EUR 2: Most EU countries in E...
USD 10.00
1 bid
Christo 36
Gold Coast Parking Meter
G’day puzzlers,I’ve been forced to thin down my collection so have to say bye to this great puzzle by the Real Mr Puzzle.The aim is to get the parking meter to accept the coin and then reassemble. Followed by getting the coin to pop up again.From the Ipp held in Australia! Woo Hoo KangarooI hope it finds a good home.
USD 545.00
29 bids
josiah1221 53
Cop Out Series - Trapped Coin Mechanical Puzzles
https://www.etsy.com/listing/824585680/cop-out-series-trapped-coin-mechanical?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_detailsActual shipping and handling cost will be calculated at end of auction.
USD 50.00
14 bids
brendan 1
Big Ben Exchange
Winner Jury Grand Prize IPP Design Competition 2015Designed by John Moores in collaboration with Juno Yananose and Brian Young. Manufactured by Mr Puzzle in 2014 and presented at IPP34 - August 2014 in London, UK.This particular puzzle came from John Moores' personal set, part of a collection of 12 puzzles sent to him prior to the IPP meeting in 2014. It is accompanied by a print out of an email to John Moores from Mr Puzzle discussing the shipment, finalization of the solution, and praise from ...
USD 2,550.00
21 bids
chris_linnick 26
Description: Ansel (unopened),
camera-themed sequential discovery puzzle by Puzzled Wolf (Brandon Wolf).
Fantastic sequential discovery puzzle reminiscent somewhat of the Rex Perez
coin puzzles. Fantastic puzzle that I had the pleasure of solving and reviewing as part of the metagrobologist blog webiste. I intended
to keep this unopened copy as part of my collection but unfortunate circumstances caused me to list this and other puzzles. Condition: Excellent unopened. Still in original packag...
USD 131.00
9 bids
gazza19 27
Popplock T12
Popplock T12 complete with unopened solution and workings.It's brass so it shows cosmetic wear/patina see photos.Postage and insurance will be charged at cost when I know where it is going to.
USD 1,100.00
4 bids
fivesinatras 77
Sanmai by Yuyuki Endo
A unique puzzle by Yuyuki Endo - the goal is to connect the lines by rotating the internal pieces using the two cut-outs in the frame.From the original description: "The purpose is to move it in the frame so that the lines of the pattern are connected.
USD 75.00
4 bids
Usher 39
Washington Monument
Washington Monument by Brian Young.Puzzle in perfect condition, except slight oxidation on the cheap paper flags. Please see the description via provided link for more information. Shipping to be determined at sale of the item, handling fee is $7.00, if you win multiple items, handling fee stays the same for shipping multiple items. Shipping Internationally YESPaypal is to be used for payment. https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/washington-monument-sequential-discovery-puzzle/
USD 550.00
14 bids
PuzzDude 55
Ages - Sequential Discovery Puzzle
Pairing down my collection. Never got around to attempting this one, unfortunately. Brian Young makes some of the best SD puzzles out there. Ages is named after how long it took the puzzle to be made from original conception. From Mr. Puzzle’s site:This is not a binary burr even if it seems to have some of the elements. All the moves are random. That makes it less predictable to solve. And the burr has no frame; even the Coming of Age MkII pieces are technically making a frame which is ho...
USD 390.00
14 bids
grigoremereacre 3
Please READ THIS: Shipping worldwide except Canada & Australia. Shipping and handling fees to be calculated.VisayasThis is the 8th sequencial discovery puzzle
from Rex. New. Never solved.Goal: release the star.Paypal accepted. Actual shipping and handling fees will be calculated at the close of the auction and will be paid by the buyer.
USD 45.00
1 bid