HoneyBadger 183
Not-A-Cube II IPP30 [409-018]
Six equal quadrilateral faces. A second unique design, still not a cube.Technical craftsmanship is Wayne's specialty, and it shows in this puzzle. Difficult to even imagine the jigs required to produce this interesting "quadrilateral dissection". Presented in 2010 at IPP30 in Osaka as an exchange puzzle.Six pieces, in chechen or jatoba, with neodymium magnets.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winnin...
USD 56.00
8 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Just Fit by Strijbos [409-515]
Not surprisingly, Wil's design entry "Just Fit" won the Hikimi Puzzle Competition in 1990! Also known as Devil's Chess, this puzzle is edgy and much more difficult than it would seem on first look. See Gabriel's fine review here: http://mypuzzlecollection.blogspot.com/2012/05/just-fit.htmlA very playable copy, great wood contrast and decent lap size. Warm up this holiday season with an old favorite!16 pieces and tray. Hidden piece faces labeled "A" etc. in pencil for piece ID and soluti...
USD 55.00
18 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Pat-Turn-It IPP24 [410-367]
10 pieces, from IPP24 Tokyo. 2004 puzzle. Original instructions included.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 30.00
12 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Discus (Discon subset) [409-373]
5 disc 4 pin subset of Discon. Excellent display piece, fun to play.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 23.00
17 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Dragon's Eggs by Pentangle [551-024]
Wood pieces contain half sphere cutouts which creates an extra packing dimension to consider.  A fun and creative design -- Dragons Eggs 1985 Christmas packing puzzle produced by Pentangle.In wood with 3 colored glass marbles, original instructions and box.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please seeÂ...
USD 50.00
1 bid
HoneyBadger 183
Large Packing [551-462]
6 piece packing puzzle in a box with one constrained voxel.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 18.00
12 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Twist-L-Dan by Endo [551-535]
*rare* 2005 handcrafted masterpiece from Endo. This piece is a beautiful display piece that is unlike any other packing puzzle I know of. Kind of looks like a Star Wars tie fighter?Takeyuki Endo doesn't produce many puzzles - in fact, usually just enough for puzzle exchange. His designs are always enigmatic and aesthetic, and are highly collectible, playable and just plain fun. Puzzle frame and pieces are handcrafted from different exotic woods to demanding tolerances.9 pieces fit into a...
USD 110.00
14 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Hazelgrove Box [411-716]
Possibly John Ergatoudis' prototype construction of the Hazelgrove Box.9 pieces box, very interesting "bundled stick" construction.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from ...
USD 27.00
16 bids
HoneyBadger 183
ADLT Pyramid [412-071]
4 pieces, 20 units total to form 4x pyramid on wooden base. Base marked "AD-LT".Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee after the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 38.00
9 bids
HoneyBadger 183
CELLA Cubes by Naef [412-426]
10 pieces. Solid maple by Naef. Average condition, great puzzle for play with a younger crowd.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee after the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 67.00
20 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Unlawful Assembly by Khiam/Lensch [412-568]
Top Shelf display piece from the dynamic designer/craftsman duo!Goh Pit Khiam's Unlawful Assembly was an entry in the 2017 Design Competition in Paris: https://puzzleworld.org/DesignCompetition/2017/#63Classic craftsmanship instantly recognizable as Tom Lensch's work; irresistible, buttery smooth finish, perfect selection of woods and precision joinery all work to ease the frustration of the difficult designs he selects to make.Goal: Pack the 5 pieces flat into the boxNo solution is provided...
USD 82.00
10 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Fourteen-Piece Square (STC-148) by Stewart Coffin [412-923]
*RARE* Stewart Coffin Original Puzzle -- from the workshop of Coffin, puzzle is inscribed "148 - STC - 1999" on bottom of tray.Pack 14 pieces into tray. Only 40 were made by Stewart in 1999 for a puzzle workshop held in Lenox, MA. With original information and solution sheet.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee after the aucti...
USD 66.00
5 bids
HoneyBadger 183
TetraCubed IPP32 by Wayne Daniel [413-704]
2012 IPP exchange puzzle. Beautifully crafted by Wayne Daniel. See label in photo for deets.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee after the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top designers and makers from US, Japan and Europe. Â
USD 35.00
6 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Box of Blocks 2 [409-089]
*rare* Large box packing puzzle created by the late puzzle designer Mr. Gantt of Florida.Solid wood, 18 piece box packing puzzle, with handmade paper labels in original condition.Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee AFTER the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Coll...
USD 40.00
19 bids
HoneyBadger 183
ADLT Nut Pyramid [415-053]
10 welded steel nut pieces in wood tray. Difficult and spatially challenging. Goal: assemble a 5 × 5 × 5 pyramid on wooden base. Base marked "AD-LT".Mahalo!International Shipping AVAILABLE - see Shipping tab for detailsNOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount plus 4% payment processing fee (PayPal) plus shipping fee after the auction closes. Please see many other HoneyBadger listings featuring puzzles from the Garcia Family Collection, including top d...
USD 160.00
31 bids
HoneyBadger 183
Tube It In by Wil Strijbos [401-279]
Wil's "Tube It In" is a notorious 14 piece heavy steel puzzle that has received much attention in the puzzle community of late. The puzzle consists of 14 square tubular sections that must be assembled into the largest of the 14 pieces. First shown at IPP 5 in 1983 as a souvenir, another variation of this puzzle was used as an exchange puzzle for IPP 21 Tokyo in 2001. Since that time, various reproductions in wood with modified designs have been produced, always selling out quickly.This is...
USD 280.00
9 bids
YassCherry 58
BreadBox IPP 31
Goal : Place the 17 pieces of toast in the breadbox .IPP 31 exchange puzzle from David LitwinAll the pieces fit perfectly, the solution is really clever and really hard.
USD 11.00
2 bids
YassCherry 58
The Square Deal IPP31
IPP 31 exchange puzzle from Vladimir Krasnoukhov .Goal 1 : 7 pieces are already placed inside the frame. The objective is to add the last 8th piece .Goal 2 (more difficult ) : Using all 8 pieces to make a triangle.Warming- up ;) : Using some pieces of the set to make rectangles of the following shape : 3x4 , 3x5 , 3x6 , 3x7 , 3x8 , 3x9 , 3x10 , 3x11 , 3x12 , 3x13 , 3x14 , 5x6 , 5x10 , 6x7 , 6x8Â Happy Puzzling !!
USD 17.00
6 bids
YassCherry 58
4 Duckling Puzzle IPP31
IPP 31 exchange puzzle from Vladimir Krasnoukhov .Goal : Place the 4 pieces into the 2 frames .Really Difficult Happy Puzzling !!
USD 25.00
13 bids
josiah1221 53
Pin Block Case
Pin Block Case from Cubicdissection's discontinued Artisan Series.https://cubicdissection.com/collections/all-puzzles/products/pin-block-caseActual shipping cost will be calculated after the auction.
USD 26.00
12 bids