tomjolly 119
Man's Suitcase Packing Puzzle (B&P #07-7412)
Suitcase packing puzzle from Bits and Pieces. In box with instructions. Shipping weight with packaging 8 oz. Shipping overseas costs $13.75.
USD 22.00
11 bids
tomjolly 119
Barricade (B&P #07-7734)
Barricade puzzle from Bits and Pieces, or Puzzle Makers Intl'. Assemble the slatted pieces into a barrel shape. Assembled config shown, and partly disassembled. Nice looking puzzle. Overseas shipping costs $22.75; item weight with packaging is 13 ounces.
USD 10.00
1 bid
JerryMcFarland 26
City Heights
Different sized rods must be positioned into wood block in correct pattern. Solution included.
USD 20.00
1 bid
tomjolly 119
Old Kumiki, four - 2 battleships, a barrel, a ball
In the picture, the barrel, ball, and right ship are stamped "made in Japan," and the ship on the left is stamped "Made in Occupied Japan". The ship on the left is missing a cross-piece in the mast (you can see this in the picture).
USD 40.00
28 bids
DanielScher 115
Eric's Description: With the invention of the NOS (New Old School) puzzle series, Gregory took the six piece burr format and turned it on its head. The only thing more noteworthy than the uniqueness of the series was how difficult they are to make. When he sent me the plans for them a year ago, I turned him down because it just looked like a nightmare to manufacture. I wasn't wrong...BUT...Gregory came up to me at IPP this summer and let me play with a couple three D printed versions and I was h...
USD 70.00
1 bid
Account Deleted
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:44 CopiesDESIGNER:Goh Pit KhiamCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Rosewood, Ipe, Walnut, Bubinga, Paduak, Maple, AcrylicCOMMENTS:Pit sent me this design and I really liked it. It's a tricky packing puzzle that uses a new type of motion. With five identical pieces (but different wood types) and an acrylic cover, it's a lot of fun to play with and figure out. Moderately difficult, you can feel comfortable handing this off to a non-puzzling friend. Fit is very good, should not...
USD 173.00
35 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:39 CopiesDESIGNER:Goh Pit KhiamCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Walnut, Yellowheart, Paduak, Bubinga, AcrylicCOMMENTS:Another one by Goh Pit Khiam, Fusion is the successor of RetroFit. As you would expect from how tricky RetroFit was, Fusion takes it to another level. The goal, to fit the five polyominoes into the partially covered tray, is MUCH trickier than it looks. Here is what Goh has to say about it: This is a redesign of my Crossroad puzzle. In that puzzle, ...
USD 149.00
31 bids
Account Deleted
A Pack
RELEASED:6.18.2015PRODUCED:46 CopiesDESIGNER:Terry SmartCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Bird's Eye Maple, AcrylicCOMMENTS:I'm trying to include at least one interesting packing puzzle in each update, and the A-Pack absolutely overdelivers in that regard. The concept is unique and brilliant, and I'm very glad I made it. There are two sliding shuttles which are captured in the acrylic frame. The goal is to pack the pieces completely in, and it's very very difficult. Right off the bat you're ...
USD 110.00
32 bids
Account Deleted
Pocket Pento
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:39 CopiesDESIGNER:Jerry LooCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Acrylic, Various Exotic HardwoodsCOMMENTS:I like *some* packing puzzles, and this one made the cut. It's a set of pentominos and a simple box, yet there is only ONE solution to packing them all in. A truly extraordinary achievement! I interpreted this one with a lot of panache, using 12 different woods for the pieces (Canary, Bubinga, Yellowheart, Peruvian Walnut, Paduak, Wenge, Shedue, Mahogany, Ipe, Boco...
USD 110.00
29 bids
Account Deleted
Oskar's Matchboxes
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:20 CopiesDESIGNER:Oskar van DeventerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Various Exotic HardwoodsCOMMENTS:Every five years or so I make a small batch of this puzzle. I'm proud to be able to offer it at a very low price this time due to economies of scale with the Matchbox Play Six. Oskar's Matchboxes has always been one of my favorite designs. In terms of originality, interesting appearance and overall kickassness (yes I just made that word up) very few puzzles come close. No...
USD 190.57
22 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:2.13.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut / RosewoodCOMMENTS:When I saw this design (along with "Core") I knew immediately I wanted to make it. I like packing puzzles, but the old "put the pieces in the box" can get old. Begonia definitely has a twist to it - the "box" has three axes! The most interesting part of the solution is figuring out how to deal with the corners where the plane switches. Tricky but not insanely difficult, and a lot of...
USD 267.00
46 bids
Account Deleted
Half Hour Puzzle
RELEASED:7.26.2013PRODUCED:32 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Bloodwood, Maple, Bubinga, Wenge, Chakte Viga, Yellowheart, Purpleheart, Paduak, MahoganyCOMMENTS:The half hour puzzle is a Stewart Coffin classic, and if you don't have a copy in your collection you really should. Although this puzzle is fun and approachable by anyone, it's far from simple. The pieces were deliberately chosen to be as tricky as possible, and there is only one solution. Mr. Coffin has this t...
USD 120.00
31 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:1.31.2015PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash, SapeleCOMMENTS:One of Stewart's earlier works, Pyracube is a puzzle I've always wanted in my collection. I figured since I was going to make one, my customers might want one too. So here it is! Stewart has this to say about Pyracube:Pyracube introduces a large family of puzzles made by joining polyhedral blocks together different ways, in this case by using edge beveled cubes (or to put it another way, ...
USD 98.00
26 bids
Account Deleted
Burr Circus
RELEASED:11.29.2012PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:PurpleheartCOMMENTS:Designated STC #116, this Coffin puzzle was Allen Rolf's IPP29 exchange contribution. Mr. Coffin himself doesn't seem to have many records of it, stating in his book that he only made a few and had no records of ever selling any copies. I'm not sure how Allen revived the design, but I'm glad he did because this is a very interesting puzzle. Thanks to him for giving me permission to make ...
USD 72.00
15 bids
dickerdixon 230
Framed, Non-planar, Symmetric Hexacubes -black palm frame
Framed, Non-planar, Symmetric Hexacubes, by Primitivo Familiar Ramos and made by Brian Menold. Pack various combinations of ten of the sixteen pieces into the frame. 16 different woods used for the pieces. Presented in a black "felt" bag with printed combination instructions. Frame is made from black palm and holly.
25 bids
dickerdixon 230
Framed, Non-planar, Symmetric Hexacubes - holly frame
Framed, Non-planar, Symmetric Hexacubes, by Primitivo Familiar Ramos and made by Brian Menold. Pack various combinations of ten of the sixteen pieces into the frame. 16 different woods used for the pieces. Presented in a black "felt" bag with printed combination instructions. Frame is made from holly and bloodwood.
7 bids
JerryMcFarland 26
4 Toast Puzzle - pack the toast
IPP17 exchange puzzle. Pack the four pieces into the tray. Solution included with the puzzle but not shown on the auction website.
15 bids
DanielScher 115
Eric's Description: I recieved a copy of this puzzle this year at IPP in Finland as an exchange gift from Mr. Iwasawa. I did not have time to solve it until I got home, but what a pleasant surprise it was! The goal of the puzzle is to fit the six angled pieces as well as the two cubes into the box. The shape is easily assembled outside the box, but when you attempt to insert them, you're in for more of a challange. The solution is elegant and entertaining. Once solved, removing the pieces become...
15 bids