CubicdissectionExtras 536
Aha Box by Allan Boardman 2019 Edition (RPP)
Small Box Two - "Aha Box" This design was Alan Boardman's IPP exchange puzzle in 2004. He describes it as ""Designed to lure your non-puzzler friends into ""our"" world."" It gives very few clues upon seems to be solid, with no way to open it. A solution does exist, and it's quite tricky to discover. Sturdy and pocket sized, a great puzzle to share with friends and non-puzzlers. This little box also has a surprisingly useful amount of space inside!
Construction of this puzzle is...
USD 65.00
25 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Blah Box by Eric Fuller (RPP)
Blah Box is the result of the accumulation of ideas I had while trying to design a simple mechanism for the box containing the DDD Burr Puzzle. I wanted to make a simple trick opening mechanism for DDD, but in the end, discarded the idea because it would overly increase the price of the puzzle. I came out of the design session with some solid ideas, which, when combined, turned into a rather interesting box on their own. I was feeling rather "Blah" about my failure with DDD and decided to name t...
USD 465.00
34 bids
rakasis 14
Burr Bot
Burr Bot is a mischievous little robot. He has eaten something he shouldn't have. Can you open him up and retrieve what he ate?As with all robots, he is quite logical and he does not like excessive force, to be shaken, or hit. Be careful he also has magnets and small parts.Burr Bot is combination of a burr style puzzle (with interlocking pieces that can be moved around) and a sequential discovery puzzle (where tools can be discovered to help you solve the puzzle). He has been printed in Marble, ...
USD 95.00
4 bids
grssam 95
Confetti Box - Eric Fuller
This beautiful puzzle box is one of Eric's ever popular and puzzler's favorite designs. Made in gorgeous canary-wood and Spalted Tamarind top making it one of the best looking puzzle boxes.Winner to pay shipping price. Shipping can range from 20 USD using National Post to 45 USD using UPS/Fedex based on region.I accept PayPal and Wise payment methods.Can club multiple winnings to save on shipping!
USD 225.00
1 bid
jchiou 51
Acorn Box - Hiroshi Iwahara
From the original description:The cover rattles. But, the cover doesn't open even when you pull it up or turn any points of the box. It was unveiled at an exhibition that was held in Feb. 2008 by the craftsman and Mr. Ninomiya. At the exhibition, a customer who experienced Karakuri for the first time opened it very quickly, but a veteran of puzzles needed 30 minutes. This caused a lot of laughter! The acorn is made of wood. This work was designed for the marriage party of the craftsm...
USD 120.00
11 bids
dickerdixon 230
Where's My Hammer?
When this box was for sale on Cubicdissection I was too slow and missed out so I contacted Dee Dixon to ask if there was any chance of a spare. He had only one, which did not make the grade because of a slight flaw. This "flaw" is cosmetic, does not affect operation and is on the INSIDE of the box so you only get to see it if you solve the puzzle! Dee allowed me to buy it at a slightly discounted price and I have seen the inside of the box. If I did not KNOW there was a flaw I probably w...
USD 393.00
20 bids
DerekBosch 159
Sequence Logic Box
A beautiful puzzle box by Jesse Born, which is reprogrammable to different combinations.from his website:This puzzle has a somewhat complicated solution that works like a maze with dead ends and backtracking that can result in a very lost puzzler. These boxes were made with the ability to be reprogrammed into a different combination once the box is opened. Unlocking this box may seem easy until puzzle solvers realize they are trapped in a maze web and will need to figure out how to backtrack and...
USD 1,705.00
24 bids
YassCherry 58
Kamaboko by akio kamei
Open the secret compartment. This is one of the works that were developed for the cause of the concept to make works associated with Odawara and Hakone .
One of the popular tastyfoods for sale in Odawara is Kamaboko, which is made from fresh fish Includes original box and solution
USD 270.00
4 bids
YassCherry 58
Mail Box by Kyoko Hoshino
This work was designed as a Christmas present for 2014.
It is very difficult to convey ones feeling in a letter.
Even after completing the letter, you may decide not to actually send it.
If ones true feelings are conveyed even through the distance, surely the receivers heart grows fonder as well.
Includes original box and copy of solution
USD 125.00
4 bids
YassCherry 58
Snow dance by Kyoko Hoshino
This work was designed as a Christmas present for 2016.
You will open and close the lid with snowing movement.
I embroidered the lid by hand one by one.
Includes original box and copy of solution
USD 120.00
3 bids
YassCherry 58
Clown Fish by Tatsuo Miyamoto
Open the trick box.
This was a 2016 Karakuri Club Christmas presentIt is a bit out of season, but this is an image from the sea.
The lid was made in the image of a sea anemone.
The clown fish is hidden inside the sea anemone. You can’t see its head, but its tail is sticking out.
Includes original box and copy of solution
USD 110.00
3 bids
Arc Light 47
Little Drawer Puzzle Box
Little Drawer Puzzle BoxIn 1995 Akio Kamei of the Karakuri Group created the Little Drawer puzzle Box, this version is Bits And Pieces take on the design. It’s one of Bits and Pieces better puzzle boxes, nicely crafted and a solid little puzzle box with a interesting solution. Original solution is included.Shipping to your exact location can be calculated after the auction, or send me a message for an estimate. Many thanks!
USD 163.00
6 bids
Dedwood 16
Space Case prototype
This is a prototype version of Space Case. Had some fun and added a Darth Vader image. It has two fewer steps from the final version but is still a challenging puzzle. Made from black walnut and sapele.
USD 160.00
2 bids
Arc Light 47
Makishi Puzzle Box
Makishi Puzzle BoxI believe this is a 16 move puzzle box. I say believe because Makishi’s puzzle boxes are sneaky with lots of moving parts, so after a few solves I was still unsure if I’ve counted correctly. I believe this puzzle box is crafted from poplar wood with a Walnut finish applied to it. The puzzle box does not come with a solution.Shipping to your exact location can be calculated at the auction close, or send me a message and I can get you an estimate. Many thanks!
USD 90.00
10 bids
Arc Light 47
Makishi Puzzle Box
Makishi Puzzle BoxI believe this is a 16 move puzzle box. I say believe because Makishi’s puzzle boxes are sneaky with lots of moving parts, so after a few solves I was still unsure if I’ve counted correctly. I believe this puzzle box is crafted from poplar wood with a warm finish applied to it. The puzzle box does not come with a solution.Shipping to your exact location can be calculated at the auction close, or send me a message and I can get you an estimate. Many thanks!
USD 85.00
7 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Lift Box by Eric Fuller (RPP)
This second release of Lift Box incorporates a couple of design improvements over the last version. Customer reviews of the previous release describe the box well:
""Removing the lid of the Lift Box is easy, but this does not allow access the inside of the box and here the actual solve starts. The box has an unusual mechanism, and first time I have seen one like that. There are some carefully hidden hints in the design that give you a rough idea what may be required, but actually finding the ...
USD 410.00
34 bids
LokIKross 40
Bara Bara Philosopher - Karakuri/Kasho
Highly unique and appealing puzzle box.Multiple moves and discoveries. Two compartments.Not your usual puzzle box. Sold out on KCG.Has model character on top designed by another artist.Comes with box and solution.No fees, please wait for final invoice to submit payment.
USD 175.00
1 bid
gwennou 38
Bars Box II
Karakuri Xmas Gift 2018. A renovation of the KW-36 Bars Box, this work is fairly complex and requires a number of steps to open. Two hidden small spaces are to be unveiled. Magnolia, Walnut, Maple and Keyaki.
USD 170.00
6 bids
gwennou 38
Late for Tea
Based upon “Alice in Wonderland”, this box is a representation of the clock the rabbit carries while running late for the
tea party. In some ways, solving this puzzle is similar to picking a
safe, as the sound and feel of both free moving clock hands, combined
with additional clues, point to its solution. The second and final
compartment contains a brass coin with the Stickman logo. 50 copies
made, but most of them are not publicly available as they will be
integrated into the u...
USD 2,000.00
13 bids
carlosxtorres 25
Book Puzzle Box
Bill Sheckles, the designer and creator, states that, "This is an elegant puzzle box that take the form of a book." I will add that it's a tricky puzzle too! This is from the 3rd generation of his puzzle book boxes.
USD 155.00
1 bid