CubicdissectionExtras 536
Box Rebellion by Stewart Coffin Unique Woods
Box Rebellion was previously released as an IPP exchange puzzle in 2004 by Walt Hoppe. Similar to the wildly popular 4L design, Box Rebellion is a tricky multiple-step packing puzzle with a single solution. The four identical pieces must be packed into the box but are blocked by an odd-shaped acrylic slider over the top which only allows one side of the box to be accessible at a time. The solution includes multiple rotations.These puzzles are extras and oddballs that have accumulated in the sh...
USD 176.00
30 bids
Spanishlovemachine 190
Up for auction is Jürg van Känels GALAXIES & STARS packing challenge. If you like the Yuu Asaka puzzles then this is your ultimate challenge for a non-expected "kind of" jigsaw packing - it just provides you with enough clues to start but then.... It is awesome and a hidden gemPayment Options:Generally I prefer SEPA for European customers and Paypal for all others. All other payment methods may be feasible as well but this has to be agreed PRIOR to bidding with me. Please also note that there ...
2 bids
DanielScher 115
Square Dance
Just four simple-seeming pieces to fit into each side of the tray, but they're much trickier than you'd think to get your head around, and there's only one solution per side!
USD 29.00
15 bids
Spanishlovemachine 190
Up for auction is HEPTAGON 40, a multi-challenge packing puzzle designed & made by Koshi Arai. You will need to put all pieces into the tray of course but since they have different colors on either side there are easier challenges with a lot of solutions for mixes colors and just 2 solutions for the "all dark pieces". A hard nut to crack and quite rare as Koshi is usually only selling at IPPs.Payment Options:Generally I prefer SEPA for European customers and Paypal for all others. All other paym...
3 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Tube It In by Wil Strijbos (RPP)
This is the second edition of Tube It In, originally released in 2016. This edition is dimensionally the same, with different woods and the addition of magnets to keep the puzzle assembled once solved.Tube It In is a classic design by Wil Strijbos. To solve it you have to take the various small rectangular pieces and pack them all inside each other. Wil originally made it with small cut sections of metal pipe! What an original and fun idea, still unique to this day. The puzzle itself is moderate...
USD 181.00
19 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Surround by Kohno Ichiro (RPP)
Designed and first released at IPP in 2009, Surround is closely related to the 3/4/5 cubes designs by Ichiro. In this case, six pieces must be used to surround the solid cube in such a way that is self-supporting. Two solutions using magnets are possible, with another "rule-breaker" solution that does not use magnets and covers the cube completely! The finished shape is pleasingly symmetrical and displays well.69 copies in made for sale, each signed and dated. 8 copies in Walnut & Maple, 11 copi...
USD 101.00
23 bids
PuzzlingTime 68
Czech Farmers
A multi-challenge puzzle presented by Bill Cutler at the IPP28 in Prague Czech Republic.Very fun, hard and rare.
USD 10.00
6 bids
CanMan 142
Pack the Puzzle Squashed 2 by Naoyuki Iwase (Osho)
Pack The Puzzle Squashed 2 by Naoyuki Iwase (Osho). Goal is to assemble the pieces into the box.Buyer will pay shipping and will be calculated at the end of the auction. Shipping will be the amount the shipping service (USPS, UPS, Fedex) charges. I do not add any fees to the shipping. I can combine shipping for multiple auctions one.I do not add PayPal fees or any other fees. You will pay the bid price plus shipping. Nothing more.
USD 49.00
20 bids
DerekBosch 159
Diamond Snake
Andreas' exchange at IPP38. Â Assemble the snake of spheres into an octahedron
USD 6.00
2 bids
DerekBosch 159
Nested Cubes
IPP32 design competition entry by Tom LenschArrange the nested cubes with lids so that they fit inside the largest box with the fixed brass rod. Each cube must be oriented so that the rod goes through one of its three holes.
USD 395.00
31 bids
dcameron 65
The Rattle
This puzzle was Henry Strout's exchange puzzle at IPP 29 in San Francisco. To solve the puzzle, all the pieces must be put in the box. Easy enough,
except for two things. One, they must all go thorugh the 1x2 slot in
the side, making the order of insertion quite important. Two, the
yellowheart piece is stuck inside the box, so you have to plan around
that. Quite tricky!
USD 120.00
7 bids
JerryLoo 43
ODD Puzzle
IPP28 Puzzle of the Year award winner.This is a real gem of a puzzle amongst solvers and collectors. A wonderful A-ha moment when you are able to slot the three blocks into the box. Requires out of the box thinking (no pun intended)For more info, check out the link - NOTE - Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount PLUS shipping cost (registered mail with tracking) to be calculated AFTER THE ENDÂ...
USD 80.00
12 bids
ahaber 66
ISQ CRATECAN YOU DO IT?A Unique Puzzle made by Bits and Pieces.This Piece is New, in Box, opened just for Photos.Original Instructions tucked in Center as shipped.A Tricky Metal Puzzle, held by Magnets, to assemble.Please note this is a commercially made cast piece, and there are surface blemishes and minor pits as a result of original fabrication. They can be seen in Photos.
USD 10.00
1 bid
TheRammer 30
The Birthday Puzzle (Philos-Spiele)
The Birthday PuzzleThe set of twelve pentominoes, a tray with grid of numbers, instructions in multiple languages, a 3.5" diskette with solutions, and the original packaging (plastic packaging top has crack).A new challenge for everyday of the year. Goal: Place the pentominoes in the tray leaving numbers exposed to today's date. Or just use as a nice set of wooden 3D pentominoes and a collectible computer artifact from years ago.Â
USD 2.50
3 bids
RoyRedlich 40
H.P. Puzzle III
This tile matching puzzle consists of 8 domino-shaped pieces and a plastic tray to hold them.Made in Taiwan.
USD 6.00
3 bids
ahaber 66
Double Octagon Inlay Puzzle Box
Double Octagon Inlay Puzzle Box by  Jean Claude Constantin.Sold by Bits and PiecesDescription from Brian Fletcher: brings us to the final box of this batch, The Double Octagon Puzzle Box by Jean Claude Constantin. Unlike most puzzle boxes where the challenge is to open the box, the challenge of this one is to put it back together once you've opened it.The metal screw on the top unscrews, the top lifts ...
USD 14.00
3 bids
RoyRedlich 40
This puzzle designed by Stewart Coffin is comprised of polyhexes composed of three or four joined hexagons. The sturdy foam rubber is easy to work with and there are two sets: one blue and one pink, each in it's own tray. A booklet is included with numerous challenges involving these shapes and their solutions. Copyright 1993 by Binary Arts Corp.
USD 4.99
1 bid
tomburns 50
JABS (Just Another Broken Soma), Presented in Moabi and Zircote by Wood Wonders. From their product description:"Well, Ken is at it again. If you liked Broken Soma, I think you'll enjoy
Jabs! Although, I think, Jabs is a bit easier than Broken Soma, that
may be a good thing. If as I did, you struggled with Broken Soma for
what seemed like far too long! Like the Broken Soma, Ken has split the
three voxel piece into six half cubes. Now it's up to you to find the
one solution to this clev...
USD 77.00
10 bids
ajhippo 30
Cubi 12
Cubi 12 is a really tough packing puzzle which had me scratching my head for quite a few nights. Just 4 pieces to pack into the box, but of course the restrictions make it very difficult!Will combine shipping. Shipping
costs and handling fees (4.5%) will be calculated at the end of the auction.
I accept Paypal and Transferwise.
USD 153.00
37 bids
tomburns 50
Triple 3 - Osanori / Pelikan is another wonderful packing puzzle from Osanori Yamamoto. Borrowing from Kevin Sadler:“The pieces of Triple 3 leave quite a bit of space inside with the
limitation of placement being provided by the large front hole and
single cubie hole diagonally opposite. This required a different
approach to me from the Triangle Ring 3 with placement of the specially
shaped piece first and working out how to add pieces around it. A much
tougher ...
USD 58.00
9 bids