Steve 149
Java Tea (PZ-047-2500) ジャワティ Toyo packing puzzle
From Toyo's original instructions :"ヶのジャワティとアイスのブロックをコップの中にきちんと自然な形に収まるように詰めて遊ぶパズル。最後にストローを入れて完成。You are given some irregular-shaped pieces along with a glass jar. You have to arrange these pieces in the jar so that the final shape looks like a glass of JAVA TEA with ice."I've been trying to complete my Toyo glass collection for a few years
now and this is one of a number o...
USD 49.00
9 bids
dickerdixon 230
Stand By Cube 2
Stand By Cube no.2. Please read Allard Walker's comments at
USD 40.00
1 bid
Pottypuzzles 28
Kammen's Korner 2
assemble the 12 pieces into the final shape. An exchange form IPP22.Buyer pays paypal fees.
USD 38.00
11 bids
Account Deleted
Fusion (Packing Puzzle)
************************************Historically I have kept a 2-3 copies of each puzzle as insurance against a lost package or other issue. Over time they accumulated, and I prefer not to have that happen. Therefore I have been releasing them to the community over the last several months.This is the last batch of those "archived" puzzles - after this I will not have any left and will not be keeping any in reserve.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are...
USD 140.00
40 bids
tomjolly 119
Pharaoh's Bane
Four identical pieces with one of the four balls in each piece connected by a small steel rod. Designed by Markus Gotz. With instructions and packing.
USD 23.00
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Slide Packing
Slide Packing. Get the four pieces in the box. I actually sold this in the previous auction, but it was returned to me because the top of the box warped and separated (see detail photo). This has no effect on the functionality of the box and puzzle, but it does lower the value a lot to a collector. So, here it is again.
USD 90.00
24 bids
saul 13
Circle tray packing puzzle
For the life of me, I can't remember the name of this puzzle. The objective is to fit all the pieces in the tray so each segment has three different colours.
USD 18.00
13 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:1.31.2015PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash, SapeleCOMMENTS:One of Stewart's earlier works, Pyracube is a puzzle I've always wanted in my collection. I figured since I was going to make one, my customers might want one too. So here it is! Stewart has this to say about Pyracube:Pyracube introduces a large family of puzzles made by joining polyhedral blocks together different ways, in this case by using edge beveled cubes (or to put it another way, ...
USD 75.00
15 bids
Account Deleted
Play Ball
RELEASED:12.5.2016PRODUCED:50 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Zebrawood, BirchCOMMENTS:Stewart sent me several experimental prototypes a while back and this one really grabbed my interest. Mostly because it looked simple...pack six "lollipops" into a box. Plus I could already see them in the solved state! I dumped them out and mixed them up and then sat there, stumped. Eventually I figured it out but it took a lot longer than I expected. A very fun, tricky puzz...
USD 61.00
24 bids
Arc Light 47
MMMM Puzzle
MMMM PuzzleThe MMMM Puzzle was designed by Hirokazu Iwasawa and this copy was crafted by Brian Menold. This is a very nice copy of the design with Zebra wood Pieces in maple box with finger jointed sides. The object is to pack the 4 M pieces into the box and close the lid. The puzzle measures 3" and does not include a solution.Shipping will be calculated at auction close, so please allow time for that before sending payment. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. If you have any questions just...
USD 201.11
22 bids
RonZezima 39
Mini Chessboard
Eric Fuller's description: "William continually comes up with new and innovative designs. His Mini Chessboard is no exception. An interlocking puzzle with a level solution, it's not impossibly difficult. It IS a lot of fun to solve though, with lots of fun sliding and figuring out which piece fits where within the constraints of the fixed portions of the frame. Construction is robust, with a shouldered walnut frame and solid maple and walnut pieces. Each part of each piece is beveled al...
USD 112.00
7 bids
DanielScher 115
Pack the four L-shaped pieces into the box. Winner of the Jury Honorable Mention in the 2015 IPP Puzzle Design Competition.
USD 120.00
21 bids
pucu 125
Nice 2 pieces puzzle some people need up to 45 minutes to solve it!!I will combine shipping cost
USD 6.00
1 bid
Account Deleted
RELEASED:10.18.2016PRODUCED:48 CopiesDESIGNER:Frederic BoucherCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Baltic Birch, Chechen, Maple, Steel DowelCOMMENTS:I'd long admired this design by Boucher, and finally got around to tracking him down and asking permission to make it. I'm so glad I did! It's really a great puzzle; even if you don't necessarily like packing puzzles you should give it a try. There are three solutions for packing all the wood pieces plus the metal dowl in. However, once you put the...
USD 65.00
28 bids
pucu 125
The puzzles are based on Question du Lapin.IPP Exchange puzzle 31 BerlinPuzzle Design Competition 2011The puzzle consists of 5 discs.Thereby each puzzle disc shows as a silhouette the shape of an object,which is cut out of the disc.If the puzzle discs are put on top of each other in the right way,then the shape of a dog becomes visible.The goal is to find the head of a dog.
USD 10.00
3 bids
tomjolly 119
Bundle of Sticks
Bundle of Sticks, designed by Tom Jolly, mfg by Eric Fuller, 4 knobbly sticks you need to put through the square frame.
USD 90.00
21 bids